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NOT THE TIME– A group of law professors is asking the American Bar Association to suspend its bar passage standard for law schools this year in light of the pandemic, reports Karen Sloan. The Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) first issued that request in May, but the ABA didn’t take action. A few months and a whole heck of a lot of bar exam drama later, however, the result could be different.The ABA council that oversees legal education is slated to take the matter up again when it meets today, after SALT renewed its call for a temporary shelving of the rule that requires at least 75% of a school’s graduates to pass the bar within two years. That rule doesn’t make sense at a time when some jurisdictions have adopted emergency diploma privileges that let law grads skip the bar; others are planning abbreviated online exams; and still more are sticking with the traditional in-person test, SALT argues.