EUR-Lex developments: October 2021

We are pleased to communicate the latest main changes of EUR-Lex.

Main improvements and new features of the latest release of EUR-Lex include:

    Summaries of EU legislation

    • We’ve improved navigation in the summaries of EU legislation section. When you browse a topic (e.g. Agriculture), a new list on the left-hand side of the page gives you direct access to any of the other main topics. You can also choose which subtopics you want to expand/collapse.

    Consolidated texts

      Future versions of consolidated texts now have a yellow bullet before the version date, which is also displayed in italics.

    European Central Bank (ECB) section

    • The new Back to ECB page button makes it easy to return to the ECB homepage. This button is available on the Results and Notices pages.

    • We’ve also improved the look and feel of the results pages.

    Search results

      When you navigate from a search result, EUR-Lex now indicates how many documents match your search and ranks the document you’re viewing. Click the arrows to navigate to the previous or next document.

    Advanced search

      The Document reference box in the Advanced search lets you select more than one type of act from those listed under Type.

    Automatic translations of National Transposition Measures and JURE case-law

      EUR-Lex can now translate entire documents referenced in the JURE case-law and National Transposition Measures sections if they are available. These documents are machine translated, so are not official translations and are for information purposes only.

    JURE case-law

    Documents not available in the search language

      In the Search results list, we’ve improved how documents not available in the selected search language are displayed. Now the name of the document is shown first, and unavailability in the search language is always indicated.

Contact us if you have any feedback or questions about these changes.