Yankton Sioux Tribe

Six of the nine Native American tribes in South Dakota have now voted to ban Gov. Kristi Noem from their lands.

The Yankton Sioux Tribe Business and Claims Committee voted unanimously on Friday to ban the governor, citing her comments about drug cartels, Native American children and what one tribal council member characterized as performative rather than substantive efforts to engage tribal leaders.

(7) comments

Larry Skow

You can tell the rez has democrat slant. They get angry at truth.


Well said.

Larry Skow

If I was Gov. Noem. I would bring in 50-60,000 migrants to the Rez. Nothing like competition to stimulate area economy. Infuse new DNA into population. After all migrants simply want better life are industrious. Could educate Natives to what hard times are.


That would be a good place for them.


There is more drugs in indian country than people know. Late nite traffic on rural roads is overwhelming. No accountability for Federal funds. Inbeselment. Crime. Murder. There is no hope for kids when they are raised ny no one, maybe a grandparent becouse the parent is high or in jail. A few thousand illegal per tribe is needed. They want to be a soveran nation then maybe they should syart acting like it and support themserves with business and industry, not just casinos and pot shops. Dont want a govenor on your getto land, how about cutting state and federal funding, support yourself. Go back to living in a skin hut riding a horse and walking and chase your food with a stick and a club. Get ride of your free goverment cell phone, No more IHS free health care. If you are such a proud and friendly people, cleanup your act and be respectful if you are truly what you proclaim.


I agree. Stop all the free stuff like we owe you.

Larry Skow

Montana reservations are begging for help. They state cartels have nearly taken over. Yet they seem to drive on by SoDak rez on way to Montana and elsewhere. It a Meracle!!! But reality is they are Democrat and can't handle the truth. But i guessing the Chief and his family has well stuffed bank account. Or shoeboxes of 100'. Move migrants and turn them loose. Breed the democrats right out.

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