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Safeguard yourself against sunburn

Sunburn is not just a temporary annoyance. It can have lasting effects on your skin's health.

TOLEDO, Ohio — Everybody needs some sun exposure to produce vitamin D, but as the sun emerges with the promise of warmer days, it is vital to remember the significance of shielding your skin from harmful UV rays.

Sunburn not only causes discomfort but also poses long-term risks such as skin cancer and premature aging. There are essential tips and tricks to safeguard yourself against sunburn before the summer sun arrives.
With summer fast approaching, it is time to brush up on your sun protection knowledge. Sunburn is not just a temporary annoyance; it can have lasting effects on your skin's health.

It is important to protect yourself from sunburn and understand the essential role sunscreen plays in your skincare routine.

"The immediate risks with sunburn are obviously dehydration and heat fatigue," ProMedica Certified Nurse Practitioner Emily Mason said. "We also get very concerned about skin cancers. There are three main types of skin cancers that we look for. One of the most concerning is that of melanoma."

So how does sunburn increase the risk of developing skin cancer long term?

"Just as little as five sunburns in your life can double the risk of melanoma," Mason said. "So we think back in our childhood, and how many sunburns we’ve had over the years; that, itself, is concerning."

Mason highly recommends reapplying sunscreen every two hours if you are in the sun for long periods of time.

Preventing sunburn requires proactive measures and awareness of the sun's harmful effects.

By following these tips and incorporating sun-safe practices into your daily routine, you can enjoy outdoor activities while safeguarding your skin against sunburn and long-term damage.


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