The Complete Guide to Not Giving a Fuck


Ok, I have a confession to make.

I have spent almost my whole life– 31 years–  caring far too much about offending people, worrying if I’m cool enough for them, or asking myself if they are judging me.

I can’t take it anymore. It’s stupid, and it’s not good for my well being. It has made me a punching bag–  a flighty, nervous wuss. But worse than that, it has made me someone who doesn’t take a stand for anything. It has made me someone who stood in the middle, far too often, and not where I cared to stand, for fear of alienating others. No more. Not today.

Today, ladies and gentlemen, is different.

We’re going to talk about the cure. We’re going to talk about what’s necessary. We’re going to talk about the truth.

Do you wonder if someone is talking shit about you? Whether your friends will approve? Have you become conflict-avoidant? Spineless?

Well, it’s time you started not giving a fuck.

FACT NUMBER 1. People are judging you right now.

Yes, it’s really happening right at this moment. Some people don’t like you, and guess what? There’s nothing you can do about it. No amount of coercion, toadying, or pandering to their interests will help. In fact, the opposite is often true; the more you stand for something, the more they respect you, whether it’s grudgingly or not.

What people truly respect is when you draw the line and say “you will go no further.” They may not like this behaviour, but so what? These are people don’t like you anyway, why should you attempt to please people who don’t care for you in the first place?

Right. Then, there’s Internet trolls. That’s a whole other thing.

Regular people are fine– you don’t actually hear it when they’re talking behind your back. But on the web, you do see it, which changes the dynamic drastically. They have an impact because they know you have your vanity searches, etc. But the real problem with Internet haters is that they confirm your paranoid delusion that everyone out there secretly hates you.

Thankfully, that’s not actually true. So the first noble truth is that most people don’t even care that you’re alive. Embrace this, my friends, for it is true freedom. The world is vast and you are small, and therefore you may do as you wish and cast your thoughts of those who dislike it to the side.

FACT NUMBER 2. You don’t need everyone to like you.

This stuff is crazy, I know, but it’s cool, you’ll get used to it. Here’s the next thing: not only do most people not know that you exist, and some are judging you, but it totally does not matter even if they are.

How liberating this is may not even hit you yet, but it will. Check this out: when people don’t like you, nothing actually happens. The world does not end. You don’t feel them breathing down your neck. In fact, the more you ignore them and just go about your business, the better off you are.

You know when they say “the best revenge is a life well lived”? Well, this is true, but it isn’t the whole truth. A life well lived is great, yes, but it cannot happen while you are sweating about who your detractors are and what they think. What you have to do, what you have no choice but to do, is accept it and move on.

So not giving a fuck is actually a necessary precedent to create a good life for yourself. It can’t happen without it. That’s why you have to begin today.

FACT NUMBER 3. It’s your people that matter.

Ok, so you’ve adjusted to the fact that most people in the world are barely aware of your existence, and you’re also conscious of the fact that those who don’t like you are in the obscenely small minority and don’t actually matter. Awesome. Next you need to realize that the people who do care about you, and no one else, are those you need to focus on.

Relationships are weird. Once we’re in one (with family, a spouse, whatever), we promptly begin to take the other person for granted and move on to impressing strangers instead– say, our boss. Then, once we’ve impressed our boss, we start taking him for granted too, and so on, in an endless cycle of apathy. It’s like we always prefer to impress and charm the new than to work on what we already have.

But these people– your champions– they understand your quest or your cause. They make you feel good when you’re around them, make you laugh or make you feel like you can just be yourself. They make you feel relaxed or at ease. You’ve shared things with them. They’re important. Focus on them instead.

FACT NUMBER 4. Those who don’t give a fuck change the world. The rest do not.

So I’m reading this horrible book right now by Stephen King called the Long Walk. It’s a contest where people walk without sleeping or resting, and if they do stop, they are killed. (That’s actually every Stephen King book– “there’s a clown, but it kills!” “There’s a car, but it kills!” etc.)

I suspect this book is a metaphor for war, but it also captures perseverance very well. What it takes to move past anything is to simply realize that your obstacle is unimportant, and that it can be dismissed. This is true whether you’re running a marathon or trying to get to Mars.

If you dismiss the things that do not matter; if you remove those things from your mind and focus on what must be done; if you understand that your time is limited and decide to work now; only then will you be able to get to the finish line. Otherwise, you will be dissuaded into living a life you aren’t interested in.

Side note: You need to handle failure and obscurity better. You may be in a tough place right now where you feel lonely or like a loser. No worries, we’ve all been there. But it’s time for you to realize how common these things are, and that they’re experienced by even the most successful and happiest people in the world. Those people get past them, and you will too.

The eye is watching

You want to know something? This actually has nothing to do with anyone else. It has everything to do with you.

I had a discussion with Jonathan Fields the other week that was about the use of swearing (and “true voice”) on blogs. I watched him on a Skype video as we did this, and I could actually pinpoint the moment where he was about to say “fuck” but almost stopped himself. It was amazing. So I called him out on it. “You felt it just now, didn’t you?”

Everyone has an internetal eye. It always watching. It has been slowly constructed by society at large and by your friends and family, and it checks you for unacceptable behaviour. If you have had it around for long enough, you actually start to believe that the eye is you, and that you’re “being reasonable” or some other rationalization.

But the eye isn’t you at all. It is a prison, and you have justified its existence by obeying it. It’s strong because you let it be strong.

But the secret, the part that’s amazing, is that it can’t do anything to stop you, even if it wanted to. It’s an eye. It can only watch. The rest of you is free to act as you wish.

How to get back your self-respect in five easy steps

STEP 1. Do things that you consider embarrassing.

My girlfriend and I have been breaking in Vibram Fivefingers in preparation for the massive walk we are doing. Have you ever seen these shoes? They’re amazing for you knees and give you no blisters, but they are the ugliest thing imaginable. Yesterday, I wore them with a sweet bowtie I put on for Easter. I looked like a crazy person.

As I said at the beginning of this post, I am deeply aware and can become quite upset by people’s judgment– I think a lot of people are, but don’t admit it. But as I walked by people in my techno-clown outfit, not a single person looked at me. Nobody cared, and it slowly dawned on me that even if people did look at me weird, they just walked by. Later, they would forget about me entirely.

You must try this. Find your internal filters and break them, one at a time. Notice how society, like an ocean, smoothes over the waves you make, until what you do gets eliminated, or becomes the status quo. Work with this.

STEP 2. Accept, or deal with, awkwardness.

It’s widely known that interviewers get their best material by being quiet and allowing silence to force words out of a politician or celebrity.

You may be uncomfortable with silence. I know I still am. But I have been working on it and have to say that it is a much more serene state to be in than trying to cover it up with random babbling just to fill up the air. This is one type of awkwardness, a kind that you should feel comfortable about and learn to live with.

Another kind of social awkwardness is this in-between space where you might have done something wrong or been wronged, but don’t say anything. I’ve been given a few harsh lessons in my time and come away realizing that the freedom that comes from talking about an uncomfortable truth is better than the comfort of avoiding that talk altogether.

Someone told me recently that the Clintons’ method for earning respect in politics is this: if someone pushes you, push back twice as hard. This is much better than awkwardness. It’s clear, it’s not passive aggressive, and you know where you stand. Start doing this immediately.

STEP 3. Refuse boundaries.

The video above was taken in 1970, right when the Front de Libération du Québec had killed Premier Pierre Laporte and put his body in the trunk of a car. Trudeau’s “Just watch me” is one of the most famous phrases in Canadian political history. The journalists are trying to trap him into choosing on-camera between a safety/police-state and civil liberties/freedom but Trudeau refuses their boxes.

The Liberal Party of Canada no longer has any balls, but for us, there’s still hope. Walk where you want to walk. Don’t accept false choices. Don’t let people dictate how you should live your life. Definitely don’t listen to the eye.

STEP 4. Tell the truth.

You don’t need to be an asshole, but the world does not need another conflict-avoidant, evasive person. No one wants another individual who steps in line with everyone else. The status quo is doing fine without you, so it’s up to you to call bullshit if you see it.

Don’t mind-read either. Telling the truth means seeing the truth, not adding your own layer of sugar coating or suspected emotion on top of it.

STEP 5. Begin your new life.

This step can’t happen without the others, but once you’ve gotten here, you can safely begin to explore a whole new world– one where anything you do is fine as long as it isn’t seriously hurting anyone else. Wanna explore old abandoned buildings? No problem, as long as you’re ready to live with the consequences. Feel like hanging from hooks or get whipped by a dominatrix? Go ahead, but be safe about it.

Once you begin on this path, you start to discover that practically everyone is capable of understanding the weird things that you do. In fact, it makes you interesting and worth paying attention to, further feeding into your plans of world domination, should you have any.

But none of this fun can happen without you recognizing, and walking past, the eye. Doing this is a powerful act of control which builds momentum and makes you strong.

Take back your self respect. Do it today– try it right now. Wear something ugly. Do something stupid. Tell someone the truth.

It doesn’t fucking matter.

(If you liked this post, you should check out my startup –  we help you launch or manage a coaching business. Thanks for reading.)






797 responses to “The Complete Guide to Not Giving a Fuck”

  1. John Bell Avatar
    John Bell

    Good on you. Sometimes there isn’t a better way to say it.

    1. Matt Harper Avatar
      Matt Harper

      Really good post. Sometimes I need a swift kick in the ass to remind my sorry ass what is really important to me in life. Living life afraid is no way to do business.


      1. Robert Ostrander Avatar
        Robert Ostrander

        I want to learn how to not give a fuck and just live my life not worry about who gives a fuck which won’t be me!!

    2. CoolBreeze Avatar

      This shit woke my game up! I have always been about it… it as in anythang.
      But lately I had not been being 100 with everything. There are some basics and all of the content herein covers it in a way you all can comprehend. I’m almost ashamed of myself but then again im a gangsta libra and this is essentially a call to arms for the semi aging mediators who know damn well we process the situation and not nearly just be processed. IDGF

      1. D.B. Avatar

        Thats probably the most ghetto/intelligent shit ive seen. Pick one. Hoodrat or Harvard bro… They look stupid together though.

        1. GoFuckYourself Avatar

          Who the fuck are you to come to this wonderful site and critize comments? THIS ISN’T YOUTUBE asshole. Also take notice how I dont care about grammer or anything else. why because who gives a fuck. Take the advice that was originally posted on this site and go fuck yourself asshole.

          1. twotone Avatar

            the actual advice in these series of posts simply in a nutshell means to go about your own way and not worrying about other peoples insults or ways of life an not give a damn fuck about anything except wat matters most to your well being..enough said..stop the bullshit people that’s my opinion you don’t like it I’m sorry i don’t give a fuck

          2. Elaboo Avatar

            Good call 🙂 I really enjoyed reading this. Everything you said is on point. Thanks for the pep talk I feel like I want to tell a few people to go fuck themselves right now.

          3. YouTellHim Avatar

            Niiiice. I happen to like the blend of quasi-philosophical and profane honesty in what you say. Thanks.

          4. thewang Avatar

            GoFuckYourself, go change your fucking tampon

          5. pumpkin Avatar

            lol @ yr comment.

          6. Joris Driepinter Avatar
            Joris Driepinter

            “Who the fuck are you to come to this wonderful site and critize comments?”

            So, mr GFY, who da fuq are you to come here and criticise comments?

            Ooohh.. meta! Visions of snails biting their own tail or something along those lines.

        2. LastCareBear Avatar

          But by doing that, he would be giving a shit what you think. Which is counter productive to this article.

          1. portertones Avatar

            Yes, but not giving a fuck about being told to go fuck himself is exactly what we would expect from someone who just read this article. So, to truly be unique DB would, in fact, be required to fuck himself.

          2. misty Avatar

            haha, thats some funny shit

        3. paul Avatar

          go fuck yourself db
          how you like that shit and my eye says go fuck yourself also the only thing we ever agreed on

      2. j r stein Avatar
        j r stein

        I’m finding that people don’t like my truth and doing my best not to offend is exhausting.

        1. loren Avatar

          you’re living your life right then, this means you are being yourself and calling people out on what is wrong. kudos to you

      3. tb Avatar

        Thats some real shh u just wrote. Im a g,libra as well and im really feeling this.

    3. Maggie in the low ground Avatar
      Maggie in the low ground

      Forget all the advice, even though it’s good.
      The only reason I read this is because I thought the title was hilarious!

      1. Linderson Avatar

        Maggie, what you just did was defend being a slave to the world.

        You should be ashamed of yourself for giving up on life.

        1. omni_vorous Avatar

          On the contrary, Linderson, Maggie just said, “I don’t give a fuck about this article!” Why do you give a fuck about what she gives a fuck or not about? 🙂

          1. tash Avatar

            Nicely caught there, omni_vorous 🙂
            (not that you should give a fuck about me complimenting you ;))

        2. Anton Avatar

          Maggie shouldn’t have to give a fuck about your petty judgements.

      2. Lis Avatar

        Actually, what Maggie just said was that the advice was good, but what brought her to read the article is that the title was hilarious. She just worded it funny.

        1. Collonel Sanders Avatar

          Which she actually the one who does’nt give a fuck if how you guys picture whatever makes it hilarious for her. She just tell the truth of how she feels (Step 4)and probably enjoy reading this conversation about her which leads her to (step 5).

    4. Sarah Jackson Avatar

      Bad time Marriage 😀

    5. Froggit Jibjab Avatar
      Froggit Jibjab

      Fuck ’em! Fuck ’em all! All that matters is you and your family. I got made redundant 3 years ago and spent 18 months shitting myself about everything. I gradually adopted the “not fucking arsed” attitude and it worked wonders! Fuck the fucking lot of ’em! Not bothered! So fucking what! Who gives a flying fuck! Best regards!

    6. De Avatar

      I needed to hear/ read every word you wrote in this article. It felt as if I had wrote it on the day I discovered how to be free from the jail I placed myself in trying to fit in and please others. Thanks for being so courageous and standing up to yourself so I could do the same!!

      1. Melissa Avatar

        True that! THX! love this!

  2. Matthew Kimberley Avatar

    “Once we’re in one (with family, a spouse, whatever), we promptly begin to take the other person for granted and move on to impressing strangers instead”

    – I hadn’t thought of this before. But it’s spot on. And fucking ridiculous. In fact, entirely insane.

    Good man.

    1. GOLIGHTLY Avatar

      I totally agree. It’s one of the main reasons my relationships suffer or I leave. I’ve called out my parents on this one and we have worked together to build a radically new relationship where we are mutually happy. Our significant others are supposed to be the most special people to us… taking them for granted and paying more attention to other insignificant people all the time is not really investing in what you deem important. We would all see improvements if we got this right. I was out with my bestfriend (since age 5) the other night and at one point, I looked at her and filled up with love for her inside. I know who is important to me. Spread the word!

      1. Maralyn Owen Avatar
        Maralyn Owen

        Love this whole thread. I had what I call a really good new friend. We did everything together…I never texted, called, emailed exchanges so much in my life and one day she just stopped. Never heard one mention why….couldn’t imagine what I had done…..was driving me crazy…then I just realized…obviously, she wasn’t a real friend. (And I’m over 40 so new friends don’t come along everyday).

        1. Me Avatar

          This happened to me too! These types of people are parasites and approval driven. As soon as things get tough, they disappear and run to their next victim. They’re like friendship nomads. I can now spot them early. Because they try to fasttrack the friendship. RED FLAG. Retreat quickly.

          1. Me Avatar

            Not everyone is, you’re generalizing. Some people went through shit in their life and are very on guard. I’ve dealt with them before and it’s annoying but most of them are just very vulnerable or insecure.

          2. Lark Avatar

            Have you checked if she’s still alive?

        2. Ken Suitor Jr Avatar

          Reminds me of the girl with the dragon tattoo trilogy the lead elizabeth was a strange character

        3. I Avatar

          The same thng happnd to me.,. Had a frnd wid whm i hv shared evry fckn secret, n worries n evrytng, bt nw i realsd dat i was dumb. She jst used me foe her, jst treatd me as her best buddy, bt nw i knw d truth.., its hurtng….!
          Jst wnna learn to live my lyf on my own, its fckn hard bt i knw i vl do dat some day.,. Hope.

      2. Piotr Golecki Avatar
        Piotr Golecki

        Your words are like a perfect suit tailord for me. I often find myself satisfying strangers , arseholes, cads because i fear them or their opinion. Also I always worry whether I am proper well -beheved, submissive and stuff. Let.s face the truth =these are not the times to make pals with everyone. You should care for your loved one’s , friends, and people you consider important for you and particulary not exerting agression on them because some shithead pissed you off ( please do not censor internet is a free medium). Merry X-mass and a lot of happines in days that’ll come Peter

    2. Nunya Avatar

      I’ve often told my wife and kids that it’s beyond ridiculous to be nice to the stranger in line at Wal-Mart, Target, Kroger’s or wherever, then go outside and yell rudely to each other. If you can’t be nice to the people who supposedly matter the most to you, don’t be nice to the idiots at the 20 items or less checkout lane with a full basket of groceries.

      1. Alexandra Avatar

        I would say, *especially* be nice to people in low-wage service industries, like checkout workers, taxi drivers, and call-center employees. People like that are considered low-caste, as it were, and take shit all day long from stressed-out customers perpetuating some cycle of abuse or another. Be polite to your family *and* people in stores.

        1. Dubya Avatar

          You can always tell a TRULY low class person by the way they treat the “low-caste”. I love the old imigrant woman who cleans the restrooms in our office. Those who mistreat her are the true garbage among us.

          Well said Alexandra!

          1. kathie Avatar

            Wow so true Dubya!! they are Garbage

    3. Rain Avatar

      That was my favorite part too! The tenancy to assume they’re there, they always be is easy to take for granted, but putting it in those terms is a fantastic wtf to the back of the head XD

  3. Sandi Amorim Avatar

    As I read this I felt like a trap door had opened up behind my eyes and a tsunami of tears came through. Your posts often have that effect on me. I think it’s because they exhude universal truisms that not many people have the balls to share. Thank God you do.

    1. zoo Avatar

      You know that make you fall directly in that category of people who try to impress (or get good) with their “bosses” right ? 🙂
      Probably the crying part was a bit too much.

      And the best part of commenting those posts? Well, I don’t have to give a fuck.

      1. Eleonor Avatar

        zoo= rat

      2. Josh Avatar

        While you may THINK she’s one of “those people”, you’re a different kind of “those people”. The people that are assholes to random strangers for no reason. Could be considered a “troll”

        1. Luke Avatar

          Trolls are fucking hilarious. And you know what? They’re often right. I think because they’re not afraid to speak their mind.

          1. ariadne Avatar

            Zoo and Luke were covered under Fact #1.

          2. airk Avatar

            True. I may consider myself to be a young troll; and i don’t really give a fcuk.

      3. stadium Avatar

        I agree with zoo. Being ‘affected’ by a blog that advises to do the precise opposite, to not give a fuck, demonstrates to me that Sandi missed the point entirely.

        1. Ash Avatar

          You might want to re-read the whole thing. It’s not about not giving a fuck about anything, it’s about not giving a fuck about what others might say and think, and even your inner “eye” for what’s socially acceptable.
          From where I’m standing, you failed, not her. She was brave enough to expose herself without fear of people like you.

        2. Patrick Avatar

          Yeah, I think you missed the point.

          1. Marie Avatar

            I think Sandi is the one who “won” here as Ash brought to surface. LOL Not giving a fuck about what people who don’t matter to her say or their opinion by not even responding. LOL She told you.

      4. Joshua Avatar

        So you pretty much think she’s a kiss-ass because she praising Julien’s article, right? Well, let me say this: Julien’s article deserves praise. We all apparently appreciate the article, and I’m sure she (he?) appreciates the praise, but if sh(e) doesn’t give a fuck, well Sandi doesn’t have to either.
        Every once in a while, just like yourself, we all gotta put something out there.

        1. Chris Avatar

          Fuck you for trying to argue about something that has absolutly no meaning to you or the world around you. Because someone expresses themselves you judge them eh? Quite childish by any means

          1. twotone Avatar

            well Chris you just judged someone who judged someone else with negative ambition to offenzse but if I may pointout your only adding to chain of insult an ignorance ..if the situation is relevant to you tthen try offering your opinion without rude negatory comments

  4. The Naked Redhead Avatar

    This post aligns nicely with what I call “Killing Your Inner Critic.” Because really, at the end of the day, the only person standing in your way is you. It’s actually quite Stephen King-esque, wanting to kill that part of you…but you gotta kill it before it gets you first.

    Good stuff.

    1. bryan Avatar

      I like that.

    2. Jeff Avatar

      Yep, that’s what he’s describing when he talks about “the eye is watching.”

  5. Jon Marks Avatar

    I stumbled on to this post today while browsing the internet with my innocent seven year old son sitting next to me. He said “Daddy, what does ‘Don’t give a Fuck’” mean? Needless to say, I was appalled …

    Only fucking joking. Although I get that kind of thing all the time on my blog. Keep it up – the world needs more well respected potty mouths.


  6. Chicaderock Avatar

    Loved it 🙂

    1. ron Avatar

      from the ole school; the ole addage ”SHIT HAPPENS” Well it still does open your eyes and ass and look around, see all the shit that is happening 2 u n your love ones,kiss them and tell them u love them…just for the hell of it.You might be surprised, you might even get laid.These are words of wisdom from ,palm coast,fl

  7. Shanna Mann Avatar

    Yes! I just got done an epic email outlining why I will not step out of alignment with my nature just to make it comfortable to be around me. Sorry, my peace of mind is worth more than any relationship. If you can’t handle it, I’ll be sorry to see you go.

    Thanks for being more clear and less personal, so I’ll be able to reuse this link over and over! 🙂

    1. Maralyn Owen Avatar
      Maralyn Owen

      Love that “I will not step out of alighment with my nature just to make it comfortable to be around me” AWESOME!!!

    2. Brice Wildorn Avatar
      Brice Wildorn

      If people who love you are telling you that your behaviour is offensive, then you should think about changing. Not giving a fuck doesn’t mean it’s ok to be selfish, obnoxious, violent, offensive, arrogant, etc. E.g. if you think your nature is to beat people about the face and head or to abuse them verbally then society will want to punish you. Not giving a fuck means not living in fear, avoiding ambiguity and pretense, it’s not an excuse to be a selfish idiot or a criminal.
      And you say your peace of mind is more important
      than any relationship. If society in general doesn’t want a “relationship” with you, because you hurt people, then you will be put in a cage.
      I don’t give a fuck that you will judge me for writing this. I do give a fuck if you think its okay for you to hurt people.

      1. Bonnie Parr Avatar
        Bonnie Parr


      2. Kristina Avatar

        People will have different opinions on where assertiveness stops and offensiveness begins. Somebody might be harsh by nature, but with good intentions. So should they try to adopt approach to people like Mother Teresa had when she would be doing acts of kindness, thereby making themselves uncomfortable? I think we should accept and deal with the natural deviations from the point between what we see as assertiveness and offensiveness. People have different lives and experiences and everyone communicates from their vantage point, whether or not it is similar to yours.

      3. Lark Avatar

        Correct. It’s about giving fuck to things that really matter and zero fucks to trivial issues. Just because youre not giving fuck means you have the right to be rude.

  8. Jessica Avatar

    This article was amazing. I’m glad I decided to follow you on twitter.
    I’m going to try living my life this way

    1. stadium Avatar

      You already failed 😉

      1. ahmet Avatar


      2. wazz Avatar

        I think you failed for giving a fuck that she failed.

        1. Loo Avatar

          ^ agree, total fail on the judgements. Be a little human and let people be who they are, even if that’s merely “inspired.”

      3. cuntface mcgee Avatar
        cuntface mcgee

        and being a fuckin’ troll means you pretty much fail at life altogether, so i would stop calling the kettle black if i were you, bitch.

        ‘not giving a fuck’ is not equivalent to ‘being a random asswipe for no particular reason’, just fyi. learn and grow.

  9. Radman Avatar

    Love the post. With one fist up in the air – “Right on man!”


  10. Jon Suk Avatar

    Well said. Been working at it recently to not wrapped up by the angst of second-guessing the possible negative reactions of people. Interesting inverse relationship results: the less worrying about externalities beyond control, the more positive feedback and interactions with people, with whom meaningful connections are made. Cheers!

  11. Jeff Goins Avatar

    I like FACT #2.

  12. Richard McCollum Avatar

    One of may favorite sayings by a close friend is:

    Not only do I not give a fuck, I don’t give a fuck about not giving a fuck.

    I have always loved this saying.

  13. Hamish Knox Avatar
    Hamish Knox

    You’ve been working towards this post for sometime, Julien. I really like the results.

    One thing I found missing from your steps to getting back self respect is asking questions to clarify what you see or hear from the people with which you interact. You briefly mentioned, “no mind reading;” however, I wanted to to expand on that thought further.

  14. Justin Avatar

    You write like a well grounded pimp ninja.

  15. Brad Avatar

    Yeah, I don’t give a fuck about your blog today, and when I read it tomorrow, I won’t give a fuck either.

    Also, the word “fuck” is fucking awesome, but I’m sure none of you give a fuck.

    Life is good, Live it up!

  16. Tanya Avatar

    Thank you for boiling down my entire life since early college. After a huge betrayl by some “close friends” I realized that sitting around in my apartment feeling depressed about it was a total waste of time. Instead I went to the foreign exchange office, signed up for a program overseas, took a job as a foreign nanny for a family of highly successful entrepreneurs and since that point have a lived an unpredictable, fun and authentic life.

    Trying to read everyone’s minds is a huge waste of energy. Putting that same level of emphasis on learning to communicate and live with clarity and authenticity has far better results emotionally and materially.

    As a woman entrepreneur I reteach myself this philosophy on a daily basis. Every time I start to feel on the outside with the bros the smart part of me says, “Dude, who gives a shit? They don’t want you in their clique (for WHATEVER reason) then form your own damn clique or just get on with the business of living.”

    It’s so easy to get caught up in little resentments. Truth is though there are just as many positive and energizing things to notice and making the effort to train the mind toward the positive stuff leaves me feeling happy and upbeat most days.

    1. Talia Avatar

      I love your response, and aspire to do the same thing!

  17. Pink Robe Avatar

    Yes. Very yes.

  18. Mike Avatar

    Good shit. You ever realize that people who don’t give a fuck tend to get more respect. If it’s in business, socially, or from the opposite sex. There is something appealing about it.

  19. Jack Bennett Avatar

    Very inspirational!

    Since most people perceive the world from their heads (after all, four of our five senses are centered there) it’s hard to get out of that perspective.

    But once we do, and realize that:

    – most people don’t really give a damn about what we do
    – of those that do, very few of their opinions should be taken seriously

    … well, then, life becomes a blast, and much less serious, doesn’t it?

  20. Mario Avatar

    You are wrong. The cure is love.

    1. joshua lance Avatar

      Maybe “love” and “fuck” are both needed, like ying and yang. Both words mean a lot on many different levels, depending on what context they are being used for. Food for thought.

      1. nirali Avatar

        no.. i dint think love can ever replace friendship…and i think most people make the mistake of thinking that it does..thts wen other people are left alone..thts where the loneliness of the biggest reasons why people are so lonely today is because their friends have forgotten about friendship love has been so hyped up that friendship is lost..and wht do these people do when their “love” dsnt work out? thy remember their old friends whom they left stranded..and thts when the friends should not give a fuck..

    2. DoomRater Avatar

      Love means caring for yourself. And sometimes that means not giving a fuck about something else so you have the strength to take care of yourself. See? Love can actually be not giving a fuck!

  21. Joseph Ratliff Avatar

    Wow, this one hit me straight in the gut…and these facts listed here put it all in perspective for me.

    As was said in an earlier comment “Very yes.”

  22. Mark Dykeman Avatar

    Minor quibble: LaPorte was Deputy/Vice Premier and Education Minister. Nonetheless, Trudeau was pretty damned bad ass.

  23. becca Avatar

    Is there an easy way to get a printed version of The Complete Guide to Not Giving a Fuck?? Thanks

    1. Selena Avatar

      Maybe just print it off from the web then tape each page to every single telegraph pole within a 5 mile radius. That way, everyone else can read it and no one will give a fuck that there probably isn’t an alternative printable version?

      Just a thought 🙂

  24. Cherszy Avatar

    It’s good to learn that you are standing up for yourself and you’re helping others do the same. We can’t please everybody, and everybody can’t please us, so let’s not get all screwed up just because somebody doesn’t like the way we are. To being a strong person! 🙂

  25. Stephen Guise Avatar

    I respect your authenticity. It is rare in today’s world. People are instinctively drawn to those who are authentic, flaws included. Who cares about who can fake perfection the best?

    It’s interesting to me that this article wouldn’t have the same impact without the f-bomb in it. There is a lot of power behind that word. I choose not to use it, but I’m fine with you using it. But even if I did judge you for it, you obviously wouldn’t give a f***. 🙂

    1. DoomRater Avatar

      Here’s something cool not everyone realizes: the fact that you don’t care means you acknowledged you made a judgement. Maybe not on someone, but on a task or on an idea. Hell, judging actions and ideas is a hell of a lot safer than judging people, maybe that’s why I do it all the time. It’s also helped me not to judge people directly but indirectly and dig at them causing them to realize how honest they’re being with themselves.

  26. Jackie Avatar

    Do I care if people like me…nah, have I allowed the “eye” to censor me…hell yes.

    I have always come from a place of no bullshit and on occasions has worked against me. You learn quickly…must tone that down.

    Then the point comes when you say…Sod that for a game of soldiers…time to grow a set and become who I am…inside, under the layers of conditioning.

    Thanks for reminding me that underneath it all, really, I don’t give a fuck!

  27. Mark Avatar

    I think you could have displayed ultimate not-giving-a-fuck-ness by not publishing this. Instead, you’ve proven your still-give-a-fuck-itute by uploading this.

    1. DoomRater Avatar

      This applies to step 3 of being fucking awesome, not step one.

  28. Miles Avatar

    Joel, you wanna know something? Every now and then say, “What the fuck.” “What the fuck” gives you freedom. Freedom brings opportunity. Opportunity makes your future.

    (p.s. really ugly blog dude.)

  29. rad_g Avatar

    Good post.
    Mario: love who you love, don’t give a fuck about people who don’t give a fuck about you. Simple.

  30. Whitney Hoffman Avatar

    Excellent 🙂

    I found giving up fear and focusing on where I could make a difference with my community, big and small, gives me the most satisfaction. The trip wire for me was when someone said “Don’t do that, they won’t appreciate it.” And then I figured out, in that moment, if i lived my life and made choices based on what other people would appreciate or get out of an experience, other than what I wanted to do, I would be spending the rest of my life in the people-pleasing sidelines rather than getting in the game. And then I changed.

    Sometimes we need that karmic kick to the head to see that we’ve been trapped by fear or by what we perceive as important, and then realize the only thing holding us back is ourselves. It’s humbling and a bit embarrassing to realize that, but it has to happen to make any change.

    1. Talia Avatar

      So true!

  31. NomadicNeill Avatar

    Have you ever read the book “Fuck It – The Ultimate Spiritual Way”? It’s favourite of mine.

  32. edenland Avatar

    I don’t know how I landed here at this post – I’m a middle-aged recovering alcoholic from Australia, and I’ve just related and bravo’ed to every point you’ve written.

    I love the fucken internet.

  33. Joshua | The Minimalists Avatar


    I felt this one on my nerve-endings—thank you for that. Looking forward to sharing this with quite a few people this week.

    The video did play for me though (think it’s a Canada/US availability thing).

    Joshua Millburn

  34. Shanna Cramer Avatar

    Thank you for that.

  35. Marcel-Philippe Avatar

    Hey Julien,

    ive got 3 years of experience with the vibrams, and just recently blogged about my experience with those shoes.

    Its amazing and scary how people react to them.

    i seriously got insulted by a man wearing the shoes one day. he shouted at me: “just got some real shoes you idiot!”

    i was perplexed about that.

    now i just dont give a fuck.

    smiling & laughing.

    And thanks again for the words, your blog rocks.

    1. Julien Avatar

      Gotta say, I’m kind of upset no one has commented on the best phrase in this entire post… that is to say, “techno-clown outfit.”

      I noticed how emotional people get about them. I got surrounded by like 5 old people the other day and they wouldn’t let me go until they knew how to get some!

  36. Kim Avatar

    All I can say is – THANK YOU. What a great post, and some great words to live by 🙂

  37. Christine Taylor Avatar

    Great post, but easier said than done. Caring can also make you good at what you do.


  38. Bryher Avatar

    I particularly like fact 3 because I feel people do this to me all the time. I can only honestly list one friend/loved one who hasn’t.
    I’ve been trying to live this way since second grade when I was suicidal because I was so horribly teased. The only thing that stopped me was a boy in my class asking me why I cared what my bullies thought…and I didn’t have an answer. To see how I’ve tried to live put down in words is somehow liberating.
    Telling the truth is probably my favorite step on here because it is so easy to lie, not jit to others, but to yourself. That, I believe, is where most peoples’ issues start; they believe the things (like “Everyone hates me”) that they tell themselves and it’s just a downward spiral of devaluing themselves.

  39. B. Avatar

    Fantastic, and true. However, it preaches to the kind of person who on some level actually believes they’re capable. Some of us are just hopeless, self-loathing pussies. Great sentiment, though. 🙂

  40. Michelle Avatar

    Brilliant. I love it.
    I talk about this fact:
    “FACT NUMBER 1. People are judging you right now.”
    with public speaking clients all the time. Yep – you’re being judged. All you can do is be totally intentional about what you put out there – the content, the energy, the world changing message. The rest is out of your hands. It’s Freedom, really.

  41. Alexandra Avatar

    Not sure what rabbithole led me to you, but you have an incredible blog here.

    Smart posts, full of funny, sophisticated jokes.

    Am subscribing now.

    No time wasted here at all. I Really laughed out loud at this post. And your one star review post about Amazon.

  42. JenJen Avatar

    Why the fuck can I not watch this video of the then-yummy Trudeau telling that guy off? I’m sure you don’t give a fuck.

  43. Corey Koehler Avatar

    I feel like tackling a politician right now. 🙂

  44. Amber Avatar

    Love it. Love, love, love it.

    Subscribed. Way to be real.

  45. John Vantine Avatar

    Some good stuff in here. I’m going to try to be more conscious of putting the most important people in my life “on the backburner” while getting acquainted with strangers, as it’s nonsensical. Thanks for posting this!

  46. Dustin Avatar

    Haha When you mentioned the eye, I couldn’t help but think of the eye of sauron that haunts frodo in lord of the rings.

  47. reelfernandes Avatar

    I subscribe to this religion, and attend daily services at the Westside Church of Not Giving A Fuck

  48. tapps Avatar

    i. want. that. photo. it needs to be a poster on my office wall.

    oh, and great article too. 🙂

  49. Bethany Avatar

    I think I am in love with you after this post.

  50. Steve Hauptman Avatar

    Julien, you’re a hoot. I, on the other hand, am on the verge of being an old coot. Only wish I’d realized as much as you have when I was your age.

  51. Yalanda Avatar

    Fucking genius!

  52. Roger Avatar

    Hey Julien,

    This is an inspiring post. Everything you wrote about is what I need to do. Keep up the great work.


  53. Sandy Avatar

    It took me being widowed to really “get” this. Spot on man, spot on!

  54. Houston Copywriter Avatar

    Mmmm…. world domination.

  55. Robin Gerhart Avatar

    You are rockin, and I so need to do all of this!! This was right on time!

  56. Heather Avatar

    Great for you for getting it so “early” in life! I think we are born this way as children and we forget and start to worry about what everyone else thinks more than what we care about. I’ve been through a process in the last year that’s made me realize this and will all respect to others I can not give a fuck about them but still be a kind and compassionate person. Cheers!

    1. GOLIGHTLY Avatar

      Yeah, you can be caring without being co-dependent. Some people will try to get you into their little game of guilt trips- but they are just manipulators preying on your public image. They put you in a position where you will look heartless if you don’t play the role they’ve picked for you. It is crucial not to give a fuck in such situations, but takes conviction and strength to see through it and continue on your not-giving-a-fuck mission. It’s all about being authentic and being yourself and has nothing to do with not caring about other people. It’s not healthy to care about the manipulators of the world anyway. When you are being authentic, you care about the things and people who are important to you, so you give a fuck about them… but when you don’t give a fuck, you are free to choose who you truly care about. Some people won’t like this… but who gives a fuck? ha ha

      1. T.F. Avatar

        I love it! So many people are like that without realizing it. Damn succubi…

      2. irene Avatar

        yeah but it sucks when your own family runs the guilt trip on you and tries to put you in role that suits them.. great comment .
        and great site.. I needed to hear this

    2. matthew Avatar

      fuck yes you can! not giving a fuck about some people can become a doorway to happiness and help us find the things in life that matter. i,m going to try and not give a fuck about shit that is out of my control and free up my mind to focus on some things that i do give a fuck about. we only get one trip through life why waste it giving a fuck about problems and people that we can never change? fuck em

  57. Peter Paluska Avatar

    Bottom line: show your ego the door, and maybe even drop a banana peel just outside so you can watch it slip and fall down the stairs, if you have any stairs, that is!

    Nicely written, Julien.


  58. Karen Avatar

    The background on this post made it so fucking hard to read I couldn’t really give a fuck enough to squint and read it, but i’m sure it was fucking great.

    1. Adam Zand Avatar

      I love Karen and like Julien. I don’t like unnecessary use of swearing in social media. That being said, “The Flinch” for free on my Kindle/Droid phone is fucking awesome!

  59. Therese Avatar

    I only have one word for this:


    Thank you.

  60. Niki Avatar

    I love FiveFingers!

  61. Naomi Avatar

    Nothing gives me the heebie jeebies more than grown-ups who say “the F word.”

    I’ve grown accustomed to writing off the opinions of half the folks I encounter because they tend to assume a lot based on appearances or vernacular. Actions mean more.

  62. Roxanne Avatar

    Huh. Food for thought. Although some other posts which talk about accepting blame and forgive others and forgive yourself and move on with knowledge that whatever pain you had was good because it got you here, stuff, has had only limited appeal to me. Your post, made me stop and think and not feel guilty or oppressed. In the grand scheme of things, your post helped to reveal that the feelings of some people are simply of no consequence, not really, not unless I make them so. huh It’s still one of those — easier said than done situations, but — all in all, a moving post.

  63. Michael Avatar

    Bang. On the mark.

  64. Laurie Avatar


    I’m gonna remember this next time I get another horrified look as I tell someone I’m leaving my job in a month to follow my bliss. Who cares if they get it or not?

    my fave weird thing to wear is my paisley Birki’s with blue polka dot socks. They make me feel like I’m dancing a jig even when I’m sitting still. Bliss!

  65. Nick Avatar

    18/40/60 Rule

    When you’re 18, you worry about what everybody is thinking of you; when you 40, you don’t give a darn what anybody thinks of you; when you’re 60, you realize nobody’s been thinking about you at all.

    1. Wendy Avatar

      I wish there were other words to describe laughter instead of Ha! Ha! otherwise I would have used one of them. Ha! Ha! doesn’t quite do justice to the good laugh I had reading your comment. Quite true though…quite true.

    2. Buster Avatar

      Very wise words, so true!

  66. Randi A. Avatar
    Randi A.

    I really love this post, because it is something I am struggling with. I think people are too worried about what people think, which can cause them to not be their authentic self. Thanks for the advice. If I may, I have to correct one error: Everyone has an internetal eye. It always watching.*It’s always watching? For someone who has had trouble with spelling errors in my blogs, I feel wildly inappropriate correcting the great Julien. You have been a great inspiration to me, and have helped me through my social media class. Thanks for being REAL.

  67. seanrox Avatar

    perfect timing. I’ll keep ya updated…

  68. Robin Avatar

    This could have not come at a better time for me. This has been bookmarked for when I need a reminder to stop giving a fuck about people who aren’t worth giving a fuck about.

    Fucking inspiring.

  69. Greatgrammet Avatar

    At last, when you don’t give a fuck, you have permission to say so.

    Thanks to all.


  70. Josh Avatar

    Stoked to see you liberated from the need for approval from others! I’m grateful for coming to the same realization, but wish it happened sooner than my 32nd birthday. Definitely going to be helping my kids not suffer from this bizarre behavior.

    I really appreciate your use of socially unacceptable language in your posts and public content. Everyone thinks it anyway. Might as well let down the mask.

  71. Nidhi Sharma Avatar
    Nidhi Sharma

    I have been having a bad couple months where my self-respect and confidence had hit ground level. I knew what I had to do to fix things but sometimes you tend to ignore it and you need someone else to say it to you.

    This post definitely did it. Thanks for brightening up my day and for shaking me up!!!

  72. Tobey Deys Avatar

    wow. I have not (yet always do somehow) thought about 1970 for a long time, Julien. The only time in my life that I ever saw my father weep deep, wracking sobs was when the report came about Premier Laporte’s murder. My parents survived WW2 in Holland and came to Canada. To Montreal. The FLQ cut so close to what they had known and had lived. I remember the bombs – the news. It was terrifying. As a little kid more so, because my parents were terrified.
    ‘Just watch me’ forever instilled in me a deep respect for that man.

    But I digress.
    My comment is about “you will be dissuaded into living a life you aren’t interested in” because you’re living someone (or noone) else’s.

    Thank you, again, for you candor and your soul 🙂

  73. Erich Nolan Bertussi Davies Avatar

    Good shit homes.

    Some good shit.



  74. Diana Avatar

    Not giving a fuck is so liberating:))

  75. Chester Avatar

    Fuck this. What a pile of bullshit. And check out the ludicrous number of sycophantic posts this drivel has pulled. Bah!

    Of COURSE you need to give a fuck. Or at least seem to. People WANT you to agree with them. It’s what makes them feel listened to and happy.

    The real trick to getting ahead and getting what you want is to not give a fuck, WHILE LOOKING LIKE YOU’RE GIVING THE MOST IMMENSE FUCK IMAGINABLE. (Check out Bill Clinton, for example.)

    Now how to go about doing that would be the most interesting post imaginable. The one you’ve written here is simply how to be a normal and well-adjusted human being.

  76. Ann Sheybani Avatar

    For a people pleaser like me, this is manna from heaven. How great would it be to step up to confrontation, rather than avoid it just to steady the boat. Inside ,rage, outside, a tight little smile. So not cool.
    You rock, dude.

  77. Mark M Avatar

    So, at the risk of a barrage of f-bombs, I just have to ask about the profanity thing.

    You are obviously a very sharp guy. I really like Trust Agents and much of the stuff you write about on this blog. I’m sure its no surprise to you that many are put off by the profanity, and I’m pretty sure your response to them is not just to “F off,” Or, maybe it is – I’m genuinely curious.

    What up?

    1. Julien Avatar


      You can look at the whole interview with Jonathan Fields if you want the whole story, but the reason I use swear words is the same reason that other people choose not to. It is a decision based on what kind of impact it will have on people. Everyone is deciding all the time what kind of language they want to use to measure the effect their words will have. I use the word to help me leave an impact with what I say.

      That also means I’m alienating a few people, but that’s more than compensated for by the visibility the use of the word creates. Those who are offended will generally be quite demure (or silent) about it, so I barely hear about them.

  78. Aimee Davison Avatar

    In the words of the great Liza Minelli, “BALLS TO YOU!”

  79. Aimee Davison Avatar

    BALLS TO YOU! in context (possibly even better):

  80. Liz S Avatar

    The whole “not giving a fuck” thing reminds me a lot of The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz. One of the 4 agreements is: Don’t take things personally. It is one I have been able to adopt into my life, and I find life is much less complicated as a result. Perhaps now I will work on caring less what others think of me…still a hard one for me to cope with!

    1. Julien Avatar

      Liz, it’s funny you should mention that. I’ve never read anything by him but I came across that exact set of principles, while writing this, on Reddit. I thought they were amazing. They may have influenced how I thought about this post.

  81. marko Avatar

    Wonderful post mate!

    Over and over, throughout the years I have heard people say how they wish they could be a fly on the wall listening to what people say/think about them.

    If you are an A-hole they will say you’re an A-hole. But most people are NOT A-holes, most people (when you get to know them long enough) are quirky.

    Seems to me that whatever your quirks are, that’s what people are likely to talk about…Quirks are what make people interesting, so I hope I develop even more of them as I get older…

    And when I do…Let them talk about my quirks….S’all good and who gives a crap anyway.

  82. Minha Avatar

    funny thought 1 ;
    what if our ‘leaders’ start following ‘FUCK THE WORLD’ theory ! 😉
    imagine , George W Bush addressing Obama as ‘fucked up shit! for he is doing nothing better then him ‘ in front of the whole world (though media of course;))

    funny thought 2 ;

    what if prisoners start proving themselves innocent by explaining the theory of ‘inner eye’ 😉
    goes like this,
    prisoner: ” i theft though my inner eye kept on telling ‘no’ but I DON’T GIVE A fuck! (told the truth ;)) ”

    what if students like me stand up in the middle of a boring class only to tell the teacher that the class SUCKS! (though my inner eye is telling me not to ;))

    ha! world will become such a better place for living!;)

    chucking many more thoughts, this is just to tell you that the article of yours is very inspiring sir.
    a friend of mine posted your blog in his blog (

    you should go read this blog. it is good 🙂
    and you are awesome! 😉

  83. starbaby Avatar

    You have a new fan. Lord, I wish this was written about 30 years ago, so I could’ve read it while in the process of becoming an adult. I’m usually at the other end of the spectrum, wearing my unlimited variety of masks to “fit the situation” and quite honestly, I’m tired of it. I shared this on my FB, so I’m sure you’ll be getting a lot more new fans as well. Bravo!

    1. Laura Avatar

      i think i feel the same way, always adapting to the situation before thinking what I actually want,, it helps to take this problem to extremes and to assure yourself you have the right of your own opinion/way!

  84. Anthem Salgado Avatar

    Wow, that was a really fun read. And one I’m sure can apply to so many people’s lives and situations. Thank you for the step by step guide! I’ll be sure to share with all the aspiring artists and entrepreneurs in my circle.

  85. Sean Clark Avatar


    Not giving a shit is the only way to get ahead but it’s more than an attitude it’s a frame of mind, a belief in what you are doing and why you are doing it. This article will resonate with anyone that has a passion for what they do. I know passion is this bull shit over used word that is so fashionable lately but it really is that simple. Do what you think is right, have respect for others, take advise where necessary but let the passion drive you, not what others may or may not think of you based on your actions.

    All the best

  86. Demut Avatar

    Oh wow, I’m glad that I only read the headlines because all of this doesn’t seem to go beyond the scope of how you should act when independently employing some sanity and reason.
    Damn you and your tweets, Daniel Lau, for tricking me into wasting 2 minutes of my life!

    But yeah, good for you and the people who need to be told stuff like that, Julien. Have fun with your “new life”, I guess.

  87. Static Avatar

    BALLZ to The Four Agreements – This is my new mantra!!

  88. Lee Avatar

    Agreed blog writer man. If I may be so bold (hey, fuck what you think anyway (; ) I would like to add a thought to your post… My tea bag told me today to “Appreciate yourself and honor your soul” – which seems to ring true with this post. I think what all of this really boils down to is all about genuine authenticity and building your relationship with yourself.
    It is OK to “give a fuck” about what others think, but you cannot let that concern grow greater than what you think of yourself. At the end of the day, we will all die alone and the thoughts that comfort us the most will be ones of following your passion and being true to yourself (the man in the mirror poem). From the comments it is obvious that most people can relate to the bitter taste left in your mouth from downplaying your own wants and needs to accommodate for what you think society wants from you.
    The world shines through us when we just be ourselves. We are creators and this life is our canvas. Do you want to paint a unique Picasso or a common convenience store post card?

    In closing, I think it is thought provoking to write about “not giving a fuck” but that is not the true end goal. The true end goal is to be authentic to yourself and let the grandest vision of the best thought about who you are, manifest in this world and become a shining beacon of truth and inspiration to the world. It is possible to “not give a fuck” and still be a jack-ass. But if you are 100% honest with yourself (sometimes we have blind-spots and this requires input from others to see the big picture) and take action on the direction that comes from within from that genuine state of mind, then your feet will find the path to satisfaction in this life. Cheers!

  89. The Dude Avatar
    The Dude

    “when people don’t like you, nothing actually happens.” you’ve never lived in my neighbourhood, when people hate you they beat you up.

    1. Jeff Avatar

      Congrats, Dude. I’ve been looking through the responses to see if anyone would notice this point. It’s not what people think of you, it’s what they DO about what they think. This is where the rubber meets the road, the acid test.

  90. Riot Nrrrdâ„¢ Avatar
    Riot Nrrrdâ„¢

    (Why does it say 92 responses when I only see 43?)

    Good stuff overall, Julian, but to be honest it could be somewhat summarized as “31-year-old discovers being Punk Rock, film at 11.”

    If you ever want to discover what it’s like to be invisible and that no one cares, just ride Tokyo’s trains & subways. You’ll become The Invisible Man and it’s somewhat unnerving, in a way. They are masters of Don’t Give A Fuck.

    Finally, re:

    “Once you begin on this path, you start to discover that practically everyone is capable of understanding the weird things that you do. In fact, it makes you interesting and worth paying attention to […]”

    That actually made me think of something Punk Rock that is, to some degree, completely in opposition:

    “It seems to me like the dividing line, kinda, between being a kid and being an adult is that when you are a kid, you want to impose yourself on the world and change the world to be like you, and be congratulated for being yourself.

    The other side of that line is you realize that the world itself is interesting, and you should take a look, instead of wanting it to pay attention at you.”

    – Richard Hell (Epilogue, in the extras of “The Filth And The Fury” DVD)

  91. Rohan Jayasekera Avatar
    Rohan Jayasekera

    Something you might like to edit: Pierre Laporte wasn’t Premier; he was Minister of Labour. Apparently he was also Vice-Premier but I don’t remember such a thing; I don’t think it was considered all that important (same today), and I believe it was his Labour cabinet post that made him the target. (BTW I was living in Montréal at that time, and once got woken up by an FLQ bomb that went off a few blocks away.)

  92. Albert Ciavolino Avatar
    Albert Ciavolino

    Brilliant! Honestly, I do all of these steps in some manner already. I’m one of those people who live with the filter off. I usually just try to be a smartass, but I get alot of strange looks due to this. After a while people just accept what I have to say. lol. Truthfully, I dont give a crap what people think of say about me. This article was well written, and made me realize that I really don’t give a fuck!


  93. Akshat Agha Avatar
    Akshat Agha

    Awesome post!!
    Truly inspiring… keep it up.

  94. nixn Avatar

    Nice article, well done. Congratulations on your new found attitude, however harshly aspired it may be. More than anything else, thank you for mentioniong ‘The Long Walk’, my number one favourite novel written by Richard Bachman aka Stephen King; never have I seen it mentioned before, and with all the lack of creativity in Hollywood, I can only hope one day it gets made into a movie, as long as it’s not directed by Uwe Boll. It can be downloaded from a lot of free ebook websites as a PDF, and I hope many of you read it, as I truely believe there is a ‘Ray Garraty’ in all of us. Enjoy it my friends, and to Julien, like Ray the protagonist in the novel, continue with your attitude and behaviour, even when the ‘walk’ is over. It will serve you better than it does him. You’ll understand this when you finish reading it. Also remember this last little peice of advice; Most people equate silence with wisdom, and stillness with depth … 🙂

  95. Jeff Avatar

    I think I hate you just a little bit because you’ve written what I have been thinking and trying to apply for a while…I guess I was afraid of what people might think…ooh that sucks..

  96. Charmaine Avatar

    I think Dr. Seuss would like this post 🙂

    “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

  97. old_coot Avatar

    Unfortunately, actually stopping giving a fuck is harder than just telling yourself you’re not going to give a fuck anymore. I just hate everyone instead of caring, but that’s the opposite of what i’m supposed to do. I feel like trying to care about people or be nice to strangers would make me feel like a fool. Oh well

  98. Anon. Avatar

    Thank you for this. I’ve wasted way too much time worrying about other people judging me.

  99. william rogers Avatar
    william rogers

    I would have enjoyed your comments and taken them to heart but halfway through I realized I don’t give a fuck!!!!!

  100. DonW Avatar

    How can I be sure that my not giving a f*ck isn’t about making others think I don’t give a f*ck?

    1. john Avatar

      Then you are not really giving a fuck are you ??

  101. Rhonda Avatar

    This is the first blog post of yours I’ve read. Me? Subscribed.

  102. Robin Bal Avatar

    Yeah makes sense, don’t walk like you own the world, walk like you don’t give a shit who does. Talk like you own the Company you work for, talk like you drive a Ferrari, talk like you have a ten inch dick, people will look up to you. What people think of me I don’t give a F**k.

    Now whether you publish this comment or others don’t like it, I DON’T GIVE A F**K.

  103. JG Avatar

    You know, this all-seeing, all-knowing “eye” you refer to was known by Freud as the “Super-Ego” and it has more power than you think… just my two cents 🙂

    1. Jardley Avatar

      except it only has as much power as you give it.

  104. leah lewis Avatar
    leah lewis

    i love this article

  105. Steven Avatar

    Ive been doing this since I was about 5 😀 its a great lifsyle. I actually took after eminem and what he says in his music.

  106. carver Avatar

    There is also a positive side of offending people – it keeps assholes away. I recall a number of people that I’ve gone out of my way to offend. I consider it a defensive weapon against those I find offensive.

  107. Jeanie Davison Avatar

    Brilliant post! For too long I gave a fuck about what EVERYONE thought, but not any more!! 🙂

  108. Johan Avatar

    “I feel like trying to care about people or be nice to strangers would make me feel like a fool.”
    I’ve helped complete strangers several times, and I always feel good about it. Always. But I wish there was a way to teach me to stop giving a fu*k about all those idiots I end up driving behind… You know, all those fools driving 10-15km below the speedlimit, and when they are at a intersection, they ALWAYS wait extra long. There were three-four times they could have pressed down on that right foot, but nooooo. And when they FINALLY do drive, their car will need at least half a mile before they are driving at… 10-15 km/h below the speed limit. AAARGH! Why do I care? Why not give up, drive back home and drink myself into a stupor? 😉

  109. k3 Avatar

    amazing the people who subscribe to this and still will not enter the complete word FUCK!

    1. elizabeth homier Avatar
      elizabeth homier


  110. The Tartist Avatar

    Absolutely the dogs bollocks. It is all mind over matter. Those that mind don’t matter, those that matter don’t mind.

  111. Alastair Avatar

    Excellent article – one that I totally agree with. We need to stop worrying about what people think, learn to get over the way boundaries that have been socially ingrained into our thinking and allow ourselves to express how we feel.

  112. cappa x. Avatar
    cappa x.

    j’aime ca!

  113. Christine Seib Avatar

    I had a revelation my freshman year in college that I was taking myself too seriously and wasn’t having any fun. I vowed then to stop being prisoner to the fear that takes and to give myself full permission to be silly. It was, as you could probably figure out, life changing. I like to remind people to not only stop caring what other people think; stop being so damn critical of yourself, too. Not fearing foolishness is liberating.

  114. AJ Avatar

    History note – Pierre Laporte wasn’t the Premier of Quebec, he was the deputy premier and minister of labour. Robert Bourassa was the premier at the time.

    Great advice, of course, as usual.

  115. Geoff Schaadt Avatar

    Can’t say that I agree.

    I read it and I keep hearing “you have permission to be an asshole.”

    My worldview has long been this: there are two kinds of people, assholes and non-assholes. I choose not to spend my attention on the former.

    When I’m standing in line with my 9 year-old and my 5 year-old, and the people around us take the “fuck it” approach, I’m going to use any language I like, and I don’t care if it offends someone. Well. That offends me. Does this somehow improve their life? Perhaps, but I doubt it. Does it make my life worse? Without question.

    Just like skinning the cat,there are many routes to positive accomplishment without acting like a narcissistic, self-absorbed asshat. Treating those around us with respect and dignity, even when they don’t deserve it, should be revered, rewarded, and emulated. It’s called the “Golden” rule for a reason.

    1. GT Avatar

      I never understood it when my parents did it, and I don’t understand it now… do you think that controlling the airspace around your kid is going to stop him from ever hearing the world ‘Fuck’ in his whole life? If that’s not the aim, then what is? To retard his intellectual growth by making him think that the world is Sesame Street? That’s going to stand him in BAD stead. (I hardly ever swore until I started working at an economic modelling think tank – I was corrupted by the smartest men you’ll ever meet – and it was intensely liberating).

      There is some shit that invades people’s brains when the reproduce, and turns it into mush.

      If I ever decided to reproduce I would hope to teach my kid that war is wrong, that politicians are not to be trusted… and that those two things matter FAR more – a thousand times more – than whether or not someone drops the f-bomb.

      Another thing to remind your kids if someone swears near you: it’s impolite to listen to conversations if you’re not invited. In civilised society we call it fucking eavesdropping.

    2. joethestampede Avatar

      I think you stuck on the word fuck. He’s not talking about going around and saying fuck in a daycare. He’s telling people that there is no reason not to live your life freely.

  116. (what runs) Lori Avatar

    AMEN to this post and you for posting it. THANK YOU, also is in order. I think you just gave me the strength to go make the changes I NEED to make but have been too fucking scared to do.

    And I like profanity. It provides a stronger sense of urgency… or something. 😉

  117. Turbo Kitty Avatar

    I love everything you had to say and implement most of it in my daily life however … I also live in America and the particular area where I live, a lot of the members of my community openly wear weapons … it’s currently early summer here in 2011 as I write this and tensions are getting worse … especially among violent and non-violent people, though I still continue to practice being an individual. I am always keeping an eye over my shoulder now to see who might physically attack me next (it’s happened once already). How does one defend against being attacked and maintain one’s individuality? Those of us who are tried and true individuals are being singled out for community censorship and it would seem, the singled out is by any means necessary … fear

    1. gruhn Avatar

      Give yourself permission to not feel scared of things that aren’t happening. And be kind enough not to punish other people for things that happen only in your head.

    2. Jeff Avatar

      Thank you for being the second person in this conversation to notice that there can be real-world consequences for pushing the limits of tolerance. I notice the people who see this are the ones who live in places where people are quick to react physically to the lifestyle choices of others. People who don’t know that kind of life just dismiss your concerns, and tell you it’s all in your head.

  118. Bahieh K. Avatar

    Hi Julien,

    I definitely agree that it is liberating to live our life without being ruled by what we imagine others might think.

    Yet I have issues with some of the points you raised.

    – What you call ‘the eye’. I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad think to sometimes filter our thoughts before expressing them!! In a sense it can be the ‘voice of wisdom’ guiding us or some kind of higher awareness. But what you mention here sounds more like a inner critic or inner censorship. So I think there’s a nuance between different kinds of eyes/inner voices.
    – About the F word (which seems to be an issue for many btw). I to sometimes use coarse language. But my current quest is how to have IMPACT without using such words. I admire people like Hiro Boga who can stir strong emotions in people with style and elegance. I’m ok with hearing the F word but sometimes I think it is overused just for the sake of it!! (like in the TV show ‘Six Feet Under’ where every other word was F***)

    While I don’t always agree with what you write I have a lot respect for you and your writing. 😉

    Thanks again for a well-written and thought-provoking post.

    Bahieh K.

  119. BFL Avatar

    I’ve been reading your stuff since my Husband died suddenly in Jan this year, he was a big fan of your writings but i was always too busy, i have started to do the things you talk about in this article, sorting the wheat from the chaff as it were, it’s very scary but it’s also quite liberating, i have rid myself of those not worthy of mine or my Husbands time or effort – thank you for giving me the help i needed to deal with the shit of greiving and that it is ok to tell people the truth and if they don’t like it well tough!

  120. Geri Avatar

    Not giving a fuck is a ‘skill’ and a conscious choice I have been working on for years. How difficult this proves to be depends on how dependant people are on others opinions for the ‘self-worth’ I guess. I think I’ve almost got this sucker nailed and it’s so refreshing to read an honest, direct (and humorous) ‘take’ on it. If you don’t like my comment my care factor is zero! *wink

  121. Olivier Blanchard Avatar

    … and then I started giving a fuck about not giving a fuck, and I pissed my pants.

  122. Mark Avatar

    Geoff Schaadt,

    I think I liked your comment better than I liked the post! Not caring is my natural bent – its easy. Its harder to care, and it also happens to improve things. Farting in elevators comes to mind…

  123. Kneale Mann Avatar

    I can say with absolutely certainty would win this joke of a Canadian election if Mr. Trudeau was still with us. And to your point about being an ass, no one, ever, has the right to do that. It’s funny how you stop caring so much when you realize the number one priority in most people’s lives is themselves. That’s not cynical, that’s behavioral. Treat your people well and stop trying to hope everyone will like you or you will end up like Michael Scott.

    I would say – great post – but you don’t care. 😉

  124. Mark Avatar

    If you’re hung up on others knowing you dont give a F*, then you probably still care too much about what others think.

  125. Sarah Avatar

    This is a great post. I used to be obsessed with needing everyone to like me. Then halfway through college, some people I thought were close friends decided to screw me over by spreading really nasty rumors about me. I’d been so eager to be everything to everyone that nobody really knew who *I* was… so of course nobody realized that the rumors weren’t true. I had, um, one friend left after that.

    Since then I’ve learned that if I just do what I think is right and makes sense for me, and don’t worry so much about being perfect for everyone else, maybe I have fewer friends, but they’re *real* friends, whom I can actually count on to have my back. I still get insecure on occasion, but I’m a lot more confident and life is so much easier now. I should really thank those asshole ex-“friends” who taught me that lesson the hard way.

    1. jitters Avatar

      wow! liked your post.

  126. Jacq Avatar

    Hooray. Welcome to the realizations that pretty much everyone over the age of 35 has already figured out.

    Reading suggestion to be prepared for the other realizations that will come: Roger’s Rules for Aging – a little article / excerpt here:,9171,54448,00.html

  127. Pissy Kitty Avatar

    I am so glad someone finally said something like this. I’ve got a potty mouth and am in-your-face about anything and everything going on in my life. I’ve often wondered if my behavior is appropriate or not, but have pressed on determined to be me at all cost.
    I am so glad that someone had the nerve to say it’s okay to fucking do whatever the hell it is I want! Thanks

  128. Ariana Avatar

    Should I give a f**k or not that uploader had not made this video available in my country (do i still live in US or am I back in USSR?)

  129. Paco-loco Avatar

    I’ve been an Atheist for most of my 72 years. I don’t give a fuck about god or anyone paying him/her homage. This, to me, is the ultimate ‘I don’t give a fuck.’ I don’t even argue about it any more. We’ll all return, at death, to where we were before birth…nowhere, zilch, absolute zero. I identified the control freaks (i.e. religious types & their ilk) peddling their wares since I was a kid & they know that I know their game.

    1. DragonsREpic Avatar

      I couldn’t agree more, I was born into a very religious family and in the end I came out an Atheist, and realized I shouldn’t give a fuck, and I never felt better, check out my comments or anything you like, hell im even on facebook, the ONLY thing I give a fuck about is my hobbies and because I live in America)the few people that I don’t know who loves me because I don’t believe. Being lonely is my only yet biggest problem.

  130. Paco-loco Avatar

    I already did…what next?

  131. Paco-loco Avatar

    I’ve been an Atheist for most of my 72 yrs…Do I give a fuck about what other people think, shit no.
    The pie in the sky is way too high…Heaven, hell? The myth about Santa Claus & the Tooth Fairy are more believable. I going to where I was before birth: nowhere, zip…

  132. Megan K. Avatar

    um. Fuck..Yeah.

  133. Dina Avatar

    You may want to check in with other folks who’ve walked the Camino in the vibram five-fingers to see if they’re really adequate… I walked the Via de la Plata and part of the Route d’Arles, the latter which was filled with tiny, sole-ripping jagged stones; I had nice thick-soled sneakers and yet wished wished wished I had boots! Pretty torturous. So, just something to think about. (Admitting I have never worn the 5-fingers, so they may be perfect!)

  134. Kali Avatar

    Thank God, I’ve been living like this for years now. Seems I’m not as dumb as I always thought, but nice to see it so nicely summed up 🙂

  135. Jennifer Avatar

  136. Sirkowski Avatar

    Self-help guru bullshit.

  137. doloras Avatar

    “when people don’t like you, nothing actually happens.”

    Er, that’s just not true. They gossip about you, stab you in the back, make your life more difficult. Ten years later you find you are barred from something you’ve been working for for so long because you find that someone who doesn’t like you has taken that moment to exact their petty revenge.

    It is simply not safe to let people not like you.

    1. GT Avatar

      Doloras – I think he’s just talking about ‘normal’ versions of not liking. If it degenerates into psycho stalky-ness, then you need to take action.

      I speak from personal experience here: a personal beef with a 5’5″ Frenchman led to all manner of accusations being levelled at me (and The Lovely) in 2007/8 which hurt our reputation, short-term.

      At the end of the day you make a decision: if some jackass is prepared to believe random whit they read on the internet (or from a cold-call e-mail) your life is probably better off without them. So The Lovely is back working too many hours as a lawyer (tonight she is in Parliament listening to the debate session of a bill her team wrote), and I am on the cusp of finishing the deal that was hijacked by the defamatory (and frankly only quasi-literate) horse-shit.

      I never even demanded that it be unpublished: I don’t give a fuck about the opinion of anyone who believes what they read about me on the internet.

      I have given – and continue to give – due consideration to paying someone to put a hurtin’ on the aforementioned Frenchman (such services are amazingly inexpensive if the target is in LA; $500 gets him beaten unconscious three times in a month, $1500 gets him dead), but my intrinsic sweet nature prevents it.

      Plus, The Lovely would never forgive me. About her, I give a fuck.

    2. Kristi Avatar

      This is exactly what I was about to write. Although overall, I find this blog post to be hands down the best I’ve ever read in my life. But this fact is simply not true, and it’s misleading when people say such things. I’ve heard it said a lot from various teachers of self-awareness or personal development… like, “If someone doesn’t like you, that’s their business. It doesn’t really affect you.” People who hold that belief have never been on the receiving end of such horrible experiences as character assassination or covertly aggressive workplace bullying. So it is simply not true across the board that nothing happens if someone doesn’t like you. For most normal personalities, yes, it probably is for the most part true. But if someone with a low-level of moral development, and/or lack of conscience, and/or a covertly aggressive personality doesn’t like another person, immense, lasting, and generally untreatable harm can result.

  138. Josh Nursing Avatar

    Neither do I, and I am much better for it. I’ve never been so busy apparently and things are moving forward at blistering pace.

    BTW, I am due for a new haircut.

  139. anon Avatar

    Go ahead, keep cursing, keep telling yourself you don’t care. But the truth of the matter is the following: that hate and profanity are tools of the powerless.

  140. Graham Day Avatar
    Graham Day

    Some years ago I realised that the nagging feeling I had carried with me all me life, a cloud, was defensiveness. I lived in that cloud of defensiveness. Defensiveness bled into everything. Since I became aware of that, being assertive has become so much easier.
    (Interesting to stumble this post. Had coffee with a friend this morning and we were discussing people being slaves to the opinions of others. We didn’t exclude ourselves from this but were happy we had made some progress getting past the slavery.)

    All the best to you

  141. nintendan Avatar

    Every time I see an article like this, I can’t help but wonder why Buddhist meditation practices aren’t mentioned. For as long as they’ve been around (2500 years), they’ve offered people practical tools to work with their minds – far more effective than mere advice. Meditation works directly with such common afflictions like difficult emotions, self-defeating thought patterns, perceptions; basically, any kind of mental suffering that a person of full faculties (Most people reading this) can experience, can be thoroughly and permanently alleviated through Buddhist meditation.

  142. Brian Delbenes Avatar
    Brian Delbenes

    Good read..

  143. TheRafMan Avatar

    I hate your blog background but I know you don’t give a shit now…
    Glad to see a good post like this, I saw the light a while ago and never looked back, I can tell you that you will find out in a hurry who your true friends are and they will love you for it.
    BTW, Here is something you should include in the post:

    PS: Seriously, your blog background hurts my eyes, you should just make it a solid color background… were you drunk or high when you chose it?


  144. Fernando Avatar

    Excelent article. This kind of person is also like Nietzsche’s “Superman”: since I read about it I have always wanted to get there, but for differents reasons I could not. Today I tell you that I will shut the fuck up my eye one way or another.
    My congratulations for your article from Argentina! 😉

  145. Dianusska Avatar


  146. kristen Avatar

    oh, I need to read this daily with my morning coffee while listening to ceelo’s “FUCK YOU”…awesome!

  147. Elle Avatar

    fucking yes. i needed some advice like this, thankyou so much!

  148. joshua lance Avatar

    Wow, this post is very powerful, speaks to me on many different levels. Love it, love it, fuckin love it! I never read anything so provacative like this. If a politician said this, they would have a good chance of becoming president, because the people can relate to this!

    1. sara charles Avatar
      sara charles

      I was readin ur post an I like it.It has really
      Helped.I have pissed a lot of ppl off but
      Who really cares so I just wanted to say thanks
      Cause of ur post I’ve got some of those
      Ppl off my back..some of them won’t
      Even look at me any more it’s great.
      Thanks once again

  149. soneil Avatar

    i like it , everything u said is so true. i will like to learn how to ignore people more , i find this very difficult

  150. Alberto Suriel Avatar
    Alberto Suriel

    Excellents words men, also very true and conforting article, its really helping me to understand things better, you should write some more, thanks

  151. brianlmerritt Avatar

    Great blog/guide/article

    The essential step is the last one – pressing the reboot key.

    Control-Alt-Delete your life!

  152. Someone who doesn't give a fuck Avatar
    Someone who doesn’t give a fuck

    Nice,i like how you named our self-controled,rational thought ‘the eye’.I hate this ‘the eye’,and i want it out of me.

  153. Shamim Avatar

    What’s your path !

  154. Mandy Avatar

    Thank you.

  155. Prayag Avatar

    That’s the dude’s *Lebowski* way of living, MAN ! 🙂

  156. Thyca Avatar

    I’ve just cracked another piece of my own puzzle to true freedom by reading your well written text. “Be nice” is what I’ve heard all my life, I wasn’t aware that I wasn’t nice to begin with!!! Damn ‘Eye’, great visual btw! Thank you, very inspiring! Keep telling your truth, it does have a positive impact!:)

  157. Eklyptic Avatar

    Great article! Thank you.

  158. Kat Avatar

    “Once we’re in one (with family, a spouse, whatever), we promptly begin to take the other person for granted and move on to impressing strangers instead”

    This has actually never happened to me.
    I have never wanted to impress people or taken them for granted…

  159. iamciarabrown Avatar

    Thank u for this! This is spot on how I been feeling!

  160. Muhammad B Avatar
    Muhammad B

    Cant tell you how much this post has helped.
    It seems that every time i read this i learn something new.
    I love all your posts btw!

  161. archer Avatar

    great self analysis! focus should be the steps towards fixing this EYE. steps that would help regain that long gone buried, blurred perception as i’m in me mid 30’s already. Need to do some more similar deliberate actions like the ones you mentioned in your post ” Wear something ugly. Do something stupid. Tell someone the truth “

  162. Alex Avatar

    I am inspired to go get whipped by a dominatrix.

  163. Harbing Avatar

    See, I hear a lot about this “Not Giving a Fuck” mentality, and while it sounds great I just can’t put it into practice for one simple reason.

    It makes me suicidally depressed. I don’t know why (well I do, but that’s out of the scope of this comment) but this kind of mentality just causes me to become overcome with depression and apathy.

    So to anyone else reading this who has a similar feelings: That’s alright and there is nothing wrong with caring about things. It’s alright to care about people and some things in life are worth giving a fuck about.

    1. Nfgurl Avatar

      Compassion and caring are separate from expecting things in return (like approval or reciprocation). If you can be strong enough to be good to others while not letting their failings affect you negatively, the better off you are mentally and emotionally.

  164. paul t meyer Avatar
    paul t meyer

    Thanks bro, good read for sure. This approach would benefit so many.

  165. Shubham Avatar

    I m a hero………….

  166. anastazja Avatar


  167. Ten Avatar

    I came across your post through a keyboard mash-up heading to another site. Bloody lovely post brother!

    1. Stella Avatar

      Fell out of bed feeling down. This has brgheitned my day!

  168. ultimate slacker Avatar
    ultimate slacker

    some poigant truthful and important messages, glad to have read it, but I only read this coz I have an exam coming up and I’m avioding study! As much as I’d love to not give a F***… near impossible. But I genuinely will try. Love the bit about mind reading. When it comes to that I’m bloody telepathic.

  169. Linda Marie Avatar
    Linda Marie

    I’m in my mid-60’s. My mom used to say, “Don’t worry about what everyone else is thinking. They’re not paying any attention to you anyway.” This can be heard 2 ways – it doesn’t fuckin’ matter, or omigod, nooobody luvs me. I choose WFE-say “wiffy”- (What Fuckin Ever), either way. I don’t even know how I got to this blog, but it could save folks lots of money on counselors and psychologists! I laugh everytime I look at it.

  170. Latoya Avatar


  171. A name Avatar
    A name


    by the way, your floating menu is kind of annoying, just saying.

  172. D Avatar

    lots of people seem to give a fuck about not giving a fuck :F

  173. Amanda Avatar

    lol, “I looked fucking ridiculous”. I went to Easter last year dressed as a festive egg and it was absurd…but felt great

  174. UM Avatar

    I agree 100%. I have found that not giving a fuck makes others around you resentful and trying to drag you into their own misery. Still, that’s better than giving a fuck.

  175. Joel Avatar

    This paragraph would suggest giving a fuck.

    If you dismiss the things that do not matter; if you remove those things from your mind and focus on what must be done; if you understand that your time is limited and decide to work now; only then will you be able to get to the finish line. Otherwise, you will be dissuaded into living a life you aren’t interested in.

  176. Paul Avatar

    Great points cool blog!

    Its interesting how we all interpritate “Not Giving A Fuck” to mean. Its can of worms. For me its about being Real & True to oneself.As an example waiting in line for tickets and someone bumps the cue who happens to be huge tower of a guy.And no one says anything to him. I refuse to stand by idly and say nothing. Now he may not give a fuck about us.But my principals wont allow me to stand by and say nothing. So I very loudly challenged him verbally that “just because he’s big doesnt give you the fucking right to insult all us by jumping the cue”! Honestly I was expecting to get thumped being small guy.But I had to get it off my chest either way.He actually left funnily enough.

  177. josh Avatar

    I have always used the phrase “If people worried about their own problems, they would not have time to worry about mine.” Now i have a new notion (thank you, for the insight, might i add) “i dont give a FUCK, thank you very much!!” hell yeah, i already feal good and ive only been practicing in the mirror, LMFOA!!!~!~!~

  178. jeff Avatar

    nice….well put and simple to understand for beginners.i never gave a fuck… but i went over bored.And didnt care about family,,right and wrong,Purpose.And created my own little hell.Im on my way out of there now.I love my family and will kill anyone who hurts them.I love myself my life and this world.YOU NEED PURPOSE ONCE YOUR GROWN!!! Or you will be nothing till death.Remember the most hateful humans in the world use good as a tool to blind you and there doing a really good job of it.They will turn you into a soulless useless shell.look in your heart you will find it..what makes you a miracle.

  179. Freelee Avatar

    Thanks for the inspiration . I just posted this on facebook fan page>>

    How many of us really tell the truth to those around us? You may say ‘oh but truth is subjective’ well I don’t buy it. The truth is the truth. For example while I’m posting this paragraph over 100,000 animals have been slaughtered to death in the US. It doesn’t mean we have to be a prick when we speak up, but does this World really need another conditioned person who follows the herd? Another conflict-avoidant person? Isn’t it time we just dropped societies ideals of what is the ‘right way to behave’ and call *bullshit* when we see/hear it.

  180. Freelee Avatar

    And I know you won’t give a fuck that I used some of your phrases, even if you did, I don’t give a fuck 😉

  181. doesnt matter Avatar
    doesnt matter

    Ahhhh i fucking hate school people always talking shit about you behind your back and too much fucking drama but you know what from this point on i dont even give a fuck about anything anymore peace out biches
    #Fuck You! ;D

  182. brian Avatar

    Quite liberating blog. Not sure if it’s been mentioned, but my Dad imparted this bit of wisdom that I’ve carried forth 40 years later=”somebody is always watching you.” And, I have found that in every job, social situation, or family event, someone is constantly evaluating you or making judgements. And so, because of this, I have learned not to give two shits what people think. Do I still get bothered? Some. For instance, I have some asshole lady at work who has been nothing but rude, snobby, won’t even look me in my eyes. And, it’s natural to think, What in the hell have I done.” Once that stage is past, I have learned to push their shit back on them twice as hard. And, no matter what, don’t pacify, plead, bargain or hint at peace. If they want to make peace, let them make the first move. They started the war, they can initiate the peace treaty.

  183. Kit Avatar

    FUCK!!!! Nice Blog man…. have been pleasing everyone for quite sometime now, and its damn depressing…thanks a lot!!!

  184. jerry Avatar

    fuck yeah Im drunk but it does make sense
    I grew up in a fucking evil environment as a single child negotioting peace all the time fuck that and start change i wanted to stop this shit but biggest revenge is getting succesfull and happy yourself

  185. Anthony Avatar

    The first video is pretty funny. I mean jon lajoie is hilarious! You can watch the first video with the second video, if you want to download it.

  186. Neal Avatar

    I asked my cousin for the best advice he could offer me when I was 16 and he said: “stop giving a fuck.” I wasn’t sure how I would go about accomplishing this but I soon just began saying I don’t give a fuck and it is almost like magic. The things I desired most in life I started saying I didn’t give a fuck about them. For example I wanted this girl badly in high school and tried to get with her and it failed miserably. I was pretty hurt and lost my confidence.

    So in college I wanted to get a lot of girls so I started not giving a fuck about getting women and all of a sudden I was getting numbers and having fun with them with little effort. By not caring about what I desired it felt as if the universe somehow needed to grab my attention by giving me anything that I wanted. So I just started to not give a fuck more and my confidence boosted and most importantly I FELT GOOD. I was happy and comfortable wherever I went and whoever I spoke to.

    **The only bad thing was that I was not giving a fuck but didn’t know WHY. I started questioning why I didn’t give a fuck and kind of lost my mind at that moment. I went into a small depression and was trying to figure out who I was. But now I understand that for me, at least, not giving a fuck is the only way I can be sane and be confident. So don’t feel bad if you started giving a fuck about why you didn’t give a fuck because eventually you will not give a fuck again but this time you will know why you don’t give a fuck.

    By the way this is a great post and the only legit article that is out there on how to not give a fuck. Great job and I still don’t give a fuck haha.

  187. John Avatar

    I don’t believe I just read that. There are other people that think this way too!?!?!? Well that irks me a bit, because I have been living my life to this “bible” for 20 years, half my life! But I am still as un-popular as I was in High School. No close friends anymore. Maybe I feel too strongly about the philosophies written above and it has been my un-doing. Maybe there are just too many wankers around today. Maybe I’m just still a skinny ugly-ass nerd. I have found myself cutting friends off because they don’t give a fuck. Especially this year when I turned 40 and not one person, friend nor family, acknowledged the fact it was my 40th. I believe in what is written above, but now I’m asking the question…can you take this attitude too far? Maybe I have.

    1. Wendy Avatar

      Happy Birthday! I think there has to be a balance. Not giving a crap about what others think is ok as long as you’re not doing it deliberately to hurt anyone.

      I think the point of all of this is for those who truly get hurt by the crappy opinions and tasteless judgment of others who simply don’t care because they aren’t affected by it themselves.

      I’m thinking maybe just as a defense mechanism which one teaches oneself to use only when there’s a need for it & not something that has to become a facet of your personality. Like learning to let the petty stuff go and not over think it.

  188. but if ur... Avatar
    but if ur…

    but if you got no friends?
    i dont have them, so…

  189. jim Avatar

    Hi do you realise the seriouse nature of your blog.
    your bloggs should be stopped!!! You stand a good chance of upsetting the poor curtain twitchers that have nothing in their lives to do but enjoying themselves putting people down.Who gives a fuck if it hurts someone else if the curtain twichers of the world run out of less confident people.The curtain twichers will have nothing to exist for, their may be mass suicide or even worse they may go back to watching eastenders or the jerry springer show.
    Seriously great blog you are an inspiration. Keep up the good work
    Jim Evans (facebook)southminster england.

  190. W. Baird Avatar
    W. Baird

    Of course the whole thing about the Julien Smith proposal is that it is also a charter for rude, ignorant and thoroughly f**ked up behaviour with some consequences in alarming others who are only going about their completely innocent drone lives. You see yobbism and vandalism does rely on doing what you like and ‘It doesn’t f**king matter’.


  191. Mark Avatar

    Love your blog. For years I really cared what everyone else was thinking. I grew up at 45 and realised that nobody really cares except your real friends. I was locked in a prison for years worryng what they thought. Now I think F*** them . I have never been happier.

  192. MR FUCK Avatar

    fuck you all, cunts.


  193. Jean Avatar


  194. Nasim Avatar

    clearly explained everything, awesome!

  195. Charles Jenkinson Avatar
    Charles Jenkinson

    Interesting blog. I arrived here because I searched under ‘you only really get to know those you work or live with’. The consequence being that any other associations have minimal opportunities for shoulder rubbing. That being the case I may as well throw in your direction what I thought. I think you are ‘prophetic’ – you see how things work before most others do. ‘The eye’ is your God given conscience – which can be obeyed or disobeyed – it rarely stops working entirely, but can be dulled by continuous unidirectional choices. ‘Not giving a fuck’ – this is embracing faith over and above fear. …I always end up coming round to the view that my belief about things is not as important as God’s view, and maybe that’s why I’m writing this. Best regards, Charles

    1. It's Sarah Motherfucker! Avatar
      It’s Sarah Motherfucker!

      That reminds me. I don’t happen to believe in God and a lot of people would like to see me stoned in the streets for that, but fuck em. To me, though, the “eye” is all too real. It seems like many of you don’t live in America (haven’t looked at all the comments), but the government CAN actually hurt u if they don’t like you or what you have to say. I’m not scared of terrorists, I’m scared of my own government. If you are suspected of being a terrorist, they are allowed to tap your phone, look at what websites you visit, what you buy with your credit cards, whatever. Even if you don’t say anything terrorist-like, there are at least two totally bullshit criteria that they can use to put u under surveillance: 1. missing an arm, leg, or both 2. having large amounts of food or water stored at your home. So it’s hard when no one, not even my family, wants me to “start anything”. I’d rather die standing up for what I believe in than suck up to the fucking government. So fuck them and they can come fucking assassinate me if they want. Believe me, I’m soooo trying not to give a fuck, but then the family doesn’t want me to die, blah, blah, blah, i’m so fuckin aggravated. And if anyone tells me to find Jesus, NO. Not my cup of tea, not really looking for him.

  196. rickert mork Avatar
    rickert mork

    People are you all out of your fucking minds? you have left it all behind under the carpet in the closet deep in yourself somewhere abandoned by you, or who you think you are. I gave a fuck for about a year simply because i listened to what my foolish elders said. then after being whirled around in a sea of shit i was like fuck this shit its cold and stinky in this shit fucken gotta get out. so moral of the unfinished story of mine fuck you fuck everything fuck it all oh yea and fuck that guy standing over there, he looks funny.

  197. Simon Avatar


    I started realising this on my 20th birthday (this year) I said to myself, I am almost an adult now (in my coumtry your truly adult at 21) nobody can walk over me like i’m some teenager that needs schooling from society. Fuck this shit, I find my own way and so far this attitude brought me more faster.

    Great post dude

  198. Chaz Avatar

    Haha I finally find it. 🙂 The words to describe the way I have been living my life for as long as I can remember. I have posted this on facebook, and am going to tell more people about you. Not that you give a fuck but I’m giving you credit.

  199. Katie Avatar

    Best … advice … ever. It would be great to be able to speak about this at schools, perhaps it would mean a much more socially efficient and connective society. Somehow though I feel that wont work so well as youth lends itself to a primal inner competitor. This is exactly what we all need to know upon entering maturity, whatever that age may be.

  200. R.Alexandra Avatar

    I think I need to read this often.Thank you for writing it !

  201. joe Avatar

    if you build it they will come; and then blow it up and run away laughing, glad they joined the castle trying to be king big fuck, king of all the little fucks.

  202. Vaughn Avatar

    I really loved reading this. Wish there was more…. hoping i can take all of this to mind and start a change.

  203. bman Avatar

    So true and great article. Not giving a FUCK really does count, we do not live in kind times nor with a caring world. People do not give a crap what happens in your life and from now on I have to say, day 1, time to change, no more mister nice guy and being compliant. Make change happen and use your intelligence and worldliness to put the other guy aside. DO NOT be a Lemming! Great article and thank you! Cheers!

  204. Melissa Avatar

    This is a great post! I had to scroll down for what seemed like ten minutes just so I could post a comment. Thanks for sharing. Sometimes its easy to not to give a fuck, and sometimes it’s difficult, (depending on the circumstances) regardless of how strong we try to be. We are all human, after all. But being the softy, yet painfully honest person that I am. Your article has definitely inspired moi. Again thank you for your words of wisdom. 🙂 Happy 2012!

  205. JJ Avatar

    I’ve had a tough year and am so glad I found your ‘bit’ online. When I thought I didn’t have any way out I read what you wrote. Thank you. I think you may have just stopped me from doing something really bad. Thank you. There should be more people like you on this earth. God bless….. JJ

  206. pmosby Avatar

    a huge part of the problem for me is the internet, im a comment section/forum addict. No more of that, at the end of the day its probably some fat slob with bits of pizza on his shirt trying to bring me down, who gives a fuck what he/she thinks, losers opinions shouldn’t count, this is the 1st day of me trying, but Im making an effort to completely stop reading comment section,AND only read articles/updates in the forums/newspapers. Wish me luck, because I won’t look at your responses, nor give a damn what they say.

  207. Danny Avatar


  208. Maahi Avatar

    Just what I needed and wanted 🙂 Thanks!

  209. Ashley Hewitt Avatar

    That was awesome! I’ll admit that I care wayyyy too much about what the people I work with think of me. NO MORE! it’s time to put these bitches in their place!

  210. GSMF Avatar

    Good shit, mother fucker! Keep it up!

  211. Bo Lutes Avatar
    Bo Lutes

    I agree it is more important to care about what “you think” and to let others know what you think. Stand for your values and stand your ground but in doing so it is not necessary, most of the time, to piss everyone off. The skill is to speak your piece so that others will hear the message and respect you for saying what you have to say. Most people won’t for fear of offending others. Speak your piece, don’t make it personal and let others know you will stand for what you believe in. If more people did this there would be less racism and other forms of attacks on minorities. Good luck on this quest. Did I mention I am 65 and still trying to figure this one out but I am getting better at it! Bob

  212. Tom Keegan Avatar
    Tom Keegan

    This article came on my birthday. It’s changing my life because I have been facing this problem. I have been spending most of my time in my room brooding and caring and even being depressed to the point of feeling alien from myself. And the answer is simple. Just stop giving a fuck. Don’t care what they think about you and spend more time on caring about the people that do matter and you’ll just feel better in the long run. Thank you! This article means a lot to me!

  213. Avatar

    Everything you said at the begginning is me. Even the fact that I am 31years old, I REAALLLY need to practise those rules.

  214. kkodran Avatar

    whoa man. this is soooo helpful! thanks a lot

  215. It's Sarah Motherfucker! Avatar
    It’s Sarah Motherfucker!

    Thanks for the blog post. I keep writing and deleting comments, so let me try to keep it short. I came online because I have no one on earth to talk to when I go into panic attack mode. I’m scared to be open with my psychiatrist because she knows I think about suicide most of the time and I’m not taking care of myself. I can’t kill myself because I could never do that to parents. NEVER. I’m 30 yrs old, got fired from my last job for being “abnormal” (yes, really), and I have no one to talk to. I was having a panic attack, but had nothing to do to release the aggression except cry and pace around. I googled “I want to kill myself right fucking now, i need help, and don’t want to hear any fucking corny bullshit”, and your page came up somewhere on the first page. If anything, it was very refreshing to read and made me stop crying, so thanks for that. I’m just aggravated because I’m a nurse, I give tons of a fuck about my patients, and not the least little tiny fuck about my “haters”. The only problem is, “nursing is a privilege, not a right”, so it doesn’t matter to my bosses and co-workers if all my patients and their families love me, because I’m “abnormal”. Do I give a fuck? Hell no. But do I want a job and to remain independent? Yes. So I basically have to ACT like I give a fuck, which kills my very soul. Some nurses are evil bitches, so I’ve tried the not give a fuck approach, now I need to learn how to appear that I give a tremendous fuck when I really could care less. It pisses me off that people actually can hurt u by not liking you by fucking with ur money and livelihood.
    Anyway, I originally wanted to post because I found it quite ironic that I clicked on the video link to watch the clip of “Just Watch Me”, and speaking of censorship, i got a comment saying, that the original person who posted that video on YouTube has not allowed it to be viewed in the United States. Oh, well. Fuck it…lol
    I fucking love u for making me smile in a suicidal moment.

    1. Kate Avatar

      are you OK?

  216. Lost Avatar

    This all describes me, how I act and how I think but no matter how much I want to I can’t do it! Going out in public with something totally ridiculous on for personal embarrassment I can’t do it. I was picked on for all of my child hood life and I know it all leads back to this but I just don’t wanna care what people say or think of me anymore I just wanna worry about ME! I often wonder if maybe I actually need to go to a physiologist and see if they can help. What do you guys think?

  217. Lost Avatar

    This all describes me, how I act and how I think but no matter how much I want to I can’t do it! Going out in public with something totally ridiculous on for personal embarrassment I can’t do it. I was picked on for all of my child hood life and I know it all leads back to this but I just don’t wanna care what people say or think of me anymore I just wanna worry about ME! I often wonder if maybe I actually need to go to a physiologist and see if they can help. What do you guys think?

    1. Natalie King Avatar

      I just read your comment and it could have been something i would write! I was thinking of contacting my doctor today to be referred to a counsellor to talk about all the madness in my head, but i found this blog and it really rang a chord with me – all my life I’ve been worried that I’m not liked, sometimes to the point of depression, all the way from school till now (I’m 32) and its culminated this week with a group of friends. I was doing my usual worrying that i was being left out of activities and being talked about behind my back and i suddenly realised – ‘I’m 32’!!! I’m not 10 – I’m an adult now – i can make my own choices about who i let into my life! Ive become a different person, trying to please everyone around me that all I’ve actually done is alienate them and make them think I’m this paranoid weirdo! today is the first day of the rest of my life, join me on my walk into the rest of my life, loser free with my head held high! xx

  218. Cosmos Avatar

    This blog hits home for me.. I was online looking for something totally unrelated and i found your article, but I’m glad I did cause it makes perfect sense. There’s a quote that says “it ain’t what they call you, its what you answer to!” So many times in life we try to please people who arent worth it. And we lose ourselves in the process.. Fuck the the bullshit from outsiders, keep it 100 within yourself and strive for perfection..! Its been tough to be yourself at times but I think I’m just about done keeping ‘strangers’ happy. And it feels sooo good to speak the truth, my soul’s at ease, so like it or not, I DON’T GIVE A FUUUUCK…lmao!!

  219. Talia F Avatar
    Talia F

    I was searching randomly and happened to come across this site. It was like kismet or something, and exactly what I needed at the moment to put things back into perspective.

    You can’t hold yourself back from doing what you truly desire in life because of how others may perceive you. You can’t remain in a worthless state because of all the past wrongdoings against you. You can’t live trying to please everyone, or have any expectations of others. You can only care and believe in yourself and move on. At the end of it all, no one’s going to live life for you, and no one’s going to give a fuck if you don’t live it for yourself.

  220. Kayleigh Avatar

    Awesome article, love it. Thumbsup. I apply this anyway – but thanks for confirming, and putting it out there.

  221. MasacruAlex Avatar

    That’s a great article. Good work.

  222. Saqib Avatar

    Awefuckingsome. Thank you.

  223. Król Julian Anonymous Avatar
    Król Julian Anonymous

    How I found this website? Googled the words “how the fuck do you feel right now”. I really did not hope to find something valuable. And here you are.
    I don’t like Stephen King. He’s cruel when describing killing animals.
    And now I think I’m going to learn how to play keyboard.
    Don’t worry if you can’t understand me (I’m sure you won’t give a fuck anyway).
    Thanks to remind me the biggest bitch is the bitch inside me.

  224. Steph Avatar

    I love it!!

    “What people truly respect is when you draw the line and say “you will go no further.” They may not like this behaviour…”

    I find that sometimes I also have to draw that line with people who I do like & who I am close to and I find that they don’t usually like it very well either! Nobody likes it when you tell them NO- but that’s too bad (I guess your phrasing is a little better).

    1. T.F. Avatar


  225. Rina Avatar

    Love this, love the way you write and think!

  226. Hope2002 Avatar

    You’re an idiot. You realize that, right?

  227. Morwenna Tamar Billingham Avatar
    Morwenna Tamar Billingham

    FECK YEAH! You are the awesomest person in the world! I thought I was the only one who thinks no one should give a crap about what others think! WOO!

  228. olivia Avatar

    Thank you so much for this. Something just happened to me that made me see what my “friend” really thinks of me, and so I have been contemplating what others think. This helped me realize that I really don’t need to give a fuck, because I am me and if they don’t like me, I ‘ll find someone that does.

  229. daz Avatar

    Trying not to give a fuck but my eye is too strong.

  230. Salezlady Avatar

    Funny thing for me is that I am being adult bullied a job that I’ve been at for less than four months. It is a small organization and the only way for me to get along with these people would be for me to tuck my tail, swallow my pride and give a fuck what they think! I’m pissed. In other situations, I have historically spoken my mind, but just recently due to the size of the organization and the overpowering nature of acceptance of these behaviors, I’ve stopped talking about it…today I’m saying FUCK IT! Bring this shit on! I will no longer be humiliated by people who pretend to have my best interest at heart and are disrespecting me in front of my team and behind my back!FFFFFF IT!!!!
    Thank you for writing this!

  231. problem? Avatar


  232. Natalie King Avatar

    Im so pleased that i found your blog, i poured over this whole article – its me!
    Ive always been someone who has struggled to keep friendships because my paranoia about what they are saying about me behind my back has eventually pushed them away. My ‘eye’ is a big one and never switches off! Im currently struggling with a group of friends who used to all be close and a year down the line is starting to split off into smaller groups, none of which I’m involved in. Its really painful to be let down by ‘friends’ but then i realised that they arent really friends at all! They feed off the ass licking of the others that are ‘accepted’ and I’ve figured out that no matter how much ego massaging i do, they don’t like me any the more for it!
    Thank you for the verbal smack in the chops and for making me wise up to it all – time to find some genuine friends who like me for me and not for the me I’ve been pretending to be xx

  233. Niqua Avatar

    I have Aspergers and I don’t give a fuck about anything 🙂 I offend people daily care factor zippo!!!

  234. Dev Avatar

    Thanks for opening my fucking eyes!
    I used to feel like such a pussy, but after reading some of you inspirational articles i have changed my life. You are ridding the world of pussies one at a time! 😉

  235. someone Avatar

    I care sooo much what people think of me. it is easy to say dont giie a fuck, but hard to put it into practice. i i here that someone at school has been talking about me behind my back i go into this strange mode where it feels like my whole body has seized up… im sure thats not normal…. and i dont talk eat or even drink as i am in this strange feeling that i do not know hoow to describe. this girl at school said “why is she sitting with us” regarding me and i cried all night. i mean how dumb is that.. i think i mignt need help. anyone else feel like this?

  236. brandon Avatar

    man this website helped me so much i remember spending like 25 mins on perfecting my short hair lol and as a guy your ussally thinking my hair is good enough. But now im just like i dont give a fuck about it anymore, my ex gf and best friend started dating from my help idk how i helped them but i told them the truth of her being a slut and i feel GREAT

  237. Kimpeccable Avatar

    Someone posted “How to Change Your Life” from this blog on Facebook–it was so invigorating that I began reading from the archive.

    I have read ad infinitum about learned helplessness, the power of positive thinking, re-training the brain, etc., but you have elevated motivational training into an art: easily assimilatable, inspirational, pragmatic. I particularly like the no-sugarcoating tone.

    The Nike ad exhorts: just do it; however, much as people say they want to change, they have to have the tools and the right spiritual cheerleader to motivate them enough so they learn to motivate themselves. Easier said than done, but if you really seek change and have the commitment and perseverance to it, it can be done.

    Kudos on a terrific blog.

  238. Tammy Avatar

    I try to get past the hate, the haters, but there is too much of it in my life. Without that I have nothing! Sad. Is nothing better?

  239. Michael Avatar

    See, there is a fine line between being someone who doesn’t care and being an arsehole. How you take peoples judgment is what is important but if the not caring attitude makes you behave cold or makes you rude towards others, then you become an arsehole. I’m sure you don’t care but just watch and see how the people around you start to treat you for the worse, if you act like the latter part of not caring.

  240. Melissa Avatar

    Very cool !! Forgive my ignorance, but have you written a book? You should!

  241. won Avatar

    I am watched by the eye my entire life. Now, finally, I am happily announcing this in the presence of you -the usurpers of exaggerated nicks- that I loved to live under the shadow of a lie until this very moment. I was a fool, then. But now, I am FOOL at last. Fuck you all.


  242. fed up Avatar

    it;s not that i;m pleasing other it;s that know matter how hard i try to please my self theres always an asshole who does there best to get in my way .but i;m one of those people that dosent say anything i guess i dont have a back bone so fuck it.

  243. Kevin Avatar

    “Do something you consider embarrassing. Find your internal filters and break them, one at a time. Notice how society, like an ocean, smooths over the waves you make, until what you do gets eliminated, or becomes the status quo.”

    Great metaphor! You’re the (wo)man!!

  244. Cary Avatar

    I haven’t a fuck to give lol

  245. Anon Avatar

    Thank you. Your post prevented my from committing suicide today. I’ve realized that the people who care about me, well, they don’t really care about me. And I’m okay with this. I’m okay with how I am, I am a bull-shit caller, I do tell the truth, and I expose people for what they truly are. This is why I am so alone. I only have my boyfriend at this point in my life, and again, I am okay with this. But your article made me realize that it’s okay to be this way, because many people are this way. Thank you.

    1. Kristi Avatar

      *kiss* *hug* Good job!!!!!!

  246. Dawn Avatar

    This article is brilliant and truly liberating! Like a breath of fresh air! I really enjoyed reading on about what true freedom is. Oh, and of course let’s not forget, techno clown outfit! Bwaahahaha !

  247. Jay Avatar

    thanks guy, you just saved my life =)

    give props where props are requiered


  248. Davíd Avatar

    thanks man for this awesome post! It is really helping me right now! just went outside to get cigarettes and put a porcelain ocarina on a string around my neck. just for the heck of it! I hope I looked at least a little strange. might I suggest this as further reading?

  249. mark Avatar

    Good article. I spent years of my life trying to please others. My life really began when I stopped caring what others thought.I always felt there was something missing from my life. I was missing from my life. I was too busy trying to please others. It was not my fault. My parents were catholics and narrow minded to be honest. I dont blame them. They spent their whole life doing what they were told in one form or another.Anyway my advice is to strive for your independence of thought. Its really worth it

  250. arjun Avatar

    dammmm the best post ever period

  251. Jerry Seinfeld Avatar

    This is really amazing, theoretically speaking thought that i had concurred everything in life. But there was one thing I left out.I was always worried about other people, then it happened. Never fucked any thing that fuckin cared again life is grand, so stand for a band middle finger to the sky type of mother fucker.yeaaaaa buddy.FUCK IT

  252. what? Avatar

    like when your on facebook and just scroll down it makes more shit for you to ignore. what should i do about this?

  253. gruhn Avatar

    I’m curious about “the party has no balls” and “don’t let people dictate.” They appear right there in the same paragraph. Yet usually when people complain of a political party not having balls what they mean is “they’ve stopped dictating to people.” It’s usually a cry for some third party of self interested jerks to prevent people from living as they would.

    But I got the sense that we’d be heading in this direction way back at the beginning when the hand was tipped “afraid to take a stand.” A typical call to leftist political action.

    So, life improvement advise or another tiresome hippie wanting to co-opt your life for their unpopular failed abusive ends?

  254. beavis Avatar

    i like your bunghole juice how bout a taste? think bout it baby i like it rough 😉

  255. No hope Avatar
    No hope

    want to talk about not giving a fuck? read about me when i’m famous.

  256. CrazeeCarl Avatar

    I couldn’t give a flying fuck…That you or anyone else doesn’t give a fuck!!


  257. bellahouston Avatar

    Fucking awesome!

  258. Clifford Blodgett Avatar

    This is an awesome article and yes you are always being judged, knowing how to handle that judgement is the key!

  259. Laur Avatar

    This was fantastic. I love the part about calling bullshit where you see it; however, this can be dangerous in business. I walk a fine line between saying what I mean and “towing the company line.” I actually wish I could more of a “yes man” but I can’t. Not wired that way. I find it impossible to play the game.

  260. Alex Avatar

    Well said! I’m nearly 23 and I’ve been taught foolishly by people that if you’re nice to everyone, they’ll always be nice to you back, but that turned out to be bullshit! People talk too much about not offending others, but my feelings were always trodden on with no regard to any pain or suffering. I wouldn’t mind, but I hated being told to be ‘sensitive’ to these cretins who could dish it out but couldn’t take it (people on TV, film, in the media, in school, etc). I no longer care if I offend others, there is no human right to not be offended otherwise, would Charles Darwin have published his Origin of Species for fear of offending Genesis-believers? He defied his own wife’s feelings to publish it! I no longer care. I just don’t.

  261. Kate Avatar

    Haha, it happened so, that I’ve recently become 31 too and decided to be what I am and what I always wanted to be. Doing something stupid? That was always what I wanted to do!)) I wanna take my youth back and feel for at least one year a young reckless person. Well, maybe it’s strange for the age BUT who gives a damn! So I got in acquaintance with an american guy and knowing him only a day went to see him at a cafe deep into the night when he called dragging me out of the bed before leaving my city. That would have been impossible for me only two years ago and now I have experienced something new. I got sure of myself and everything. Of course you don’t need to be too vulgar and common in your liberty but everyone has the right to be what one really wants to be. So I agree, do crazy things, they enrich your lives.

  262. Oona Avatar

    Thank you! I so needed to hear this!

  263. Zack Avatar

    Nice one but I don’t give a shit.

  264. Maria @amotherworld Avatar

    I fucking love this – thank you!

  265. Eman Avatar

    i love i like i adore :D:D:D

  266. Tamara Avatar

    I think the point of the article is to not worry about what people think in regards to how you live your life…. ie what you wear, how you speak, etc. That’s the impression I got. It doesn’t mean we can just go around saying and doing things that will cause harm to others. Alot of judgements we are taught to make in our lives are about things that don’t matter and if we do do them they won’t harm people. but our inner critic still hounds us. i do wish society would relax! who cares if someone wears casual clothes or a business suit, for instance? The suit only looks better because we were taught to recognize it that way. So I am glad some people can look past the inner “eye” (critic) and experience life in a more REAL way.

  267. Kait Mauro Avatar

    I’m really glad I came across this, thank you.

  268. Day Something Avatar

    It was hard for me to understand, mostly because I am a dumbass, but I liked it.

  269. angel Avatar

    I’m honestlyworking on setting up a online website, to help our growing population, in these vast changes.. threw, my heart and tears cey out for those teen who has thong alittle different then, only we ourselfs can control, to except to be known, qnd populor is great, though not menchened or. even heard anout perfect…. that means I had no enemies…god bless… those who reach out…thank you
    angel cress

  270. angel Avatar

    if there is anything I can do to help, no money I’m disabled and just enjoy reaching out..
    angel cress

  271. Brent Avatar

    Nice article, I found it while asking myself I wonder if anyone else has come to this conclusion my search on Google was “saying fuck you to those that control”

  272. Eric Bolsmann Avatar
    Eric Bolsmann

    An immature idiot not sure of himself likes to get attention. He want’s affirmation. Grow up and try to be a man. Start respecting yourself and grown ups may respect you. This is what you want. You do care because you are stilol in your diapers.

  273. Andria Avatar

    Great blog. Thank you 🙂 Have been stepping towards this, saying bye to people, standing up more. There is only so much time! And i would rather be around people who CAN do conflict than cant!

  274. Barbara-Paraprem Avatar

    Thanks. My English is not so good, but your posting is it worth to read, even it cost me time and exercise.

    Greetings from Switzerland 😉

  275. Adam Avatar

    Dude, very sweet. Firmly that all that separates the best in life from the worst, the happiest from the rest, the strong from the rest is their ability to not give a fuck. Thanks for sharing.

  276. Kelly Avatar

    You know what? I love this blog entry. And not just because I too just finished reading The Long Walk (excellent choice, I must say). I love this entry because when people stop caring about what everyone else thinks and start caring about what truly matters, well, there will be a lot less prozac being washed down with a pint of beer.

  277. hope Avatar

    Ok, here’s the thing… I’ve already come to realizing those things you mentioned, but it doesn’t help me get anywhere. I still obsess over what people think about me. I can rationalize all I want, but the ingrained need to be accepted and approved is still there.

  278. Alicia Avatar

    You are totally right about most things–only if I can get my eleven year old daughter to think this way too. 🙂 Peace!

  279. Nick Avatar

    Good article! How could I have not encountered this before.

  280. idgf Avatar

    lord knows!!!!!!

  281. Imu Urmi Avatar

    Had I known this advice existed, I wouldn’t have wasted time watching Deepak Chopra’s “The Happiness Prescription”. Thanks for the kick in the pants.

  282. Lesley Reid Cross Avatar

    There’s something that speaks to me deeply in not giving a fuck. But there’s also a deep calling within towards compassion, seeing other’s pov, finding mutual, consensual solutions to conflict. Not that the two are exclusive. In fact, I’d venture to say that the truly compassionate can’t give a fuck. Because to say “I’m going to hear both sides of this, all sides of this, and not necessarily agree or disagree completely with any of it, but strive towards finding common ground” is pretty fucking unusual in a world focused on “fighting back” and aggression. How many of us can actually choose to neither fight nor run? That’s what I choose, and you know what? I don’t give a fuck.

  283. Ervin Rubulcaba Avatar
    Ervin Rubulcaba

    Sometimes I contemplate if folks truly take time to write something original, or are they only just dishing out words to fill a site. This surely doesn’t fit that mold. Thank you for taking the time to write with awareness. Now And Then I look at a page and question whether they even proofread it.Fantastic work with this article.

  284. Fasil Avatar

    The problem is that we’re all afraid of being alone. Solve that, life solved.

  285. Nicole Avatar

    love this post so much.
    hope you dont mind, i had to include it in my own blog post.

  286. soap nuts Avatar
    soap nuts

    I found some great information in your site and bookmarked to visit again . Thanks.

  287. T. Watson Avatar
    T. Watson

    Wow, Harry Browne must be rolling over in his grave. For those who do not yet know, most of the material covered in this blog is from the 1973 book by Harry Browne titled: “How I found Freedom in an Unfree World”. So if you like what you’ve read in this blog be sure to read Harry’s book to find out how and why these techniques work. The book itself has long since been out of print (but often available on eBay) however the eBook version is available for purchase via Harry Browne’s website:

    And for those who are wondering: yes I have a copy of the original hardback book and yes it is signed by Harry Browne, himself.

    1. Julien Avatar

      Thanks for that, I hadn’t heard about Harry Browne until now. Appreciate it.

  288. Adam Avatar

    Couldn’t fucking have said it better myself

  289. John T Avatar
    John T

    I LOVE this site. Everytime I need a “shot-in-the-arm” with regards to affirming that I don’t need to give a fuck what people think – I come here, and it’s great.

    After reading and beginning to live this site, I took the final step of telling my control-freak, lying, corrupt, passive-aggressive, former boss that I wasn’t afraid of him any longer, that I knew that his M.O. is to eliminate anyone who stood in his way, and that I didn’t give a fuck about my job anymore, as I have talent and ability, and won’t compromise myself by working for him any longer. It felt GREAT. So, I’m living life on my own terms now. For now, I’m poorer, paycheck-wise, but richer, self esteem-wise. And ultimately, that’s the important thing. Jobs will come and go. I’m so happy this website is here and gave me “the push” to get off my candy-ass and be an adult, once and for all. Thanks, Julien.

  290. Jennifer Avatar

    I’ve read this article twice over. Whether I agree or disagree, matters not. What I say to her(him?) won’t push the envelope on a whole new universe of possibilities, and no matter what I say or feel of the others who take the time to argue over it, my opinion may go unnoticed. Once I’m done typing, I’ll never visit this site or article again. Yet I just wanted to tell her(or him?) one thing: thank you for saying what you did. It took guts to type it all out. Whether or not I care, I respect that they took the time and effort to voice themselves. For those that agree: it is up to you to say or not say something; the same for those who disagree. However; I don’t see the purpose of arguing over it. Yes, it’s your choice/opinion. I just don’t see why you should give a fuck about what someone you don’t know said. I’m simply respectful of them standing for something they believe in. What have you to pout about?

  291. Simply Awesome Avatar
    Simply Awesome

    I’m not afraid of being alone, I tend to enjoy my own company more then others, so if that’s a problem for you I Don’t Fucking Care lol had to at least get that in there!

  292. Simply Awesome Avatar
    Simply Awesome

    Oh for the response above mine that I didn’t notice until now, I agree with your comments that the Author had the guys to publish an article like this..although you mention a few times about not caring lol I find that funny or maybe ironic as not caring wouldn’t of made you leave a response in the first place lol but I’m glad you did!

  293. Steve Avatar

    We are hard-wired to seek approval from our peers. The ‘EYE’ is what stops us from masturbating on the bus to work. Or shitting the bed because the toilet is too far away. Long live the ‘EYE’!!!

  294. Annie Avatar

    someone has probably mentioned this already, I really liked the article and agreed with it, but can someone give me some advice for what to do if you do everthing in the article and really don’t give a damn about these horrible people…but what do you do if they try to influence those you really love against you????? I know you might say that if these people really love you, they won’t listen to the haters, but what if the haters are very sneaky and manipulative and try everything possible to turn others against you? It sends me into rage and I don’t know what to do except have a quiet word with the others but I feel like I’m really being framed here and almost anything I try could be turned against me? Thanks

  295. Steve Avatar

    Not entitled to my opinion then Julien because it doesn’t fit in with your view. Only publishing comments from yes men/women. Tsk tsk.

    1. Julien Avatar

      Give me time to approve them before you put your foot in your mouth, you asshole.

  296. budajay Avatar

    i’ll put these gems on flashcards to carry around with me. freaking good stuff.

  297. budajay Avatar

    …as an afterthought, did the horse hit the ground & galloped into the sunset? aah, then again who gives a shit 🙂

  298. Alan Bowler Avatar
    Alan Bowler

    Maybe if more people gave a fuck we wouldn’t have to not give a fuck. -+-=- yin and yang are a balance between good and evil. Just because you have the ability to judge doesn’t mean your any good at it. I was approached today by a man from outside his house i stood aside a road waiting to see a potential client, he says to me “my wife feels uneasy as you stand outside our home” If that was me id tell my wife to see a fucking shrink. The bitch wasn’t even home at this stage. The only flaw in judgement is that we have the ability to conceive moronic notions that make giving a fuck much harder than not. I can see its easier to not give a fuck but ppl really piss me off sometimes with their stupidity. I can understand also you cannot trust anyone because of this rule as ppl that don’t give a fuck will kill you stab you set fire to your hair spit on you throw eggs and laugh at you and steal from you and break your heart while taking a shit on your face. Nobody can be trusted so worry about something better than what ppl are thinking, thoughts cant hurt you but baseball bats and boots to the head can. stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

  299. Saba Avatar

    Just read this article. Loved it. Your gf is a very lucky person 🙂

  300. Max Avatar

    Great post indeed, my daughter put it on her FB page (and I am happy she did because she’s sixteen and suffers of a lack of self-esteem). By the way, I couldn’t see the video because YouTube “says” my Country does not have permission to. Too bad.

  301. Alex Avatar

    Well truth is, Its hard to go out and public and hear negative things about yourself. im overweight and its hard for me to lose weight. I know the replys to this will be “just eat better and exercise” but that is hard for me. ill stay on a diet for a few days and then ill be driving home and ill just have some fast food… Im just so used to it. And when i go to the gym after 1mile of jogging, i feel like i wanna go home and just lay down and watch tv. my life sucks ass… but if your skinny or your just a loser, dont worry, you can change that by reading with that this guy wrote, but if your fat, its a whole different concept. I WANNA FUCK WOMEN WHO ARE SEXY AS HELL. Not a fat or ugly girl. and it wont happen for me unless i do something… well SURGERY for my fat is next. gota do what i gota do. LOVE PEACE SEX. Thank you.

    1. Nick Avatar

      If you wanna fuck “Sexy as hell” women, you might join weight-watchers to achieve more self esteem. Or save your money and realise that plenty of sexy women go with “big” guys, usually the guys who don’t give a fuck what others think or say, whether they’re big or not! Best of luck in your quest either way.
      Peace & love.

  302. hussein Avatar

    man fuck this shit get this thing off me the thing that wants me to give my email take it off!!! fuck it!!!

  303. missnina Avatar

    i am one of the fortunate. i learned this lesson @ 15, and lived my life by it. i have met people that are all bunjed up over every little thing. they are miserable, trapped in their self made prisons. every decision they make about their lives revolves around acceptance and approval of others, rather than their own personal happiness, which is backwards, bc in reality, we are the ones living our lives, we are the ones that must deal with the consequences of our decisions. in reality, being true to yourself is the only path to happiness.

    “If you end up with a boring miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on television telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve it.”
    ― Frank Zappa

  304. soviet Avatar

    Sir, Julien Smith.

    You made a life changing post! I feel so much happier now that I’ve took your advice and tested it. I’m actually so happy with it that i will stick with it:)



  305. Doug Avatar

    Whiney prick.

    go buy a rail ticket from Newcastle to somewhere nice?

  306. kyaria Avatar

    i dont like this .

  307. eee Avatar

    YESSS! I hear you young man. I embrace the sentiment. But there is still more work to be done. If this is where you are right now, then you have to get past the hate. If this is way in your past, then I could shake your hand. Right now the hate comes from your own admitted “crowd pleasing” behavior. Yes, me too. I would always kiss ass, not get the last word. Come back and apologize when none was needed. I too spent a good deal of time kicking myself. But now you know, there is nothing wrong with the truth. There is something drastically wrong with people who cannot handle the truth. Watch yourself though. Americans are getting more meaner and murderous with each decade. The older generations gave birth to new monsters. Entitled savages that think they can get away with attacking others both verbally and physically just as thie ancestors did. Nobody gets away with this kind of hate. Adult bullies on the workplace. Racists and bigots. These “people” come from god-awful “families”. Forget that they are in well manicured neighborhoods. Forget that they are in a ghetto. Forget wherever they come from OR even how they were maladaptively raised.Even if they die and it appears that they never get payback. Trust me. God will prevail. What matter’s is your own three feet of space and YOUR truth!! Never NOT push back. Be cleaver and strategic. I am now able to completely insult you to your face and you won’t figure it out for days. I hand back every bigot I encounter their own hate. And they are all amazed that they got served. I will and do set firm limits on people in the world. I am one of those that you hate on site. You cannot figure out why you do but you do. No problem. Hate your ass off. Violate my three feet and it is on!!! – God Bless America.

  308. Gabriella Avatar

    Haha I loved you article so much… It was so fucking great!! I wish I had a friend like you….

  309. kez Avatar

    went into this article expecting something very different then what was presented and seriously… im very impressed… it really has brightened up my morning and hopefully my year. your incredible please keep posting its kinda great to look up to something like this.

    for trolls out there im 16 so please… give me a break

  310. Stasia Avatar

    Found this site doing a random google “i’m feeling a little blue since I’m not making anything meaningful out of my life” – truly one of life’s serendipitous moments – (and as I type this, I’m correcting “since” into “because” so The Eye is well & working fine).

    I function well with knowing that most people don’t think about me at all (Fact #1), I’m very aware that most people like me & if they don’t, I can live with it (Fact #2) but thank you for pointing out how I can use these facts to get on with the life I want to lead as opposed to just living life in the status quo. Thank you – glad I was feeling blue & found you.

  311. Ozark Avatar

    I would agree with this but i haven’t given a fuck in a long time. It’s easy to do. The side effect is that there are only two types of people. Those that love me and those that hate me. It doesn’t matter either way. I enjoy both types

  312. Paul Avatar

    My ramblings and lifestyle are here if anyone wants to see.

  313. Dennis Avatar

    I DONT GIVE A FUCK. Anymore. Nice article well written and happy to say I went through this about 3 years ago, am 30 now! Damn too old but yah still good – baby!!

  314. Nick Avatar

    I came across this blog by chance, having typed “Fuck it, I wish things were easier” into Google and hit return, hoping for some guidance. (Yes, It’s a bit like that at the moment). Well, having read the main thread and a lot of replies, I think I received the guidance I sought! Obviously not as easy as it sounds but I’m going to try to adopt the “couldn’t give a fuck” attitude in all walks of like.
    Peace & love.

  315. Hishqal Avatar

    Oh really really helped me I just realized how stupid I was to care so much about what other people say and think about me..right now I don’t give a f*@# about what others think of me and the funny thing I realized is that people actually pay more attention to people who talk less then those who talk more..YOU’RE JUST AWESOME THAT’S ALL thanks 🙂

  316. Eric Bolsmann Avatar
    Eric Bolsmann

    This is crab

  317. BRidjitt Avatar

    DUDE! this is sooooo mad, this is just what I needed to help me get a reality check and clear that stuff from my mind, you’ve got mad skills and I always wished someone could be as real as that and tell that stuff upfront to me, that is something i’ve always desired to actually not give a fuck, but have always felt scared to do so infear of what others say/ have said. But you know fuck it! imma hold my head up from now on, Thanks to you,

  318. Gina F Avatar
    Gina F

    I really needed to read this. I’m tired of people. and i need to learn to live this way because avoiding conflict and giving a fuck is really hurting. thank you for writing this

  319. Samz Avatar

    So I was searching google for some “getting someone to start back talking to you” advice right, and I stumbled across this, and honestly, I’m not even gonna google that again! this article is great. I havent finished reading it yet but i have faith in the rest! GREAT! Keep writing!

  320. Bryan Avatar

    By far the best damn blog post I have ever read! I am 41 about to turn 42 in a few months and can tell you it has taken me a long time to get to this point in my life. For a long time I was so worried what people thought about me I never worry about what I be doing for myself. We get so caught up in other peoples bull shit sometimes we forget to take care of our self.

  321. Judy Avatar

    Wow i cried when i read this, im in highschool right now so in addition to massive piles of homework im also working my hardest trying to ipress people who (i now realize) dont actually matter. Thank you so much

  322. Paul Avatar

    More at ..come see how i ramble and leave a comment. I haven’t githingsven a fuck about things for years.

  323. trent Avatar

    this may be the most appreciated information i have had to date.

  324. Ryan Avatar

    Damn. Ive felt pretty shitty for a long while now because of typical life problems and bullshit. After reading this, that feeling kinda disappeared and left me feeling almost enlightened. Thanks for the great post.

  325. danielle judicki Avatar
    danielle judicki

    I almost feel I should be reading this once a day for words of encouragement. I love it, do you have a book?

  326. k Avatar

    Right on!! After standing up for myself by calling out the bullies and liars at work (through writing and presenting a full account at the request of my union). .. now I really know my value and talent. Jealous and insecure people thrive on distracting you from your purpose. Fuck ’em.

    Speaking truth to power and understanding that saying enough to living with other people’s junk.

  327. Cynthia Avatar

    thank you for this article, a good read and an awesome share!

  328. maan Avatar

    Hi J-
    amazing stuff… someone just had to write it down,,,, i think youre doing a wonderful thing by creating a better world changing lives through your blog.. i am truly inspired, cant wait to read more and to learn more ..
    Take care and keep writing!

  329. Samantha Avatar

    I loved this site. It gives you insight of realizing you’re just as important as anyone no one has the right to bring you down or vise versa. :). Awesome blog thank you to the ones or one person who posted it. I have and will be saving it to my favorites 🙂

  330. sherryn Avatar

    I really love your blog, writing style and mantra!! Would you consider doing a guest post for my website on why people in the D.C area should follow your advice.. email me 🙂

  331. Robert Coyle Avatar
    Robert Coyle

    Great article if you are nuero-typical but does it apply to all, what if you have a behavioural disorder and decide to ” not give a fuck”
    Pass me that kitten and show me how to work this microwave.

  332. Lana Avatar

    I certainly think there is a huge amount of truth with your blog, understanding the truth is important, but understanding more than just your own perception is important too. Which is why listening is important – not saying you have to believe another persons truth is relevant to your own.

    Standing up and fighting for your truth is what makes a person truly believe in themselves, and is the best sort of strength to have.

  333. Dimitri Avatar

    I knew this already but figured no one would actually do it. The thing is I recently came across my own misfortune which will make this a whole lot easier. Since the chances of success at anything went from 1:10000 to 1:10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Essentially what I mean by this is not giving a fuck since the odds of success at anything are almost nil should be relatively easy.

    Its a big number and it got me thinking. I’ve been damn depressed for a long time but in reality it was not in my control. There is nothing I could have done to avoid it. Its just the cards I have been dealt. My hand sure does suck but there it is, I can’t do anything about it. So its time I pick myself up and move on. Sitting around dwelling on my problem wont help me. This article reminded me of that. Well that and George Washington Carver. “When you do the common things in an uncommon way you attract/demand (I forget which one) the attention of the world.”

  334. Eric Avatar

    Well, I’m happy I found this today!

  335. Mikaella Avatar

    The “eye” thing was just amazing. I also write texts like yours about this stuff, but I had never watched that. I have this eye inside me, only when I’m with my mom, I don’t really bother about what my friends think, I know they love me with all my awkwardness. My mom loves me anyway too, but I can’t hurt her.

  336. Melanie Avatar

    Great article! really helped me see things differently.

    I work with alot of older women who tend to judge everyone around them as they think they know better than anyone. Ive realized that these people are immature, even if they are double my age (so what does that say about them). I might not have as much life experience but i certainly do not spend all my time judging people and then going on about how other people dont have good values compared to them(because talking about people behind their backs is such a great one). After i finally stood up for myself and saw that everyone who claimed they had my back, were in fact cowards and were spineless when the time came to fight for our rights. I was the only one who had the guts to say something and they have now chosen to judge me for it. I will definitly stop trying to get their approval, because obviously i will never get it and its been driving me crazy to even try!! I dont care if you dont like me because i love who i am, im happy about my life and i have people close to me who love me no matter what, and thats what matters the most. When all is said and done, ive said what i wanted to say and had no regrets, they wont be able to say the same.

    Long story short….. I dont give a fuck!

  337. jkr Avatar

    Great post! I found this by typing in “I don’t like people today”, and it was exactly what I needed to find. I googled the phrase after being treated crappily and disrespectfully by a co-worker, NO (!), correction, by one of my EMPLOYEES earlier this morning. I left work pissed, without saying anything, then felt really angry and hateful. Reading your post made me remember that I needed to tell her how it is, rather than take that kind of shit from one of my employees. AKA, not give a fuck. So I drove back, called a little closed door meeting, and gave her the truth. That that shit wasn’t going to fly. Feeling much better! Thanks for reminding me about my spine.

  338. Rob Avatar

    I have to say this made my day. this dose is what I need.I’ve been through a lot lately…and seeing myself like over and over doesn’t changes anything around me. Thank you for sharing.

    Its a head start!

  339. KenJ Avatar

    I wear tube socks with shorts. I love it.

  340. Jen Avatar

    Wow I thought I was reading my own notebook about me. Although I am a Wuss I seem to be turning to fight not flight response. Very very mean I can be now. It seems like I just call things the way it IS(or the way I see it). Almost like I am totally opposite of the young me. I am 34 years old and it was at the age of 31 years that I started this change. Although some has and is good but it still is not me.

    Wondering how, wishing, hoping for the true me.


  341. Vernon Avatar

    I have read this article about a year ago, and it was a life changer. After finishing it, I felt like the glass prison that I’ve been building around myself has been shattered. Thank you, Julien.

  342. Esmeralda Avatar

    Very cool.

  343. victor Avatar

    holy fuck… thank you for this. I REALLY needed it.

  344. L Avatar

    Feel so sorry for you, as if you cared about that bullshit until you were 31 :/ Still, your awesome for realising most people never do

  345. Catherine Avatar

    Very lovely, Julien. You seem to have an internal hammer for hitting the internal nail right on the head.

  346. SuddenlySusan Avatar

    Thanks. You have no idea how much I needed to read this today.

  347. Angelene Avatar

    What you wrote is awesome and I really love it, but let me ask you a question: I read you have a girlfriend, so at least you have on person in the world who stands on your side. Don’t you think this is a great help in not giving a fuck about what other ppl say and think? I am single and I find it much more difficult because I don’t have any allies in this.

    1. Julien Avatar

      Yeah support is important but it doesn’t have to be a GF. In some ways you can provide your own support system.

  348. Colin Bent Avatar
    Colin Bent

    Dude! Totally inspiring. I did a reading, It’s linked here. Hope it’s okay.

  349. Colin Bent Avatar
    Colin Bent

    Hey! I would like to use our piece for a reading. I’ll credit you and the site.


  350. Alex Avatar

    Now to stop giving a Fuck… seems it is easier said than done, after years of being conditioned by society to care. Great blog.

  351. David Avatar

    Love it! After spending 22 years “serving” my country and dealing with the magnetic yellow ribbon supporters I noticed that I was nothing but angry. Support the troops as long as it doesn’t interrupt what Kim Kardasean was doing. Oh you want the benefits we promised you? Sorry, but we are trying to balance a budget and that is too expensive. Getting a divorce and can’t make your mortgage payment? Not our problem. It’s not my problem anymore either. Take the house. Take the truck. You can’t get blood out of a turnip. Take it all, because I don’t give a fuck. When the sun comes out tomorrow you will be figuring out how to foreclose on my house, repo my truck and I will be walking the fuck away. All yours. Don’t need it and I am the one who will be happy when the sun sets.

  352. Emily Seal Avatar
    Emily Seal

    I really enjoyed this post. It seems that lately all I have been hearing is just sickenly sweet and overly-positive projections from people that seem to be more of a false sense of security than the truth. People have just lost their minds and intellect. People aroud me have no opinoins anymore, and if you are the slighest bit critical, you are made to feel like an outcast and a “negative person”. My three closest friends that I have always ben hoest with no longer talk to me becasue I am so sick of watching them systematically destroy their lives. I just can’t take it anymore,

  353. Chris Avatar

    You’re probably right on some parts but the overall tone here is not conducive to societal function. We all must accept that there are unwritten rules, which inherently evolve within any given society. Learn to accept that, and you can manipulate them to your desire. The rest is poppycock. Oh and just to make you happy…..i don’t give a fuck about what you just wrote.

  354. Phil Avatar

    My wife has been having a long term affair. In an effort to ruin me, take my son, my home and make sure I couldnt have anything to do with them later on in life, I believe she has exploited our lives via social network
    setting up cctv cams and broadcasting the highlights of any fkups I may have had over the past 5 years.
    I believe that I’ve been coerced into behaving badly so that she could stand back and point fingers. She has approached co workers at 3 jobs with incriminating evidence which resulted in harassment leading to me leaving those jobs. I have no friends left and nothing but bad job references. The worst part is … I STILL love her and my son!
    18 YEARS of friendship! I need a fresh start. Im actually a really nice person with a heart of gold.
    I know I have myself to blame for some of it but the continued highlighting of my former self is killing me.
    I dont have anyone that is willing to come forward and say… HEY! THIS is what shes doing——–!
    -I’m not sure where Im going with this
    only glad Im not where I was …
    thanks for letting me vent
    anyone with advice on how to find out who is saying
    what about me online can email me @
    SUBJECT SayWhat?

  355. Yasmin Avatar

    Haha this is awesome. I’m gonna start doing things without caring what people think now because “I don’t give a f***” haa

  356. Brent Avatar

    Holy crap that was… awesome. Thanks for writing that. I guess we all know we’re being lied to every single day of our lives, but, we lucky bastards here in the 1st world, CAN actually CHANGE our lives for the better, if we want. And that’s the big thing.. IF we WANT…

  357. welnys Avatar

    This is really awesome and worth my time!

  358. Kibi Avatar

    Way back when I was a teenager i was often too scared to walk into a room full of people for fear of – well, of course now I really don’t know what the fear was of….anyway, one summer I saw Risky Business and this little speech by Guido spoke to me - – it’s immensely corny, but I lived by it for a couple of months and it certainly helped at that time…I guess I need a refresher course.

  359. Tony G Avatar
    Tony G

    Couldn’t agree more with what you say. I’ve been following this path of “Fuck ’em!” and sticking my finger in The Eye all my life, I keep falling off but I always drag my arse back onto it, because for all the scary, upsetting, confrontational situations it’s put me in I can always look into the mirror and say, “I was true to myself”. I may have lost ‘friends’ because of it, I may have made life harder than was necessary at times but I don’t give a fuck, and it would seem that people respect me for it and the friends that I do have are good and true friends, arseholes run a mile when they come up against someone who plays it real. Being true to yourself whatever the cost is the only true adventure in life. We only have one go at this thing called living, one chance to experience this amazing universe, it’s short and wonderful, make the most of it because when you’re dead you’re dead and no one will give a fuck!

  360. The1 Avatar

    Thank you so much for this article. This will help me a lot!
    I laughed at the part where it says “Feel like hanging from hooks or get whipped by a dominatrix? Go ahead, but be safe about it.”


  361. Maggie Wagner Avatar
    Maggie Wagner

    is there a copy or book on this? I am at rock bottom because of these issues……there is no light at end of my tunnel and i need to find it….I always considered my empathy ad compassion as my best quality, I know now that it is also my most defeating quality…..I need help….

    Thank you…..Maggie Wagner

  362. Jeff @ Digital Nomad Journey Avatar

    The sooner we can assimilate most people don’t care about you, the better. Most people don’t notice, and even then (as you mention), they soon forget.

    You can do anything you want in life, provided you are ready to accept the repercussions!

  363. AP Avatar

    Had my 50th Birthday a few weeks ago so the other guy got me beat by 19 years – aka known as no more bullshit day! Thanks for the info on this site it has really cheered me up!


  364. Cass Avatar

    Today is the first day I’ve been on your site, and I am really liking it. I completely agree with the whole “inner-eye” observation. Self-help branded sites and books usually have a bad rep., giving off the idea that a person who regularly reads them are “weak”. But, I personally like and benefit from them, so who cares. I just bookmarked your site 🙂

  365. James Avatar

    Normally I don’t comment on these types of articles, mostly due to fear of saying something stupid. But after reading this article, I learn to not give a fuck and do what I want.

    So yea! Here I am, not giving a fuck! Got an job interview coming soon. If they like me, then that will be flipping great! And if they don’t, I’m not going dwell on it and move on to other prospective venue. Thank you, you magnificent bastard for writing this amazing article and giving me the confidence boost that I need.

    This comment might be messy and confusing to many, but don’t care, posting it anyway!!!

  366. Josh Avatar

    Hear hear, brother.

    Your mention of the prenatal eye reminded me of a Jason Statham movie called “Revolver.” The scene where he confronts his own watcher (his id, masquerading as himself) is amazing:

  367. igor Griffiths Avatar

    Strange karma indeed, finally accepted I need to deal with the internal eye and his mate the cautionary voice.

    Started with self-hypnosis audio’s which lead onto Think and Get Rich which I am currently reading and going to begin implementing this weekend.

    My good friend Sally Neill mentioned this post on Facebook and my old self would have dismissed this as another tree-hugging load of tosh however I am now ready to listen and deal with my internal roadblocks and thus appreciate the great truth you have revealed in this post.

    igor Griffiths

  368. Scott Vannatter Avatar

    Probably one of the very best posts I have read in a long time.
    I had a stroke over 2 years ago and it changed my life. It did so by changing my thought patterns so that I put up with less and demand a bit more for me. I have had to learn to curtail it a bit, but the idea is apparent, “As I learn to live for me and do for me, I stress less.”

  369. Georgie Avatar

    This is the best thing I have ever read. I’m the shyest person you will ever meet, and I’m constantly worried about what people think of me, I’m insecure about almost everything, I try and be nice to everyone and I’m forever trying to please everyone, as i just want to be liked and accepted. But you know what, you’re completely right. It’s doesn’t fucking matter an life is far to short, this is a huge wake up call for me. Thankyou. x

  370. Owais Avatar

    Wow! I just realized how true all of these things are even as I read it, and I don’t know how I didn’t notice them before! So much here that I could definitely use.

  371. Alex Avatar

    Its your issue not mine.

  372. Alex Avatar

    Ahh…. Shit happens. We NUKED were cool, we did it first. Remember, Forgive FORGET

  373. Tom Avatar

    Yep, shit happens. Guess what? I don’t give a single fuck.

  374. Heather Avatar

    I am married and have been for seven years. My husband, and everyone we are around on a daily bases, get mad because I have emotions. I get angry when I feel that, logically, I have a reason. They don’t like that. They only want me to be this happy person but I can’t. How do I go about not feeling anything? I really don’t want to give a fuck anymore, about anything. I need your help

  375. MEME Avatar

    Nice read I have read it a few times. My issue is point of views I can see everyones point of view. I also care to much, But I feel we have enought selfish heartless people in the world. That alone hurts so badly.
    For me the quick fix to anything is focus.
    what you focus on will consume you!
    not sure if you have written something about that or not.. but you can still care but it’s how you mentally respond to that.
    worry stress it’s all in our heads… yet if we focus on that worry or stress it will have other effects on us.
    not good but at the same time people are rude and I don’t want to join them!
    with much love and great post! have a great day!

  376. Trina Avatar

    I teach at a “Title I school” (the PC term for ‘full of kids from low socioeconomic backgrounds’) and I have found that many, many of my students have taken the “I don’t give a fuck” attitude to a different, more sinister extreme. I wonder how a lesson plan based on this blog post would fly …. Thanks for making me think, Julien.

  377. steve smay Avatar
    steve smay

    We need to stop blaming ourself for others peoples wrong.
    It’s about responsibility they need to take for there own actions.
    Some people mess you up then expect you to smile and say Thank You to them!?
    Theres alot of yobs that like to get invloved in other peoples business to see what they can get out of it.
    Of course they say it’s help, Fuck Off !

  378. Kadidid Avatar

    Oh my god, I think I love you right now. From the ridiculous visual of vibrams and a bowtie to the time it took you to dig up this great vid. Thanks so much for throwing down with so much kindness and care. LOVE it!

  379. toxy11gmailcom Avatar

    Werd… thing is since lots of people are talking about me for like messianic mind-control reasons, probably has more to do with controlling everyone else than specifically me… (I’m tryflintox on Tumblr, where I explain)… it’s hard for me to think that most people don’t know I exist, but since we’re talking billions I know you’re exactly right… I shouldn’t care either, even if they want to make me the Ultimate Scapegoat… props on the advice, appreciated.

  380. Tim Rooney Avatar

    Have you been reading my thoughts. I’ve always been ok making a fool of myself online… but Ive been one of those guys you’ve talked about only until recently. I have have been having the thoughts that you are preaching in this piece for about 3 weeks now. Noone cares, the guy who cuts me off isnt doing it maliciously… I am an object to him. Just one that moves. Focus on me and mine. This stuff is amazing and I’ve shared it with friends. I’m 39 years old and am just now figuring this stuff out. 8 years after you jerk.


  381. Tim Rooney Avatar

    ok well… I’m 14 months off the timeline… who cares. fuck it. Still very glad my friend shared this with me. Lets me know I am not alone. And that the other people around me really do not exist and I do live in the Matrix….. woohoo!!!!
    I took the right pill!!!!

  382. ash Avatar

    i very much appreciate reading your un-filtered honest words, and you have such a way with getting your ideas out. its great. and you actually want to help others, rare. I have found that examining my projections of judgments others are making about me say a lot about my own inner world and actually serve as one of my best teachers. but then i forget to tell them to fuck off when they are done pointing my shit out to me. thanks

  383. jacque Avatar

    Question………. Is it possible to not give a f***, and still be saintly? Answer…………YES Big Question……….. how does one do that? When you know the answer you will really not give a f***.

  384. heyho Avatar

    Really, people live their lives on autopilot,many never traveling outside the place they were born. Not caring what others think is not a problem for most people. You are confusing thinking with wanting to look like everyone else.Most successfull people look like the super status quo but have private lives which they keep closeted for fear of discovery. You see, we live in a world which hates its true self. It doesn’t matter what you think, if all your going to do to try and prove your originality is wear ugly shoes and a bow tie. if you are an original thinker,you don’t have to prove it, and you don’t make yourself wear ugly shoes to try and convince yourself of it. you are. accept who you are. most people are the status quo,living lives as slaves,working a job they hate,living with someone they loathe,they couldn’t make something with their own hands if their existence depended on it. not for not being capable but for the fear that something might go wrong,which by the way it does in a life controlled by other folks than your own self,spending the same amount of money on rent which could buy them multiple acres and houses? don’t worry about not being original. accept yourself,love your boring self,beleive me , you are lucky to be born that way,it’s very difficult to live an original life and those of us who do it know there is also a price to pay. you can still work on helping people to at least become physically can’t change they way they think though,and the sooner you realize that,the sooner you can start making bucks by convincing them they can actually live a life worth living.

  385. Posidonas Avatar

    I do not like handicap people, no matter what you do for them they are never happy and they are quick with abuse if they feel you did not give them the space they demand ………… FUCKING. SPASTICS

  386. Ramses Avatar

    I have been a drug addict for several years, but last year I decided to start all over… But I didn’t until I read this blog.
    I always tried to please everybody but now i have it all figured out, all I need to do is not give a fuck. so fuck you and have a nice day ^^

  387. stephen steele Avatar
    stephen steele

    i have pretty much not given a fuck since i left highschool, i was a fat nerd with a skin condition. not giving a fuck is the only defense i had.

    skip ahead 8 years and i had the opportunity of a life time, dating my best female friend and leaving home for the first time and working in my chosen career.

    all of a sudden i found myself giving a fuck, giving way too much of a fuck, caring about everything you could possibly care about, overthinking every potential judgement by everyone i saw and i went absolutely INSANE i gave so much of a fuck it drove me to a crazed manic state, she left me, i lost my job and i moved back home

    now i dont give a fuck again, dated a girl for three years who cheated on me, you know what, i dont give a fuck!

    dont give a fuck saved my life and honestly give a fuck almost ended it.

    1. sonickel Avatar

      I was the same, bullied so hard in primary school that I didn’t give a fuck in high school and in my 20s, a time when most people are trying to fit in.

      At 29 I got into film school, where it’s all about who you know, and reputation.

      All of a sudden I gave a fuck about absolutely everything, I became this complete crazed doormat, always crying “poor me”, obsessed with my problems and emotions. That didn’t do me any fucking favours at all, and I have lost myself trying to be everything to everyone.

      Fuck them all!

  388. Towhid Zaman Avatar

    thanks for this beautiful article.well actually beast is the proper word I think. I’m feeling my inner person.. 🙂

  389. Mauricio Avatar

    While reading this, a shy little tear drops from my eye and I realize that I’m living a stupid life that people choose me to live.
    Thanks Julien, I’ll try to get back on MY life.

  390. M. x Avatar

    i loved this. such a nice wake up call. Brilliant!

  391. Ravnicrasol Avatar

    If you scrolled all the way down here… you obviously didn’t get the point.

  392. Don Piano Avatar
    Don Piano

    tldr. and stephen king writes a lot better than you.

  393. Jennifer Nicole Camp Avatar
    Jennifer Nicole Camp

    Maybe it comes down to being transparent….
    -Jennifer Nicole Camp

  394. Lee Ruscin Avatar
    Lee Ruscin

    It takes a lot of courage to live an authentic life- well worth the effort. Great article!

  395. Shais Anees Avatar

    Hi Julien,

    You are so right – it’s so true, what you tell above. And the amazing about it is, that it’s even so simple. You make it feel so easy which it might also be.

    Thank you very much for writing and sharing this.

    Greatings from Denmark (SMILE) 😀

  396. Osiris Avatar

    This page is so good it brought tears to my eyes. I put it on my bookmarks so I can refer to it a lot. Thanks.

  397. Kate Flowers Avatar
    Kate Flowers

    Thank you for writing this. I really needed a 101 on how to be less chicken sh*t and more assertive. Hopefully I won’t take this too far and be that bitch screaming at a toddler because he sneezed on her. But really, I can’t thank you enough.

  398. AIDY Avatar

    This is something you don’t see or hear everyday. Might have to apply this concept…daily.

  399. aidslapsi Avatar

    I dont give a fuck about this guide to not give a fuck

  400. Adrian Fayrce Avatar
    Adrian Fayrce

    The best thing was that bit about Trudeau. I had to watch it via Google, though since American media likes to block a lot of stuff. My country has problems. Anyway, interesting….

  401. Rachel Avatar

    Total awesomeness. You and I are probably soulmates on some philosophical level, as you have successfully put into words every single thing that I stand and live for and every thing I would advise to people… if I did give a flying fuck. Props to you, man. Keep on keepin’ on!

  402. Jeff Cole Avatar
    Jeff Cole

    I googled “who gives a fuck”. Your name came up. Ironic.
    Love the article. Only problem is that the majority of people are beginning to not “give a fuck”, and the result isnt all that great. But hey, if you don’t give a fuck, then it will never matter; just so long as you’re content with the inevitability of a world filled with assholes and douchebags that don’t “give a fuck”.

  403. Lauren Avatar

    Looooove this article!! Thank you so much, this is just the advice I need and have always needed. I find life so tough at times, my strength starts to fade. Wow, so interesting and spot on. Think I should read this everyday and memorise it all. Thank you 🙂

  404. steve Avatar

    I used to worry about my penis size after an encounter with a drunk friend who asked “who are you going to satisfy with that little thing” I said “Well, me of course”. Over time I am used to not touching the sides of a well worn vagina, so now I just dont give a fuck. I may come across as selfish but you could say the same about large labia toting females requiring a John Holmes style of stationwagon that would bring tears to the eyes of a pro to satisfy their needs.

  405. marjo Avatar

    I’m an old poop and you are refreshing! Literally found this site by typing in “Does anybody else just not give a fuck anymore?” in google. Ah, perfect. I would like to suggest two things, go swimming, every day if ya can. It’s refreshing on many levels, and keeps the lights on, as they say. Also, remembering to laugh at oneself helps. We are just chimps with cars, afterall. Oh, maybe a third, don’t disrespect our other earthlings, it would be nice to let them enjoy their world too.

  406. Ruzicore Avatar

    I think if you really didn’t give a fuck, you probably wouldn’t waste your time reading this

  407. Andrea Avatar

    thanks, man, I needed that.

  408. wesselvdg3hotmailcom Avatar

    I read a book about ”change in thinking” ,its about philosophy and psychology. thinking from ”yes but” to ”yes and” you sir did that very well.

    Yes but = fixed thinking
    yes and = development

    Great job you change your way of thinking 😀 you will develop

  409. commercial floor cleaning rochester Avatar

    It’s the best time to make some plans for the future and it’s time to be happy.
    I have read this post and if I could I want to
    suggest you some interesting things or tips. Maybe you could write next articles referring to this article.
    I want to read more things about it!

  410. monica_connellmaccom Avatar

    I. Love. You.

  411. Adrian Kusiak Avatar

    That’s easy to say. I don’t normally care about what people think even though I may be a bit socially alienated, But what do you do when you feel lonely because of a want to be with a person, with which you have to spend most of your holiday with. (she also has a boyfriend, and is in a different social circle than me and when I think about it I feel like I’m a juvenile 15 year old boy who has no idea about what he’s talking about cause I’m not sure if I even do like her or if I am , in fact, juvenile. Solve that.

  412. FUCK MY FRIENDS Avatar

    iwant to start of by saying thank you that was fucking awesome , im tired of my friends just walking the fuck over me all the time, im going clinton style on thier ass. im going to go buy a cheap mother fucking car and blast my music as loud as i want and no ass hole help me out give me a ride shit is going to happen cuz im leaving them in the DUST!!!!

  413. Sandra Avatar

    Right on…love your perspective…Took me about 9 years more than you to figure it out but I am right there trying to change it!!

  414. aaron Avatar

    I really wanted to leave a comment, but I couldn’t think of anything interesting or significant to say, but I do like dumping jars of mayo down my pants and walking around all day. At the end of the day I scoop out some of the said mayo from my pants and make a tuna sandwich. When I eat it, I see the truth and start singing ugly songs. I miss drugs.

  415. Panda Chan Avatar
    Panda Chan

    I am currently going through a hard time. a friend i have had for almost 5 years is like a surrogate father to me since my father passed away a few years back. he got mad at me hardcore cuz i said i didn’t know details and didn’t care bout the past cuz he is my surrogate father because someone tried to start shit. I love him and he is my father figure and he knows this but he is listening to the devil whisper in his ear. i care more about people than i do myself and this has made me realize that my truthfulness is better than a lie or make believe. i believe in the old saying treat people how you want to be treated. i treat people with honesty and respect. he is not treating me with such so i guess according to this post that i should forget about having anything to do with him. the only question i have is how do you forget about people you care about without having them treat you like a steamin pile of worthless shit? most people i know end up doing this and i don’t know how to forget my feelings for them. i am a loving, kind, gentle, honest individual that doesn’t know how to treat people that treat me like shit. How do i treat them? how do i forget that i love them and don’t want anything bad to permanently affect them? I need to know how to stand up for myself and the people that really matter.

  416. Chuck Avatar

    Absolutely spot on mate. I’ve got another 20 years on you and only adopted this attitude to life a few years ago and it’s fantastic. Very liberating and very effective in making you feel better about yourself. I love the pic of the horse complete with caption. Hilarious. My motto in life now……Fuck em. 🙂

  417. Mina Avatar

    Finally I can live my damn life!!! Thanks for the reality check!!!

  418. Azar Avatar

    Got any advice for not giving a fuck when people can affect you?

  419. JB Avatar

    I would like to suggest a next big step that builds on the important messages presented in this blog. The idea is that: (1) there are many people in your life who like you, AND(!) (2) there are many people in this particular group who you like also. In fact, there is a bunch of them. Spend your life with these people. Forget the rest of us and you will find a measure of fulfillment.

  420. Ishan Avatar

    The Awesome Fucking shit I have read. Good fucks to you that you wrote it.

  421. Ishan Avatar

    The Awesome Fucking shit I have read. Good fucks to you that you wrote it.

    +you have 500 responses now, 499 looked sad.

  422. Andy Avatar

    I wish I read this 2 years ago.

  423. Jim Avatar

    You have got to be kidding me. Are people so fucking stupid that there needs to be a manual on how to not care about shit? Really? The worse part is that people actually applaud for this nonsense! If success means educating people about the benefits of not caring what other people think, then you just earned the proverbial Nobel fucking Peace prize. Shame on you StumbleUpon. SHAME.

  424. Architekt Avatar

    I was in a similar situation a while ago, then realised I need to look out for myself rather than others. I’ve started a blog about how my life is changing as a result, so I can keep track of how I’m doing

  425. Suzanne Avatar

    I was never bothered much by what other people thought about me, but I’ve always had a hard time making time for me. I am always busy doing what other people want to do. And it’s hard to stop doing so because people work hard to keep me amenable. When I finally put my foot down in my marriage and demanded respect, or else, my husband left! He was the type who, like was mentioned in here, spent all of his time trying to impress people who didn’t matter and took his family for granted. Now, my adult sons come first (one of these days it’ll be ME). But it’s really hard to make my friends understand that I much prefer the company of my sons to theirs.

  426. Virginia Avatar

    I have spent way too long worrying about what people thought of me. Now I know they didn’t even think of me! I’m sure nobody is going to read this so I’m just going to get a few things off my chest. First of all I’m the type of girl who won’t take sides and who won’t stand up for people. I know that sounds bad but that’s just how I am. I am going to change that starting today. I have been the person always on the outside of the group in pictures and the person that when one person had a problem with someone both people would come to me saying their side of the story. I need to start realizing that some people will just never like me but tough shit for them.

  427. voiceinthedark Avatar

    I feel positive when i read stuff like this but its effect wears off in about 2 or 3 days…ALWAYS!!!

  428. Gas Mask Guy Avatar
    Gas Mask Guy

    I read this, put on a gas mask with a dinner jacket and jeans, and decided I could use a walk in a park. I thank you for every bit of this experience.

  429. Katie Avatar

    For me, “not giving a fuck” is not worrying what people might think, say, or do when I set boundaries or take up for myself. My family’s full of bullies who used to tell me I was too sensitive whenever I had an instinct that I was being treated with cruelty or callous disregard. No more. For some people, not giving a fuck means trusting your own judgment enough to disregard the bullies in your life who tell you you’re overreacting when they treat you like crap, and to walk away with your head held high.

  430. Cat Avatar

    I wish I could actually do these things. Everytime I stand up for myself or tell the truth to someone to their face, or want to in that matter, I just can’t find it in myself to do it.
    Bah I hate being such a pussy.

  431. Emmet mc cann Avatar
    Emmet mc cann

    That has to be one of the best things ive ever read

  432. Jenny Avatar

    People need to stop giving out fucks like they grow on fuck trees.

  433. Daniel Heartfire Avatar
    Daniel Heartfire

    If you need approval from others you will always be hurting. Find your crowd in life and I mean find the work you like and your crowd of friends. Be respectful of the rights and well being of others but beyond that you owe them nothing. They don’t like your opinions or the way you dress or something then tough shit for them. This society is so full of neurosis based upon an ideology that what others think of you even matters, or that what we think of others should even matter to them. Onc3e your past that crap you can even fight with people on the internet and have fun doing it because you truly don’t care anymore.

  434. Dunstant King Avatar
    Dunstant King

    Well Put!

  435. Sam Avatar

    Haha BRILLIANT post, I JUST came to this realization just now, was worried about so many things then a certain song came up and I just thought I don’t give a fuck anymore, who gives a shit what others think, say or do. Such a good feeling! 😀 Thanks!

  436. Mary Avatar

    You’re my hero. Keep on keepin’ on!

  437. Chaneyisbishop Avatar

    well, i just read your article for the first time and i haven’t given a fuck about anything but external punishment for my actions. that is the only that has stopped me from doing most heinous acts against everyone i know. I haven’t cared about anything for almost a year. I know my own meaning of life and until i fulfill it all of my time is just wasted on other things. I am a very sick man….

  438. Eddie Avatar

    Our nations realing after a decade of War,that we’re still fighting.Most nations were not sure we knew what we were doing(our people didn’t care). But people today still need houses,cars,credit cards,credit scores etc.I’m working to better myself for the future.In this climate of change sometimes family members become enemy’s,then so be it.While your preparing for your next outing I’m preparing for the long term.Few years ago I sold a gun for $2000 a 9mm Luger.Just last year I replaced it with the same but more value at $1250.Had to down size(bankruptcy,new job),I’m paying the bills as they arrive.I will let the rich buy that $50000 van.I couldn’t care less.I would rather have more time off than over work myself.Fuck Uncle Sam.

  439. Sarah Fischer Avatar

    This is so fucking good and exactly what I needed 🙂 Thank you, THANK YOU!


  440. IanB Avatar

    Excellent stuff! I’ve been living and writing about some of it for a while now – other bits I’m still getting used to! And yeah, it’s crazy, but very liberating when you get the hang of it. Thanks for sharing your truth 🙂

    IanB ~

  441. vava Avatar

    This is such GREEEEAAAAAATTTTT advice! What a great wake up call to LIVE!!

  442. Shel Avatar

    Brilliant post… I think I need to blow this up and hang it in my office! <3 Well said!

  443. Ryan Avatar

    Your article is very interesting, it’s an intriguing philosophy this balance you try to strike. One thing does disturb me and that’s the lack of empathy, though writing that is the inner eye inside to be honest. Ultimately, this seems to me to be a call of solidarity through uniqueness being united because we’re so different from everyone else and I guess if no one gets too badly hurt (physically, emotionally etc.) and no one dies as a direct result of our actions. Then following this, life would become even more crazy yet also more beautiful. Though, I wonder what you have to say upon cultural differences.

  444. Dawson Avatar

    Although this article tells me not to give a fuck, there’s one thing I will give a fuck about and it’s this. People toss around truth and keep saying truth as if it’s the only thing that matters. What people neglect and what makes people die and blah blah (bad stuff happen) is that there’s always multiple sides to one truth forgetting that and not acknowledging that is what causes problems. The truth is not facts but rather our subjective view, a fact on the other hand is not a truth, it is objective (as it can be). While you’re not giving fucks at least remember what you see as truth could be completely different to anothers truth. What does this mean? Respect their truth and hold on to yours, so long as either doesn’t cause permanent damage to others. Give one fuck about that and you can still “change the world” whatever the fuck that means.

  445. SlyRobber Avatar

    Dude at least get your historical facts strait. Pierre Laporte was NOT premier of Quebec. He was a minister in the Robet Bourassa governement. As for your rant It has some valid points but then again will we care in 20 mInutes what I think about this or you for that matter?

  446. El Avatar

    Am in the middle of walking past the eye just now. Wow was this post supportive. Thanks so much!

  447. Ania Avatar

    This is really great. I could really relate to that prison of wanting to be liked. Sometimes I feel like my true biggest fear is being disliked. I’m often trapped by people’s image of me and I feel I need to be consistent about it. Why is consistency so important? I worry too much about offending them by going a little crazy, doing things they’ve never seen me do, what doesn’t go with their own personality. My ex-boyfriend didn’t drink, for example, and I completely avoided having alcohol around him until he thought I was like him, until I was trapped in that unspoken “lie” and forced to keep it up.
    I think the hardest not-giving-a-fuck is not with strangers, or with people who know you so well, but with those you’re starting to build relationships with. How can you be honest with someone whose love you’re trying to gain? How can you tell a guy (or a girl) that you’re dating, I’m busy, I can’t talk right now, or, no, I can’t go out today, or can you give your teeth a nice brush before you leave? That’s the kind of not giving a fuck that I just can’t get myself to do. How can you be truthful and brave and free then?

  448. god Avatar

    “Thow shall not judge, less he be juged himself” Soith i speakith. Plus witch is worst the biggot or the biggot of the biggot.

  449. Robert F Avatar
    Robert F

    I’m 21, I’ve had a fear of rejection and seemed approval of others, and I started and have been trying not to give a fuck recently, but deep down I knew something was still missing, and now this article completely filled that void. Thank you very much!! You just saved my life.

  450. Brian Avatar

    It’s no wonder that most people I know over the age of 50 have adopted this mantra. It’s too bad that many of them have missed the point and have become self-entitled unsympathetic ogres.

    Fuck it, I’m In; guess who’s turning 50 early?!

  451. Lisabeth Grey Avatar

    Well said! I often see the impact on folks from what I refer to as ‘terminal niceness’. Life is fuller, easier and so much better when ‘Not one fuck is given’.

  452. William Brukner Avatar

    ~This video says it perfectly—>The Complete Guide To Not Giving A Fuck.~


  453. Diana Avatar

    WOW……I wish I’d done it years ago..who gives a fuck!!!!! 🙂

  454. Jasmine Nina Mercado Avatar


    Ever heard the saying Nice Guys Finish Last?


    Good Girls Die.

  455. Sheryll Avatar

    Thank you! I needed to read that.
    I lose proper perspective because I get too self absorbed.

    Unfortunately, your book isn’t available in our part of the world.

  456. Andrew Avatar

    Thank you very much sir. Now every time I get nervous about doing something in public that I think people would judge me more, I just think about what you said and I then I say out loud. Fuck them I’m doing it anyways

  457. Secret Avatar

    I don’t give a fuck about this guide O_O

  458. Dean Avatar

    Great article, I took quite the beating in high school and as I became an adult I learned the skill to conform my personality to anyone so that I’d never have enemies. As a result I’ve become this multi-personality fake that doesn’t feel a part of anything. This gave me a good wake up, thanks.

  459. Lucia Avatar

    Although I may not agree with somethings you said, yes, don’t please people.

  460. Sarah Ismail Avatar
    Sarah Ismail

    Brother, you’re a legend.
    I thought twice before posting this.. but honestly, I shouldn’t have. Because really, who gives a fuck? 😉

  461. Taylor Avatar

    LOVE THIS ARTICLE!!!! Ive been feeling down and discouraged lately but this is just the pick me up i needed!!!! THANX!!! 😀

  462. Shane Avatar

    I grew up in a fundamental baptist church. I have never heard advise like this that was SO TRUE! What you write is what I have been thinking for YEARS but was afraid of verbalizing. When I fell away from the church I became a bit happier! I was doing exactly what you were describing .. so now I don’t feel like I am so weird. Just smarter.

  463. RainbowDash Avatar

    Holy sheeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!

    I can’t write articles..

  464. Louis Avatar

    I would otherwise leave an inspiring and comlimentary comment,but after reading your blog ,I don’t give a fuck !
    Something new learned…thanks

  465. Tiffany Alyce Avatar
    Tiffany Alyce

    So true about “the eye.” It is always watching. HATE the eye!

  466. ADAM Avatar


  467. Megan Avatar

    I have been so worried about what my neighbors think of me. Truth is they don’t know anything about me and their judgements shouldn’t mean a damn thing to me. I know who and what I am and that’s all that matters. Thank you for writing this article!

  468. Thad Crouch Avatar
    Thad Crouch

    Maybe this can help some of your readers better understand!

  469. Margot Avatar

    Sounds good…I’m in desperate need of a don’t-give-a-fuck readjustment. I have completely honestly forgotten what I like, what I enjoy, what my own opinion is, and I am waaay to old for this now. I remember that I used to be quite opinionated and that I would be able to say I liked something with conviction, but now I meet everything with either ambivalence or feigned enthusiasm, which I’m sure doesn’t come across as genuine. Sigh. It doesn’t help that I am chronically impatient so I find that I’m done with a conversation before it’s finished, and then I panic and overdo the enthusiasm to make up for it even though I don’t have a fucking clue what we’re talking about anymore. And of course worry about what someone thinks of me afterwards. It’s exhausting!

  470. jams Avatar

    Referring to the last sentence in the “About” section of this website – There’s no such thing as a perfect human being. The beauty lies in the imperfection and f-off if you think otherwise.

  471. JokeyMcJokeJoke Avatar

    I loved this! Ok so I’ve put on some weight lately and here we are moving into winter and some of my sweaters are a little snug. There’s one particular sweater that I like and I haven’t worn because I knew that if I did, people would notice it’s a little stretchy and makes me look like a slightly pregnant woman. Well today I said, “fuck it” and I’ve been at my office all day. Guess what, not one person noticed, no one glanced at my sweater with an expected, “whoa, time to hit the gym tubby” expression, nothin. Thanks guys!

  472. jamie plyler Avatar
    jamie plyler

    There’s only two reasons to give a crap what anyone thinks about you. To stay out of prison and to eat.

  473. Jesh Avatar

    LOL im 23 and i rarely, if at all, give a fuck about anybody other than myself. Im not a jerk/asshole per se, but I always place myself first, the rest of the universe comes second.
    You got only one life, you gotta BE YOURSELF, live intensely and and live your life for YOU, not for your friends or parents or any other cunt out there.
    My motto is: either get on my wagon or fuck off. People who whine about me being egoistical/trying to ‘stand out’ among the crowd….people like that get dusted off my garments.

  474. tash Avatar

    This article (and The Flinch) was EXACTLY what I was looking for and needed. Thank you!
    And I just took my first cold shower. Feels great 🙂

  475. Shay Avatar

    Thank you…great stuff…

  476. Jim "Da Coach" Rohrbach Avatar

    I can relate — I used to be an approval-seeking junkie.

    I now describe myself as a nice guy in recovery.

  477. Igor Avatar

    The problem is that I just like the idea of not changing. I don’t know if it is the works of the eye, but I guess if I had to care about those who care about me, I would have to stop being friends with everybody, because the people that I get annoyed when presented with their opinions about me are friends of my friends who care about me. Am I clear? I care about people who don’t care about me who are friends with my friends who do care about me… It’s complicated.

  478. Avatar

    I can’t see the fucking thing in my country, why not ?

  479. Shelby Avatar

    I’ve found that the easiest way to break into the not-give-a-fuck lifestyle is to wear something outlandish in public, break your filter in front of your family, dance like an epileptic octopus to your favorite song in the presence of others, and scream, “FUCK!” as loud as your lungs will let you whenever you feel anxious. College is so much better now.

  480. jitters Avatar

    i would try not give a fuck at what people has to say ,well said.

  481. Macie Avatar

    Whoever wrote this…Thank You! I have been here before. Always caring about protocol, or whether or not I was offending anyone, people talking about me behind my back, blah blah blah. Not only is this article the truth, it also made me laugh out loud, especially the picture. You have definately inspired me.

  482. Luis Avatar

    I was gonna like this post like so many, and I usually just like and never comment, because someone might actually read this, but since I can not give a fuck anymore, It feels better to say I was happy with your post than just liking. Man, I worry so much with the protocol and rules that I hardly know what I would do for myself, never too late to find out I guess. And no way this means I will stop being a good person. Thanks 🙂

  483. JAlexo Avatar

    I think many times without realizing, I care too much about what others think about me.

    Anyway, I was lucky to find this post. I really enjoyed reading and it’s right what you say “it’s time to not give a fuck!” The more you do the more you are unhappy and a prisoner of societies bs beliefs.

  484. Yaya Avatar

    I am here NOW and I hate those damn New Years resolution, because I never stick to them, so I am making a PRE New-Years resolution to stick to the path outlined here, starting NOW.

    Thanks for this…so amazing and timely. Whenever I get down, I realize at the core of my misery is my spineless self…here’s to a NEW ME starting now….

  485. Lisa Avatar

    This is my Bible. Thank you! I am living by these words this year! :3

  486. grace Avatar

    this planet is so fucked up and whoever created this place has a real sick sense of humour. i don’t like it. just sick of everything. nothing ever turns out the way you want it so you’re actually better off not giving a fuck about anything. if the world was worth caring about maybe it would be the opposite.

    if there’s an afterlife i’ve got some real choice words for whomever put me here, and if there isn’t it’s probably just as well since atleast here we’ve got death to look forward to.

  487. Lavern Shotley Avatar
    Lavern Shotley

    “When a Man is young, he wonders what people think about him. When he gets older he does not care what people think about him. When he gets old he finds out that people were not thinking about him at all.”

    “Author Unknown”

  488. Brenda Avatar

    Very good. I’ve cared way too much and far too long about what others thought.

  489. FuckYou! Avatar

    My mom is crazy as fuck and has made everyone turn against me. tonight she called the cops on me for moving a dresses that was in my room. I cried it out for about 1 hour, now i am done. Fuck her and fuck everyone who belives her lies. Fuck everthing. Because of her my dad will not even speak to me. I hope she rots in hell for everything she has ever done to me. Today 1/9/2013 12:39 I WILL NOT GIVE ONE FUCK ABOUT ANYTHING ANYMORE.

    1. Wow Avatar

      Did you even read the article?

  490. scott Avatar


  491. Armando Avatar

    I bumped into this site by accident and I can relate having the need to being accepted and the 5 steps to recovery. This past year I decided to change my attitude and I must say I have never felt more relaxed. I went from a nice guy that takes shit from everybody, someone that doesn’t answer back, keeps quiet and agrees with everything to some who truly doesn’t GIVE A FUCK. In a way it sucked in the beginning because the people that I thought were close to me are now distant, but then again I don’t GIVE A FUCK, c’est la vie, you win some you lose some.

  492. tomied Avatar

    I could not give a fuck about not giving a fuck.

    1. Carl Avatar

      I could not give a fuck about giving a fuck about not giving a fuc

  493. George Avatar

    This is purely awesome!! Glad a I found this VERY interesting post:-) I won’t GIVE A FUCK again!!!!!!

  494. Jane Avatar

    Thank you so much! You’ve touched on every problem I have atm. It’s great to read this and it’s really inspiring but putting it into practise a few hours later, I think this will be hard. Will try to remember you great advice though!

  495. Marcus Avatar

    Good article man, no kidding there’s a real need for this out there.. Cheers!

  496. First and Last Avatar
    First and Last

    I never gave one before but I enjoyed the piece so for you I will give one fuck


    there you have it first and last fuck just for you

  497. eatmybrown Avatar

    I would love to finish reading this but i don’t give a fuck

  498. Kelly Avatar

    Welllllllllllll it’s 40 below and I don’t give a Fuck got a heater in my truck and it’s off to the RODEO!

    Very funny post!

  499. kathy Avatar

    Thank you..

  500. Joe Mills Avatar
    Joe Mills

    Excellent post…so completely true. I have been trying this out recently even before reading your post and it is amazing how much people disregard your existence. It is very liberating once you realize it.

  501. cathy Avatar

    i would love not to give a shit what freeing feeling

  502. Uplifement Of Humanity Avatar
    Uplifement Of Humanity

    I think this guy here also has a valid point… maybe sometimes not giving a FUCK could take value away from others and hurt them… what do you have to say on this?

    1. Uplifement Of Humanity Avatar
      Uplifement Of Humanity

      Just wanting to clarify I’m NOT against you, i love u as a person and your thoughts and views on life but if i could suggest u please read my link carefully first, understand it, and then say your thoughts,

      cheers mate.

  503. Nicole Avatar

    Kickass article! By far one of the best things I’ve read all month!!! However, it looks like someone took your article and claimed it as their own:****

  504. kayla Avatar

    this was awesome

  505. Noneyour Avatar

    Agreed. Love the eye insight.

  506. Omar Avatar

    Thank Fucking God!! Someone who is willing to live a happy fucking life! As Fleetwood Mac once said, “U can go your own Way!” Fuck Yeah!

  507. Kristi Ternullo Avatar
    Kristi Ternullo

    This is exactly what I needed today. Thank you!

  508. Marty McFadden Avatar
    Marty McFadden

    This gave me a different perspective on my own shit issues. I used to take a lot of shit from people. So I had to carry around a lot of shit. I was always giving a shit about something or other. I finally got fed up (from constantly eating shit)and decided to not take any shit from anyone anymore. I still gave a shit for a while, but eventually, I ran out. The shit is all gone. I don’t take any shit. Therefore, I have no shit. Therefore I can’t give a shit. Simple mathematics. Not giving a fuck is similar. Disregard the ones who give a fuck. Don’t let them give it to you, anyway. Then you don’t have to pass it on.

  509. Erin Avatar

    This was amazing!!! Thank you so much! I was smiling throughout the post 🙂

  510. Nicole Avatar

    Wow, I needed this. Thank you for this gem of an article! For the longest time I blamed my miseries working in retail clothing on shitty customers and self-involved coworkers. I mean, that’s an accurate description of the lot of them, but I’ve always believed that when the problem seems to be caused by everyone else, the problem is really with myself. I don’t have any spine at work, and so I don’t get respect. That’s going to CHANGE. Time to get some attitude but, like you said, there’s no need to be an asshole. Thanks for this, dude. You’ve helped a lot of people with this.

  511. David Farr Avatar

    Quite frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn


    Such great and liberating insights! Seriously, it’s all good!

    Personally, I don’t qive a fuck. I’m all for wearing the clown suit in public.

  512. Barry Fontana Avatar
    Barry Fontana

    Forget everything that you have learned; decide your own truth and morality. Consistent introspection is the key!

    I write down at least 3 pages every morning of my thoughts and meditate ( as lame as it seems, it’s very powerful with perserverence), and since I started, I have deconstructed a lot of my ego, and I have reconstructed it to my own design using my heart as guidance. My heart is my teacher; all words are lies.

    Art helps to point the way, though many things in this world can tap that well-spring of emotion inside of you; this reality is a pharmacy. Ideally, you really don’t need external triggers, as your happiness comes from inside of you and it always has.

    Shut down the ego/ left brain censor; destroy the eye. It is the survival mechanism to function in this society/ reality. It has to die and be reborn in the form of your will in order to bring about a healthy balance between heart and mind.

    Dissociatives ( drugs; techniques that slow your brain waves; etc) can help with trauma; they can help you remember. The trauma fills you up and blocks your heart. It must be emptied.

    It’s wonderfully liberating to really not give a fuck about any thing trivial and to shake off the chains of this prison of a reality. It feels soooo good to be free!

    Love is perfect resonance; a self-sustaining love is a self-sustaining consciousness; eternal life.

  513. Heather Avatar

    Not that you’d care…but this is awesome! (-;

  514. Youd Avatar

    Truer words have never been said! Thanks!

  515. April Avatar

    Not that it matters because well i’m no one to you 😉
    but great read.. need to start appling this.
    I just really hate conflict so it’s easier to tell others what they want to hear. I do this for selfish reasons tho.. but feeling alive i will have to use your results. and stuff.
    sorry no good at grammer.. i’m sure the grammer cops will get me.. Sorry in advance!
    Dude thanks again!

  516. Rico Compagnie Avatar

    This is a fucking masterpiece. Actually I’ve read this post more than ones because when time passes, when not focused, you can gradually go back to your old habits.

  517. Tara Avatar

    It’s funny because just this past week I reached that “fuck this shit, I’m tired of putting up with it” feeling in reaction to some stuff going on in my life. I never saw myself as a doormat until I realized that my anger and resentment was because I so often say and do whatever it takes to keep the gdmn peace around me. I reached a point where Ive decided to get real and get honest. I’m no longer prepared to compromise my values in order to support or uphold someone elses. I come first now instead of making everyone else the hub of the wheel. Im a little too aggressive at this point and am working on being more confidently assertive instead….but in saying that, I’ll stick with aggressive over doormat anyday. Kudos to honesty, confidence and the courage to stand in your own corner.

  518. Skweekah Avatar

    There is no one size fits all. Basically, this post is telling you to go about your life in a way that makes you happy. As long as you respect your fellow human then doing what makes you feel good, your ultimate pursuit for happiness should be your life mantra.

  519. jojo Avatar

    ah.. feels like home!
    i should admit now that i’ve always live in fear for what other people around me might think about me. but now i see in much clearer view. ok enough said, thank you very much for this article. righteous!

  520. Matt Avatar

    Very good post. I think this rings true for many people. I also think it would do a great deal of good to have this post printed and handed out to people at different times in life to stir up a bit of self reflection about the important things in life.

  521. DailyTrudge Avatar

    Daily Trudge approved! Link added to my site. 🙂

  522. dana Avatar

    Thanks, I needed this. I have given a fuck for too long. I’m dead inside from being a fucking doormat. I have noticed those people who don’t fucking care if I live or die, are the leaders of the free world. Well, fuck them! That felt good ;-D !!! Fucking A

  523. santaclaus Avatar

    you sir, are amazing.

    ive been trying to do stuff so that other people ( people i dont even know) like me or respect me and everything and i just realized how silly it all is!

  524. Well... Avatar

    You have to know which fucks to give. Saying you don’t give any fucks is stupid. It’s important to listen and care what your loved ones say, and if you have children you probably want to throw a few fucks their way.

  525. Nancy Avatar

    I had a friend once who described me as the type of person who not only doesn’t give a shit, but also doesn’t take shit either. Frankly I consider that the best compliment I’ve ever received!

    This was a great article and very insightful. I’d like to know your opinion on what if it’s a parent who is judging you and putting you down though? Would you also not give a fuck about them?

  526. Imawesomeifyoudisagreefuckyou Avatar

    Not giving a fuck is so liberating ! People hate ass kissers and respect the non conformists, this article just confirms what I’ve known all along. What it does right is tell you how to go about using that knowledge and that’s just fucking awesome right there ! To my fellow fucks who don’t give a fuck, and don’t give a fuck about not giving a fuck!!! 🙂

  527. dudley don'tcare Avatar
    dudley don’tcare

    How do you push back twice as hard (step 4) without giving a fuck?

  528. Randy Avatar

    I don’t give a fuck about any commenters on here, or their comments. But somehow I think the author of this piece is laughing his fucking ass off at all the units that have taken this seriously enough to even make a comment of their own. And guess what he’s laughing at me too – shit

  529. Devon Ross Avatar
    Devon Ross

    thankyou so much for this,you’re a very inspiring person and this has helped me so much. i love they way you describe things becasue it all makes sence and its brilliant! Thankyou.

  530. Meke Avatar

    I couldn’t agree more dear. I am still stuck in the vicious circle of trying not to care and ending up giving a shit. But I guess we all come out of it one day. Anyways, this one was a great piece of writing. Keep writing. Ciao.

  531. Rob Avatar

    This is fantastic.

  532. Jess Avatar

    Thank you. I needed this tonight.

  533. Cher Avatar

    Great post but stuff like this doesn’t sink in until most people are at least 35. Some of the best stuff in life just comes with age.

  534. Mike Avatar

    “Complete Guide?” lol. Do you not realize how deep you need to go to even scratch the surface in this topic? I’m sorry but 31 years is not a lot of life experience. In my 44 years (which is nothing compared to someone in their 50s or 60s) I have read this same kind of material over and over such as “deliberately embarrass yourself”, “the world doesn’t care” and all that. This is just reiteration of information that is already out there. It’s very clear that you’re not an expert in this which is why I don’t take these blogs that have been saturating the internet too seriously. You’re a good researcher but you don’t have any credentials and you haven’t written anything that I already don’t know. I’m glad you inspired so many people but when the honeymoon wears off, they’re going to move on and find something that actually helps them. Maybe that’s why psychologists charge so much 😉 All the best Julien.

  535. Emily Avatar

    This was truly amazing.

  536. Collonel Sanders Avatar

    This might be handy or useful on some people, otherwise some are not designed or capable to follow this advice depends on their personal characteristics. Though, I believe and practice the essence of this logic, which is one or another way to achieve self esteem.
    If you crack on the surface of the topic, and think deeply, the reason people reads this topic, is because they are so affected on how people around them influence and damage their conscious thoughts. While we cannot control how people will react no matter how hard we try to make it work the way we want it. I think it easier for us not expect so much. It was all in there “expectation”. Of course we cannot really fake our self not to give a fuck. It’s our natural sense after all that trigger us to feel our surrounding… Then just maybe, if we try not to expect so much, then it would make a big difference.

  537. Anne Meijers Avatar
    Anne Meijers

    Hi there,
    I couldn’t agree more, after trying to be the ‘nice girl’ all the time, I feel that it makes people walk over me time after time, that or they think you are some kind of therapist who has to listen to their crap all day.

    So on a daily basis I kind of learned out of necessity to not be so nice any more.Not a nasty cranky girl but just not that sugarcoated doormat.

    There is one thing though that seems to be a bit hard to crack. We have had in our lives some really A- social neighbors, and no I am not this winy bitch who complains over every little thing, I am talking about extreme loud obnoxious annoying behavior of neighbors.

    I was wondering how you would deal with this, as what I am trying to diminish is the loudness, so I can do my work that I do at home, without heaving to hear the screams of them all day long. I am in no position to move and talking didn’t help.I tried to be neutral and clear about if they could tune it down a bit, but no changes. Also they are not trespassing any laws as it all happens in the day time, so I can’t contact a landlord about it seems.

    So again, any thoughts ?

  538. Carrie Avatar

    I have always thought the best philosophers were the ones who expressed what I felt but in a very clear and often a poetic way. You sir have just done that, well done and Thank you !I have shared this with my son as I feel it is something I wish I had known years and years ago.Hopefully he will make use of the advise.

  539. mythicrose1 Avatar

    Thank you for this brilliant article. I can relate to this a great deal. My happiest and most peaceful time with myself was when I was a child, and I didn’t give a crap about what people think, and did my own thing. I wasn’t disrespectful or a bad child, and got on fabulously until age 13 when I started becoming self conscious that I didn’t fit in. I then no longer wanted to be the nerd, but wanted to be the popular girl or at least one that many others liked because that is what society and people think is desirable, even for friendship. It was such a betrayal to myself because I have held on to friends who are critical and and my own self doubts, and I have continued caring until now, age 32. But I am tired of giving a f*** as it made me dislike who I am and kept me from doing what I love because of others’ opinions and wanting to please and sustain social relations. But I have wanted to stop that for a while, but having due to fear. Thanks for your tips that have given me an impetus to free fall into just being myself again.

  540. Oz Avatar

    I choose the silent method oppose to “expressing the not giving a fuck” behaviorism/attitude, cause its more mentally/emotionally profound and intimidating because people tend to insinuate, assume or guess whats really taking place via their own mind of insecurities, lmao!!

  541. Alexander Brown Avatar
    Alexander Brown


    For the past 21 year I have given a fuck, I have built my life around the expectations of other people, which has led me to pursue a degree in which i have no interest and a life of apologising and self-loathing disguised by false-optimism and self-deprication. No longer, No longer because i tired, tired of excuses, tired of the hot tears of self pity whilst muttering favourite consoling line .. ”im still young, only 21”,this is not good enough, I want this life anymore. I want to know the true happiness of personal achievement i can do anything be anything as long as i can breath in contented air, so in summary from now on I will give only one fuck and thats not giving a fuck,


  542. Erik Avatar

    This site really fucking helped. I think I need to start telling some people what I really think about them. also I have these socks that I like but I’m always too shy to wear them and I think I’ll wade them to school tomorrow because I don’t give a fuck anymore and I’m sick of sucking up to people. I just need to start being outgoing

  543. Dennis Avatar

    dude, after reading this, my “fuck-giving levels” have substantially dropped. Thanks man. NO FUCKS FTW

  544. Dennis Avatar

    Attention everyone: I don’t think the man who wrote this guide on “how to not give a fuck” gives a fuck about the fucking bullshit you have to fucking say about him.

  545. Kolie Avatar

    Thank you.
    I needed this.

  546. Kris K. Avatar

    Fact #2 hit me so much! I don’t get why other people are always judgmental, they just criticize without looking how dirty they are.

  547. idgaf Avatar


  548. dumbass Avatar

    Does that mean I can be nakeder than holy-hell?

  549. Chrisor Avatar

    This is brilliant! I wish I’d known this 20 years ago. I feel like I wasted a big part of my life worrying about being judged and trying not to offend anyone. I believe in this wholeheartedly especially doing embarrassing things. Some people never learn it.

  550. Kyle armstrong Avatar
    Kyle armstrong

    Thanks, good motivational words. Im a gym instructor in the army and whenever i finishe a lesson people would talk about me behind my back. I knew it was happening and was obsessed by it. When i absolutely hammered the troops and the were whinging about it all i could think was “i bet they all hate me”. It doesn’t bother me at all now. I don’t care if they think im a dick. Im doing my job and if they don’t like it, they know where to go.

  551. Leanna Avatar

    Wow. This is so true. The root of the problem is that we as a society try to achieve perfection in an unmoving imperfect world. We are trying to fight against it instead of relaxing. So life isn’t fun…it’s a constant struggle. Life is like a constant game of tug-o-war. It’s all a game. Now if you are a Christian, it makes sense, do good on earth receive good in the afterlife. If ou aren’t, trying is a waste of time and energy. Basically every trivial, every stress, every worry, every effort or lack of boils down to religion. Unfortunately the only people who are for certain about what happens in the afterlife and whatnot are dead. There’s nothing we can do about this.

  552. Todd Behrend Avatar

    Hey Julien. GREAT post. We actually talk about similar themes on our podcast episode out today – How To Transform From Mansy Into Man. Ultimately, it all comes down to self-control. We are conditioned to believe that selfishness is bad, when in fact it helps self-preservation. Too much selflessness isn’t a good thing – and leads to Mansy. Hope you enjoy it! All the best, Todd.

  553. Mika Avatar

    awesome work, just read it. How about when you catch yourself wondering about what others are thinking of you? How do you become aware of that and how you bring yourself back to your own mentality?

  554. Mark Avatar

    fuck giving a fuck you fuck.

  555. JT Avatar

    Thanks for posting this. I’ve realized bits and pieces of the stuff that you wrote but you put them all together in an eloquent way.

  556. Toto Avatar

    Face your mortality and don’t give a fuck, within reason of course. Two things that have changed my life drastically for the better.

  557. David Avatar

    This was written by Julien Smith. Julien Smith is a successful person. If Julien Smith was a loser, then he would never have written this. He could never have written this.

    Julien Smith mentions we’ve all been losers. If Julien Smith had ever been an actual loser, he could never have become a successful person. So he could never have written this.

    In other words, this is useless.

  558. mike ahuja Avatar

    great and inspirational read….”just tell the truth” …life can be very simple if you let it be

  559. Angel Avatar

    The last time I didn’t give a fuck what people thought, I got arrested. This isn’t always the best advice. It depends on the situation.

  560. rose taylor Avatar

    i thought this was relay nice to read i’m always worrying about what other people think about me and am always the shy one but i think its time i said i don’t give a fuck and go for it.

  561. None of Yo Effin Buznaz! Avatar
    None of Yo Effin Buznaz!

    Seriously….This was awesome as FUCK! I needed that!

  562. Kelly Clevenger Avatar

    I have to say this was probably one of the best things I’ve ever read, and I’ve read a lot in my lifetime. My mom passed this onto me and I spent the day just analyzing and constantly thinking about it. I’ve spent my entire life over-thinking, worrying, wondering what people thought of me; wondering what they said about me; anything of that nature but I realize it doesn’t matter anymore. Not one bit. You’re supposed to do what makes YOU happy and f*** the rest.

    After reading this, I feel like I’m about to make a complete 360. So thanks for writing it. It couldn’t of come at a better time in my life. You’ve changed my life. You have probably changed a lot of lives already. 🙂


  563. Alison Gibson Avatar
    Alison Gibson

    Way to go! That’s the best way of stating this logic I’ve read in a long time. You hit on a lot of situations that most people don’t stop to notice and understand that all most every situation that bothers a person is brought on by himself. He only imagines that he is made to feel negative because someone else made him feel that way, when really, it is all in his mind. He assigned that feeling to them, and it made sense. But the reality is that he created the whole scenario all by himself. I know of countless situations where I said something or made a grunt or groan or chuckled at the precise moment something else happened and totally appeared as though my expressions were a direct response to that other action when it was not. Then I wondered how many times that happens all over the world and falsely sends people into shame that was never there, just in there head but with the help of an untimely simultaneous, unrelated action.

    My boyfriend has accused me a number of times of “making” him act out and become jumpy and testy. I tell him, every time, “If I had that much control over the intensity of your moods, I wouldn’t waste it on that one.” He also had the habit of explaining to strangers what we are doing so they don’t think we’re weird or something. OMG. You can’t fix that one. He needs to read your article. Well done. And in closing, I want to declare, for the record, that I admit all of my weaknesses. It’s great because it weeds out the shallow people, no matter how superior their pea-brains make them feel, I know I’m not weaker by admitting it, and I know they are just the same but scared to death to admit it. Humans are part of nature. They are not super-creatures. No matter how good you become, you will never be better than a human. Sure I have way less friends, and comments by FB friends dwindling at a rapid pace, but what’s the alternative? Entertaining the likes of them? No thanks, because I don’t give a fuck what they think even if it’s all wrong, my lips are sealed. I say what I want to and if those who hear it are having a lucky streak, they won’t get offended, and if they do, I will have silent pity that they don’t treat themselves better.

    Live for yourself and trust that others will do the same. Don’t assume others thoughts, the odds that you are right are insanely against you. Make sure, if you dismiss someone from your life, make darn sure that it’s because of something they actually put out there and not what you assigned to them in your imagination.

  564. Christina Avatar

    Okay, have to admit the title drew me in but the advice is sound. I too am guilty of caring what others think. I plan on sharing this with two of my kids, 23 and 20.

    Wouldn’t it have been great to have learned and lived this at such a young age?

  565. well Avatar

    I don’t give a f*** about uploader, that didn’t made video available in my country

  566. Justin Avatar

    Your message is funny, but I wish you would raise the level of discourse. There are those of us who care deeply for others but who still move through this world like Jedi Knights – absorbing the negative emotions, bile, and vitriol of others and transforming it into team-work, teamsmanship, fellowship, and togetherness. That takes a lot of caring, loving-kindness, and a high level of personal integrity. “Not giving a fuck”, while a cute mantra, is also a completely nihilistic point of view that by definition implies the eradication of all else in favor of the ego’s own achievement. In your view, there are no political parties, there are no values, there are no religions, there are no corporate or company structures, there is no education – there is just you as the center of the universe. It is also an irresponsible mantra as you excuse yourself from having to care about anything or anyone: the environment, your impact on other people, your impact on yourself. By “not giving a fuck”, you give yourself permission to remain a child forever – never having to take on the responsibilities of a fully functioning adult with a job, a mortgage, a home to maintain, a family – and you also blow your own credibility around such people. “Not giving a fuck” is cute… the picture of the horse jumping out the window…. yeah I get it… but your philosophy is nothing but pseudo-psychology, unsound advice that is better left unheeded when all is said and done, and the height of self-deception.

    The enlightened response would be to find a way to care about all others while seeking your ego’s fulfillment.

    But since you don’t give a fuck, none of what I just said matters to you or makes a difference at all.

    I do agree with you about what you said about people pleasing, though. It’s impossible to please other people 100%. Ego will not let them be pleased. There is always something that can be “better” if it were like this or “more” if it were like that.

    I know a guy from my home town (a wealthy, white suburb of Boston where Mercedes and Audi and BMW are the common means of conveyance and where homes start at $700,000 and top off at around $11,000,000). This guy spends thirty years as a stock broker in Boston – becomes the head of his firm – has three beautiful children who all get into top 10 colleges, has a wife who looks like a runway model, owns three cars he paid for in cash, has an impeccable lawn, travels five times per year to places like Aruba, Europe, Asia, African Safari… and guess what?

    One day (and this is true)… one day, this man comes home with an AK-47 Assault Rifle he purchased illegally from some Eastern Soviet Block arms dealers and paints the walls of his cathedral-ceiling living room red with the blood of his wife, his children, and then himself.

    An event like this happens every five years of so in this town…. Incredible true crime stories perpetrated by people who supposedly have everything.

    Here’s the question for you, author of this blog: Did that guy give a fuck too much? Or not enough?

    What would you say in response to that question? I would be curious to know because based on your response I would determine whether or not this blog is worth reading ever again.

    It was kind of funny, though, in places.

    1. Saint Stephen Avatar
      Saint Stephen

      You have a good post here that surprisingly has not been responded to- until now…I was drawn to this website/ tweet whatever the fuk this page is for the same reason I am drawn to intense profound people- they/it clears the air – is compelling to me – to read on to discover- (hopefully) some truths… But back to YOU & your points – yes Money does not buy happiness, we find that the poor are happy etc.
      All interesting stuff- I wanted to respond to you because you took this post to the mat & brought up the simple yet difficult reality that Life is super complex and there Are NO easy answers…. I will write more but being on an iPad I wanna make sure this post goes thru before realizing I wrote all this & it doesn’t post… if this goes thru I will post later today as Saint Stephen… Best to you.

  567. Meg Avatar

    Wow I have the biggest fucking smile on my face.. This kind of attitude is so amazingly attractive.. I am trying daily to not give a fuck and for the things I do care about just focus on those.. You just made my day!

  568. Sharon Monroe Avatar
    Sharon Monroe

    This has to be the BEST website to help people not care what others think! And I have read A LOT! The author is awesome!

  569. dejamtangan Avatar

    Fact number 1 is so true…everybody judged, even a good person…they will still judging you…

  570. James Macemon Avatar

    I am laughing because all that I been through and have learn in my life todays tells me at age 59 soon I am about to take my own life and I don’t give a shit anymore now for 3 years I am homeless vet and my end is near its all been a real nightmare for me every where I go and I laugh and cry my best friend tells me tonight I have until Monday one week stay and I’m out into the streets. I am seeking help with the VA tomorrow but you know it’s going to be a miracle if I accept it I am very sick of the kind of help I get and had enough of never getting any where of what I need I am counting my days thinking of those who proclaim they love me and saying good by ! like yous really care really care for one who never cross you or did YOU WRONG. I really believe I’m laughing against the dummies in my world seriously you who done nothing but rejected me and put me down and work against me from pushing forward out of a long hard very painful life !! I been accuse of many things they say about me the “stories” the serious not true stories remember my name the stories and he dies and I will laugh at them in my end along with my tears with the ? why never really knowing the real ANSWER of my life why did they hate me soooooooooooo much

  571. LS Avatar

    I dunno what to do. Whenever I try to follow my own direction I seem to hurt people, often the people closest to me. I feel that many commonly accepted societal rules are wrong, but when I break them I’m treated as a social criminal. Perhaps it’s what I am. In any case, I think that if I followed the advice offered here then I’d be thrown in jail or a mental institution.

  572. Alyxandria - Straight Up Talk Avatar

    Well put! Frankly, some people are just going to hate you and there is, as you say, nothing you can do about it. But who the hell cares? These aren’t your people anyway. And those who want to take advantage of you or try to control what you do with yourself and your time? Also not your tribe.

    In the past few years I finally reached the conclusion (that I reached as a child and adolescent, but somehow stuffed down as a young adult — societal pressure and all!) that if they don’t like me, that’s their problem, not mine and that I’d rather spend my time and energy on mutually respectful and REAL relationships with people I like and who like me … just as I am. Absolutely liberating and, yes, this attitude does anger some people, usually the disrespectful boundary breakers.

    Thanks for putting this out. It is information well needed in the world today.

  573. Slacker Avatar

    I couldn’t have put it better myself 🙂

  574. Claire Avatar

    I just want to say, that if you really dont give a fuck (like I havent my whole life) you WILL HAVE VERY FEW FRIENDS. So make sure you are ok with that. I am. But when you say what you want and mean what you say, most people dont like it. If you are the expert on pleasing others, I am the expert on doing what the fuck I want. It is liberating, but people still judge you, they dont respect you the more you stand for something, they see you as different and then- you dont agree with them or pander to them, so they dislike you. Especially if you are good looking. Heavens help you if you are good looking. Good luck everyone!

    1. Donna Avatar

      I’m so glad you wrote this. This has been my experience exactly! Cool.

  575. Achievement Avatar

    These values are worth embracing. Fuck society and it’s judgmental sheep.

  576. kat Avatar

    i’d just like to say that this article has actually helped me. i’ve been afraid to hurt peoples feelings and that i need to be needed. i’ve been afraid that if i do something wrong everyone is going to leave me but really now i just don’t give a fuck. i’m in this world to do my thing and you to do yours if we happen to meet then thats a good thing if not then oh well we are not alive to impress each other.

  577. JK Avatar

    What was I doing all these days.Glad I read this early.

  578. mikkie Avatar

    This is all getting too ridiculous… you should definitely give a fuck about being ratchet as hell.. but not let others judgements stop your life. Now I am questioning .. am I really this ratchet or am I just not giving a fuck >…< … do I or don't I have manners any more. I think this article triggered some sort of psychosis. I am a really opinionated and strong personality that actually wasn't a personality because it lacked real opinions yikes.

    1. Tshepo Avatar

      I think mikkie morals are things that applies to you and if you think you agree with writer of the theme you should also lift them up to certain degree.

  579. Pimpin Avatar

    It is all in your head.

  580. The Segugio! Avatar

    I’ve been not giving a fuck for years. It truly is the only way to live.

  581. Saint Stephen Avatar
    Saint Stephen

    Glad to have found this site. I have enjoyed reading here & there among the 950 posts-
    I am a people pleasing- acceptance seeking / too sensitive guy in recovery approaching mid life. So that’s me in a nutshell-The basic fuck you package is freeing in theory but forgets about the complexity of life, also am I really ready to fuck off Facebook- is anyone out there of the belief that if you accept this philosophy how is it different from nihilism?

  582. christine Avatar

    It’s weird cause I’ve been living this way for years, even since early junior high. Everyone cared so much about looks, grades, and their social life but I really never gave a fuck. Now that I’m in highschool and people are even more judgmental, it gives me a better reason to dress like a hobo to school. I gave up on everything. Fucks aren’t given, ever.

  583. divdad Avatar

    I read the above article and find I understand most of it but I throw out the whole idea the article is based on because anyone that has to use Foul Language in getting their point across is Useless. I turn off the person or the article because to get a point “Sold” to me, whether I agree with it or not, is not with Foul Language that Any Moron Can Use. And proves the person doesn’t have faith in what they believe. It’s either Facts or Fantasy.

  584. christy Avatar

    I found this article after doing a search of how not to care what other people think. My mother in law constantly judges people, and the other day I overheard her telling her daughter something very embarrassing about me. I just don’t understand 2 faced people. She is so nice to my face and had me convinced we were friends. So many other women in my life have been like this. If they don’t like me why pretend to?
    I wish to not give a fuck, but when I have no choice to be around certain people in my family how do I deal? Why do so many people think that their opinions about others need to be voiced when it is so toxic?

  585. Saskia Delores Avatar

    Here’s the Trudeau video for U.S. viewers

  586. Tshepo Avatar

    wow, i’ve being giving a fuck all my life ”now i’m fucked”, the thing is people who judge you can smell your care of others…. Thats why there is no question on their minds to fuck you up, you fucked already by trying to be good and trying to make sense to them.

  587. Julia Avatar

    I wish I could free myself and say I don’t give a fuck! I want to not to give a fuck…

  588. William Mercado Avatar
    William Mercado

    Thank you so much! This helped me. 😉

  589. James Avatar

    I fucking hate HATE hate those fucking stupid 5 toed shoes. I know a fat wannabe hippie chick who thinks she’s gonna change the world from her fucking couch and she wears those stupid fucking shoes all the time with her stupid fucking ugly excuse for a sundress…or mumu or whatever the fuck those flowy raggedy ass dresses are that fat hippy chicks wear. God I hate those shoes.

  590. Moltisanti Avatar

    Fucking stoked,Gets me back on track everytime I read this!!
    Cheers to not giving a fuck!!

  591. Kara Avatar

    thank you. someone has just disappointed me. i’ve been hurt by her countless times. by the lies she tells. i can’t anger her because i don’t want to cause a strain in our relationship as well cos we’re relatives. but i wish she would stop lying to me.

  592. gigi Avatar

    This was a life lesson read. Thanks.

  593. Nicole Avatar

    This post is so inspiring and truly changed my life! Thank you.

  594. Lester Avatar

    I had to resort to this type of material to get over my fear or offending others, causing tension and awkwardness.

    I am in the military working in an office as a personnelman. This is my first duty station and I am the most junior sailor in my office ranked at E-4.

    For 3 years I have carried more than should be expected of someone my rank-at one point 7 departments (mind you, I should only have 1 or 2 departments but no more) solely and right now I am carrying 2 departments.

    There were 2 E-6s that checked onboard in my time being that should have been my assigned supervisor and both have not done SHIT. I am always in over my head with paperwork and find it overwhelming.

    I get chewed out for work that doesn’t get complete and do not get any praise for my hard work and dedication.

    Things have escalated a bit as time flew by and realized that I get fucked over much more than I thought. Nobody appreciates the hard work I have put in and the countless departments I saved due to lack of staff.

    There are only 12 of us, and I carried those 7 departments when we were down to 6 people. They placed everything on me as a brand new sailor with no knowledge on the criteria.

    I have been abused as a junior, mistreated, misguided, misinformed and overwhelmed. I could simply not believe that the military would do this to any of its people. The Navy specifically.

    When I first reported, I had an E-9 that was an alcoholic who ORDERED me to have dinner and drink with him 3-5 times a fuckin’ week. I did not know any better and given that I was only an E-2 and this man was of high rank, I felt obligated to roger up and comply.

    It got absurd later down the road and he needed a DD for a retirement ceremony 2 hours up north. I kindly rejected and he attempted another strong-arm attempt. Our assigned Equal Opportunity officer did not say squat. I brought the subject matter up to my Commanding Officer on my own and the whole thing ceased. This carried on for about 5 months before I finally grew a pair and snitched on his ass.

    Even until now. 3 times this month have I gotten fucked over. Duty days are where I worked 11 hours a day and must carry a cellphone 24/7 that will ring spontaneously and love to ring during tap (sleep) hours. I had to carry duty an extra day on my assigned week because someone felt that they couldn’t come in to work due to an upset stomach. Then another instance happened where a coworker had to take training up north that was assigned during his duty week (which is a no-no) and he totally threw me under the bus and told the E-7s that I had agreed to it. This is a negative. I OFFERED to assist in checking the building over the weekend since I come in to workout. He gave me the whole fucking deal even though his what is considered Supernumary should be the one to take it by direction.

    In short, I tried to help and got fucked over immensely for 3 days. The E-7s knew about it and they want me to basically talk it over with the same one that fucked me over. Right now, my intents are to squash it and suck it up. It will cause tension and it is not what I want in the office.

    Another instance is where the office has “volunteer” work. I stood my ground and stated I can’t volunteer since I have plans. They persisted and pressured me. I gave in and worked a 6 hour shift out of working hours on a Friday night from 1700-2300. Then my E-7 chief tells me that Saturday night needs an extra person. I told him no and he pressured me. Now I’m logged for another shift that is 4 hours long. 10 hours of fucking volunteer service that I do not want to do.

    In conclusion. I can’t wait to get out. Fuck the Navy and the piss-poor leadership they have. Fuck the little regards they have for the staff’s well-being. Fuck the coercions and inequality.

    This article has opened me up and I really look forward to implementing all the enlightenment I have received. Much appreciated. Thanks.

  595. Lester Avatar

    I had to resort to this type of material to get over my fear or offending others, causing tension and awkwardness.

    I am in the military working in an office as a personnelman. This is my first duty station and I am the most junior sailor in my office ranked at E-4.

    For 3 years I have carried more than should be expected of someone my rank-at one point 7 departments (mind you, I should only have 1 or 2 departments but no more) solely and right now I am carrying 2 departments.

    There were 2 E-6s that checked onboard in my time being that should have been my assigned supervisor and both have not done SHIT. I am always in over my head with paperwork and find it overwhelming.

    I get chewed out for work that doesn’t get complete and do not get any praise for my hard work and dedication.

    Things have escalated a bit as time flew by and realized that I get fucked over much more than I thought. Nobody appreciates the hard work I have put in and the countless departments I saved due to lack of staff.

    There are only 12 of us, and I carried those 7 departments when we were down to 6 people. They placed everything on me as a brand new sailor with no knowledge on the criteria.

    I have been abused as a junior, mistreated, misguided, misinformed and overwhelmed. I could simply not believe that the military would do this to any of its people. The Navy specifically.

    When I first reported, I had an E-9 that was an alcoholic who ORDERED me to have dinner and drink with him 3-5 times a fuckin’ week. I did not know any better and given that I was only an E-2 and this man was of high rank, I felt obligated to roger up and comply.

    It got absurd later down the road and he needed a DD for a retirement ceremony 2 hours up north. I kindly rejected and he attempted another strong-arm attempt. Our assigned Equal Opportunity officer did not say squat. I brought the subject matter up to my Commanding Officer on my own and the whole thing ceased. This carried on for about 5 months before I finally grew a pair and snitched on his ass.

    Even until now. 3 times this month have I gotten fucked over. Duty days are where I worked 11 hours a day and must carry a cellphone 24/7 that will ring spontaneously and love to ring during tap (sleep) hours. I had to carry duty an extra day on my assigned week because someone felt that they couldn’t come in to work due to an upset stomach. Then another instance happened where a coworker had to take training up north that was assigned during his duty week (which is a no-no) and he totally threw me under the bus and told the E-7s that I had agreed to it. This is a negative. I OFFERED to assist in checking the building over the weekend since I come in to workout. He gave me the whole fucking deal even though his what is considered Supernumary should be the one to take it by direction.

    In short, I tried to help and got fucked over immensely for 3 days. The E-7s knew about it and they want me to basically talk it over with the same one that fucked me over. Right now, my intents are to squash it and suck it up. It will cause tension and it is not what I want in the office.

    Another instance is where the office has “volunteer” work. I stood my ground and stated I can’t volunteer since I have plans. They persisted and pressured me. I gave in and worked a 6 hour shift out of working hours on a Friday night from 1700-2300. Then my E-7 chief tells me that Saturday night needs an extra person. I told him no and he pressured me. Now I’m logged for another shift that is 4 hours long. 10 hours of fucking volunteer service that I do not want to do.

    In conclusion. I can’t wait to get out. Fuck the Navy and the piss-poor leadership they have. Fuck the little regards they have for the staff’s well-being. Fuck the coercions and inequality.

    This article has opened me up and I really look forward to implementing all the enlightenment I have received. Much appreciated. Thanks.

  596. Nuvasoo Avatar

    I could have written this article, seriously, i’m 31 and have always been aware of being cool and accepted. Lately tho i just dont give a fuck. Im tired of being walked on by everyone in my life. The transferrance from an apologetic, spineless ball of mush has been incredibly hard. This article was a slap in the face, to me, and many others i imagine. Quick tip i learned: if you are insulting yourself internally, stop it. When im thinking negative thoughts about myself, i bite the crap out of my tongue. I associate negativity with pain and dont do it so often. Now i must learn to avoid ‘the eye’! Thank you so much!!

  597. Keiko Avatar

    You sir, are brilliant.

  598. Guus H Avatar
    Guus H

    Hey dude, i just read this thing, and you completely blew my mind. I cant say anything to strangers, i dont even have the balls to ask what time it is and not feel like a complete moron. After i read this i walked out of my house into the street and just stood in the middle of the fucking road screaming. All i did was doing was standing there and yelling “aaaaaaaaaaaaah”. It felt like a relieve, people probably woke up and looked out of the window thinking “why is this idiot screaming at 3;24 am”, i didnt even think about that at that moment. All i thought was “why dont i do this every week”. Truth is nothing feels like much more to me than you at this moment. You changed me man, i may be fucking drunk and alone in a fucking meadow of tears. You mean the world to me. Indont know who you are, or what you do, but right now you are god. You created the new me. I no longer give a shit about what anyone thinks, i live in a country of 16 million people, even if all 16 million people in my area hate me, i still have 50 bazillion chinese or indian people to try out. And even if the entire world thinks i am an idiot, who the fuck cares. It wont physically hurt me(unless people hate me and want to kill me, but i dont think that ‘ll happen). I want to thank you a thousand times for writing this and being inspiring, i know you will probably not read this because i am the 100073767 comment on this article. If you would answer i will freak out and cry of happiness. If you dont answer it will be good as well, i have seen the path to being a happy and free individual. This is not meant as a gay thing, but i just want to hold you and make sure you feel the love i have i for you have right now. I love you man, i would want you to be the best man at my wedding, not that i have a wedding upcoming. In theory i am still a patheic bachelor, but right now i feel like george clooney, brad pitt and matt damon at the same time. I love you, i lovey you. Greetings from an ex-insecure guy, i love you

    1. Daphne Avatar

      Guus H, that was beautiful. most beautiful words I’ve heard today. keep going with that energy 🙂

  599. Mmmm Avatar

    This article kinda sux. I was searching “feeling like you want to be friends with everyone” and seeing if there was like a classification for that but instead I came to the emo side of the internet. I’m not worried about what people think about me, I’m more worried about talking to people and befriending everyone. But owell emo ‘i dont giev af uck’ article.

  600. No Longerrr Avatar

    You speak what was there the whole time! My best friend basically turned herself in to fit in with the crowd leaving me alone & talked about considering that she is now my enemy also. You are my key to surviving high school because I know that I have wayyyy much more ahead of me! They can talk shit as much as they want but they can’t physically hold me back! And do you know which line touched me most? “You may be in a tough place right now where you feel lonely or like a loser. No worries, we’ve all been there. But it’s time for you to realize how common these things are, and that they’re experienced by even the most successful and happiest people in the world. Those people get past them, and you will too.” It touched me because it is my dream to become successful & I now know that I can’t get there while worrying what others think of me , god I feel stupid now! And like the comment above , you have created a new me and deserve to be a billionaire! Love you man C:

  601. ll Avatar

    thank you so, so, so very much. this helped me a lot today and gives me a lot to work on in my life.

  602. Will Essex Avatar
    Will Essex

    I think I love you! My ‘eye’ is my parents – who are both dead, but I still imagine them watching me and being critical. I shrink before that fucking eye all the time. I cower. I slink through life. Can you believe that????????
    I must read this again when it’s not three in the morning. Then – look out world!

  603. Ali Avatar

    That’s exactly why you say “how the fuck he achieved this position” when you feel that person does not deserve where he is now. And guess what? He didn’t give a fuck while you were trying to make your teachers, parents and friends happy.

  604. juju Avatar

    I’m not saying i dont give a fuck, because i took time to write this comment.

  605. Thomas Avatar

    That is the best advise I’ve ever had its going to help me so much more in the life.
    I’ve got so many school and family problems at the moment that I think of 10 different ways I can kill myself.

  606. Dj Avatar

    This is the shi right here

    I love he way you always have great ways of not giving a fuck I will use you way
    I am in some much pain coz my family are having problems and I’m having problems at school with kids bulling me.

    I’m one of the tallest kids in year 7 and biggest.

  607. Dianaa Avatar

    This. right here. has changed my life. tommorow when i go school i wont give two fucks about the friends i try to impress yet treat me like shit. im going to push back twice as hard and see what the fuck theyre going to say.

  608. no bullying Avatar
    no bullying

    DJ and Diana. Check out the anti bullying pages on facebook like No Bully and Matthew Bent, stopbullying dot gov. Also narcissistic pages on facebook like A Victim No More, The Liar Chair, Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse – Knowledge Equals Healing. Remember a lot of bullies are narcissists and it has nothing to do with you. Read No Bully too, it’s in the library for ways to beat bullying…

    1. no bullying Avatar
      no bullying

      also you Thomas, see above my comment and anyone else being bullied in school…there’s nothing wrong with you!!! but everything wrong with your bully…

  609. mrand Avatar

    Fuck you, i just wanted to say that.

    1. Alan Avatar

      This is always everyone’s sad response to everything. And as far as I’m concerned, the people who did care were the ones who changed the world. This phrase has been so overused, and it’s pathetic that “not giving a fuck” gets so much praise. Believe me, it does matter.

  610. Bathtub Avatar

    Wonderful article,full of wisdom!!I am so pleased to hav e found this piece of advice,because i have been wasting my energies on useless slandermongering people who try to put you down,I love your courage and admire you for telling us what we all know to be the truth.p.s. I already follow your advice,ha,ha.

  611. Bathtub Avatar

    p.s,i get addicted to these people slagging my name to the level of a gutter sniper,it makes me super conscious,and determined to get a bit more fun out of my life when possible,in some ways it has made me into a withering withered heap,slushy and soft,foolish and a bit nutty,but at other times,i am lucky enough to combat it in some way or other.all the same,you must try and follow your own paths,follow some rules,play around with life and find out what your comfortable with,then,let yourself be who you want to be.

  612. Nat Avatar

    Thank you so much. This helped me a lot. All I have to remember all the time is “It doesn’t matter” and “they are in no way better than you”

  613. Al Avatar

    Good advice but you must give a “fuck” to inform the rest of the world, you dont give a “fuck”. )You are trapped matey, “the bars of the cage are on the inside”
    Ever contemplated suicide of thought (see T S Elliot’s Prufrock! T quite like the quote “If you learn nothing by my silence, what will you learn by what I say” (somewhere in the National Portrait Gallery)But there he said that and so have I.

  614. Andreas Avatar

    i have exactly the same problem but it is so hard to begin with this… i really would like to change things… loved your text btw…

  615. Gofyerself Avatar

    Brilliant! My eye thinks so too. Go fuck yerself right now and don’t give a fuck about it!

  616. serena Avatar

    LOL the author sounds like a delusional 12 yr old who thinks saying ‘fuck’ a lot makes her a badass.

    Reality Check: in the real world (not middle school) it DOES matter what others think of you. If your employer doesn’t like you they can fire you. If your significant other doesn’t like you, they’ll dump you. If your friends don’t like you, you quickly won’t have any friends.

    So instead of being a little bitch, grow the fuck up. Realize you have to, at some point, actually give a fuck. Either that or just kill yourself, I mean I don’t care either way.

  617. A Thing Avatar
    A Thing

    It is truly an art not to give a fuck. You can stop giving fucks today, but it takes a long time to master it. You can never stop perfecting your skill in not giving a fuck.

  618. Peter Avatar

    Modern day Buddha

  619. Chris Blackmore (The Walrus) Avatar

    “The uploader has not made this video available in your country.”

    Well, fuck you, cunt.

  620. Abraham Avatar

    My name is abraham, Im the best in the world, i love girls, i love tities, and ass. I DONT GIVE A FUCK IF IM A PERVERT, YES IM A PERVERT.

  621. Fuckoff Avatar

    Seriously fuck off, you are creating assholes who think giving in to this other conformity is changing anything. Following this guide is doing the fucking opposite of what it tells you. Not giving a fuck is being happy with who you are and not caring what anyone else thinks. Please don’t believe this nonsense, if you are overly sensitive, learn to live with that, and it’ll go away.


  622. Cyril Avatar

    I really like this. However, I would take it more to heart if their weren’t glaring typos in it. Nothing is quite as annoying as when a youtube comment has a thousand likes and yet has atrocious spelling errors. I know you don’t give a fuck, but give a fuck about proofreading! This shows us you care enough to get it right. 66,000+ people have read this and you couldn’t take 2 minutes to give it a once-over?? Excellent advice, but when I see apathetic editing, my brain says “I don’t give a fuck.” Cheers.

    1. Cyril Avatar

      Ha, by cruel irony I used the wrong “their”, but you catch my drift. To me when a see a message with glaring typos, I can’t help but think “If he can’t get his message right, why should I listen to him, what else is he not getting right?” Especially when it’s easily fixable but is then reenforced with a shower of likes and a million views. Otherwise, great blog.

      1. Cyril Avatar

        *I see

        See, I can’t even take my own message seriously. But you don’t allow editing of a posted comment. Chaos.

        1. ki Avatar

          You are a tool, my friend

  623. Cyril Avatar

    Put simply: I really like this. However, I would take it more to heart if there weren’t glaring typos in it. Excellent advice, but when I see apathetic editing, my brain says “If he can’t get his message right, why should I listen to him, what else is he not getting right?” and then my subconscious says “I don’t give a fuck.” Otherwise, great blog Julien, cheers.

  624. Cyril Avatar

    “These are people don’t like you anyway” “Then, there’s Internet trolls” “the Long Walk” “It always watching”

  625. Cyril Avatar

    Please only post the “Put simply” comment if at all, or better yet ignore all these comments and fix the typos I mentioned. Or don’t give a fuck. Have fun with the world domination, I’m going to read this blog again and share it.

  626. The 11th Doctor Avatar
    The 11th Doctor

    Bowties are cool.

  627. Anne Avatar

    “If he is a god he will follow you wherever you go, if he is just an illusionist you will make the biggest comeback in all of history” – Lord of Illusions

  628. Erwin Avatar

    I like Apathy, it makes me sleepy and i like sleeping, the thing is im rarely like that.

  629. David Avatar

    I no longer give a fuck. i don’t even give a fuck about this comment.

  630. haleyliz613 Avatar

    This was really helpful for me. I’m getting married in less than two weeks and I’ve been having a tough time at work. Recently some things happened that made me very nervous and upset about going back, even though I’ve already put in my two week notice. This helped me realize that no matter what happens when I go to work tonight, it doesn’t matter, because I’ll be leaving that place soon anyways. Who cares if they find a reason to fire me? I’m leaving anyways, that just means I get to leave sooner. It’s not going to affect my life or my wedding. I need to stop letting rampant thoughts about what the people I work with might say to me make me so anxious that I have to self medicate. I have to stop being so terrified of going to work for really no reason at all. I don’t care about them, and I’m sure they don’t give a flying monkey about me. So what does it matter? In two weeks’ time, I’ll never have to see them again. Why should I care? This was really eye opening for me.

  631. J. Louise Avatar
    J. Louise

    What strikes me the most about the responses to this article is that people totally relate–at the deepest level–to what you are talking about. We often think we’re alone, that we’re the only one who feels this way. Thanks for providing a magnet that has united many people in a collective sigh of relief, and provided a chance for a fresh start to move forward.

  632. RM Avatar

    I just wanted to say thanks. I’m 32 years old and have also given too much of a fuck about other people’s opinions and feelings my entire life. It screwed up my self worth as well as my life. I’m clawing my way out of the hole I’d dug for myself and not giving a fuck is one of the final steps I need. I’m starting a new management job soon and I totally need to not give a fuck about what my underlings think, or I will be extremely miserable. LOL. Thanks for the excellent tips in this post!

  633. Tony Avatar

    People that talk shit about others as well as ones that boast about what they do to impress others/make themselves feel better/superior used to annoy the shit outta me!!!

    Now, that I’m older, it’s just hilarious to observe.

  634. mark Avatar

    I googled my life is so fucked when I saw this. I had just said to my self earlier today”the only talent god gave me is the ability to not give a fuck” once I 4 the heck of it I thought of the most embarrassing thing I can say to my bosses and then told
    them I purged myself of insecurities.Walking through work naked is about all that could embarrass me. (small pud). I don’t think it’s possible to completely not care what people think of you. I been working on that 1 4 years. PS its a slick slop.

  635. dave's not here Avatar
    dave’s not here

    I wanted to tell you how much I like this article, but I don’t give a fuck. Thanks tho!

  636. Luke Avatar

    This changed my life on how I view people and the world I only have one life to live. Why live it caring of what people think of me. For now on im gonna do what the fuck I want say what I feel and do weird things that I were embarassed to do sometime ago.
    Sorry for being me im just a “HUMAN”
    Live Free

  637. Carlos Fuentes Avatar
    Carlos Fuentes

    Did You post a comment? YES!
    Do you give a shit? NOPE! 😀

  638. Kris M Avatar

    Dear Julien,

    Thank you so much for sharing this wisdom and I’ll be quick to say you’ve made yourself worthy of all the kind words from the passed comments.

    I have one question about “The Eye”. You say it’s only an eye and all it can do is watch. Often I feel that crossing this “compass” leaves an aftermath of self doubt and low selfesteem for not being rational. May very well call it shame, this ancient fear of being left out of the community. In that regard I feel it does much more that passively observe. I believe in what you say here, but I’m curious about dealing with the fear of having acted unsensible? I’ve been going at it for a while and the feeling of a fist full of guilt still sits in my stomach when the baloon deflates.

    Thank you,


  639. donny Avatar

    The fact that you’re blogging this demonstrates that you still care. Get over it. Learn to not give a fuck.

  640. Me Avatar

    greatest blog ever, and what donny said makes no sense.

  641. Chris Avatar

    Sometimes, not giving a fuck is the best option.

  642. Pao G Avatar

    I love this 🙂 thanks

    1. AndrewWilliams Avatar

      Oh wow, social anxiety disorder! that’s bad. Hope you get that shit out of your system, wish you good luck!

  643. Bernie Stevens Avatar
    Bernie Stevens

    Hi there Julien,
    Just wanted to say that never heard this put this way, but how simple can it be put. Thank you so much for simply putting it.

  644. Asian kid Avatar
    Asian kid

    I’ll have you know I read this guide around 3 years ago. It changed my life. I love you , the one who wrote this . If not for this guide I will not be where I am . I would have little to no friends and everything . love u love u 🙂 I’m glad I came across this guide once again.I came back with success from the last time I read this .Now I’m going to save this page and read it whenever I’m lost again. I love you .

  645. Justin Lloyd Avatar

    This was a fantastic article! Just what I needed. Do you know of any books that would help with this mentality?

  646. Justin Lloyd Avatar

    Do you listen to Tupac by any chance?

  647. NJ Avatar

    I pretty much look at this almost ever time i have a bad day or when I worry about something. Thanks to whoever made this, it really change my life and gave a confidence booster. :))

  648. Jimmy Southidara Avatar
    Jimmy Southidara

    Interesting article.

    I like the background picture. It makes me think of “When the shit hits the fan”. There are things that are beyond my control and I cannot avoid every obstacle in my life.

    So I say, no matter what, when the shit hits the fan, I just won’t care, I’ll just laugh at it. I’ll do my best to get myself up and keep walking.

    I ask myself why I try so hard to be successful. When I should try harder to be a loser. Do I need friends? I think I need enemies. I want love? No, I want hate. I’m poor and want to be rich? No, I’m poor and want to get poorer.

    You see, I want the shit to hit the fan and that’s it. When things go wrong, I will laugh. When things go well, I will laugh again, because I know someday or not something’s gonna go wrong.

    “You can be mad as a mad dog about how things went, but in the end you have to let go.” That’s from the movie I saw yesterday and it’s “The Curious Case Of Benjamin”, Good movie I must say, it made me think a lot. Imagine being old and growing younger. That’s what the movie is about.

    The whole thing I like about not giving a damn about anything, is that in a sense you accept how things are and how things gonna be. YOU HAVE NO EXPECTATIONS FROM ANYONE, NEITHER FROM YOURSELF, YOU DROPPED IT ALL. You go with the flow of things. I don’t know why, but it’s freaking stupid when you start having no expectations, everything you said you don’t want any more comes to you. It’s not 100%, but it’s kinda like that. Like you didn’t ask for something, but you get it anyway. You know what I mean?

    Things come and go; opportunities come and go, get it or miss it. It doesn’t matter, nothing ever last, in the end you have to let go. Are you worried about growing old and regret all the things you didn’t do? I say fuck it! I’ll be laughing at myself when I’ll be 70 years old and not regret or regret a damn single thing in my life.

    The truth is that I hate myself, I find this funny, and I’m not hiding the fact that I’m the sums of all the negative words, traits, and things that exist on earth.

    After all these years of people saying “love yourself” and this and that, I thought why can’t I just hate myself and be with it? I’m not perfect, I never will, never ask to. But who cares after all if the way I live affect negatively the people around me. We’re all like ghosts; it won’t matter when we’re all gone. Or does it? What I’m just all curious about is what’s next?
    Yeah maybe I’m too hard on myself, maybe I should be so. I can’t forget all the things I’ve done wrong, but I can live with this. I won’t pretend like I did nothing wrong. We’re fucking humans, we’re stupid, we have emotions and reactions, and we make mistakes. AND THAT’S LIFE.

    I try my best to do well, the right thing, not to hurt anyone. I ended messing everything’s up and hurting everyone. Well guess what? I say fuck it, and move on. I’m sick of all these dramas.

  649. Emma Avatar

    CUDOS TO YOU SIR! This made a MAN (well, woman..) outta me! 😀

  650. John Cooper Avatar

    This blog post is straight to the point. Don’t give a FUCK. We live our lives way too serious. Don’t be afraid to have some fun. Regret nothing.

    Studies have shown that we tend to regret about stuff we didn’t try than about stuff we actually tried.

  651. Emily Avatar

    I am reminded here of don miguel ruiz’s agreement #2 of the four agreements:

    Don’t take anything personally – Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.

  652. X Avatar

    Magnificent post.

  653. gaya Avatar

    fact no.4, paragraph 3 is exceptional. I copied and pasted it in my computer. very well written.

  654. aimery Avatar

    This was so very very helpful. I actually had developed social anxiety disorder because of caring what people think. Fuck social anxiety disorder! This moved me. It’s part of my new years resolution too. Fuck everyone at school, and everywhere else. Great job, dude.

  655. AndrewWilliams Avatar

    May your feet serve you well, and the rest be sent to hell!

  656. catadeluxe Avatar

    that’s right, just fuck everything man

  657. Christina Avatar

    Man oh man how I needed this. You are magic. Thank you!!!!

  658. Bart B Avatar

    so, why should I give a fuck?

  659. visualartist49gmailcom Avatar

    Your post is spot on. I had that realization myself only a few days ago and it was extremely liberating. In fact, I wrote about it on my site, but in the form of cyberstalking and bullying. Still, not giving a f*ck is enormously helpful in life.

  660. Asheville Real Estate Avatar

    Very nice. Excellent points and advice!

  661. chunkles Avatar

    satan post

  662. Kieth Dammann Avatar
    Kieth Dammann

    There is some truth here in this post, to that I admit. I myself am pretty honest and don’t like to just take stuff at face value; I truly question it. That said, I do feel that this life, if truly lived to it’ fullest, leads to destruction–as accountability, that is what is best for you, must be considered before taking an action or making a life decision. To say, “do what you want as long as it doesn’t hurt someone else” is not to say that it won’t have a negative effect on yourself. Quite honestly, if you don’t give strong consideration to the outcome of your decisions then you shouldn’t be surprised when you end up the same place that everyone else does, which is quite contradictory to the OP’s point of view. One must truly way out the inevitability of one’s decisions/actions if one wants to truly do something remarkable with one’s life. Wisdom, therefore, becomes what is truly liberating to one’s life. I believe the OP speaks good insight on many points about life and how worrying too much about others will take you no where, but the main point where we differ is in one’s actions. Respect, in my opinion, is only as important as your self evaluation. In other words, everyone in the world can think you’re the best, but if you think you’re terrible then that is the life you will come to know. Therefore, when one considers how to best live their own life one must truly consider what actions/decisions will ultimately lead to a fulfilling and meaningful life. To truly feel comfortable in one’s feeling of fulfilling one must truly seek wisdom to guide one’s life as it will surely allow for recognition of what is truly good for one’s self. For a fat person who eats and excessive amount of donuts all their life may feel pretty content and pleased by the taste of said donuts, ultimately, if one has sought wisdom on health and the benefits of such a lifestyle, will come to know that their actions/decisions to eat an excessive amount of donuts is actually leading them down the path of ruin and misery. If one’s counter argument to the previous listed metaphor was that pleasure as a state is relative to the person, I in turn ask, how is it then that we can determine anything to be good or bad, for if there is not such thing as good or bad, then mass murder, torture, and the lot would be considered a possible good outcome for some, surely one would not legitimize such an argument. All that to say, I believe it is wise that one’s decisions/actions should take into consideration the ultimate good of those said actions, when one decides for one’s self, what they will do in life.

  663. Cass Avatar

    Great post. I too truly believe there are many things that I simply shouldn’t give a fuck about!

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