Ryan Roslansky’s Post

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Ryan Roslansky Ryan Roslansky is an Influencer

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The world is entering into a talent migration that's bigger than anything we've seen before. We call it the #GreatReshuffle, an unprecedented moment in the history of work where all of us are rethinking not just how we work, but why we work. To me, this is a great thing. More people will be doing work they love at companies they feel passionate about, leading to greater success for organizations who engage their employees with empathy and trust. To everyone on LinkedIn who has been sharing their thoughts about the #GreatReshuffle and #NewWorldOfWork - thank you for making the conversation so insightful. I will be sharing more thoughts in the weeks to come and hope to engage all of you as we navigate the new world of work together.

Robert Wilburn

Systems Administrator @ Connect Cause | Technical Support, Backup Solutions


Companies are learning that they can get "good" talent all across the country! If there was anything good to come out of this horrible time in America, it is the rise of working remotely! The IT community should lead the charge on this, by using their knowledge of remote technology and helping their companies apply it to the business day-to-day operations! Studies have shown an increase in productivity when working from home, and the company saves on operational costs. It's a "win/win" for any company. I have been unemployed since June, and my focus has shifted from looking for local jobs (because my area is not a good area for IT) to looking for remote jobs! We as a country should learn from the lesson's that this whole pandemic has taught us, otherwise, we'll repeat those mistakes.

Doug McKee

Author of Life Is All About Skills, a reliable skills-based approach that upgrades life skills to versions that create better results and significantly fewer negative emotions.


There is no doubt that current management techniques must change, but I am truly concerned that thinking a different job will somehow fix someone’s life will fail to produce the hoped-for results. For the last 80 years, each generation has had more anxiety, stress, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, divorce, and suicide than the previous one.           The quality of our personal lives has been decreasing steadily because our life skills are deteriorating, and our values are now more external than internal. The skills we are using to manage our emotions, make our choices, and manage our negative emotions are ones we learned as toddlers. Technology has accomplished some wonderful things, but it has added a whole new set of problems, and society has not yet figured out how to deal with them. It doesn’t matter if it is a workout at the gym, going for a run, a cell phone, social media, music, Pinterest, or podcasts, we are turning more and more to something other than each other. We are losing the ability to communicate and connect to each other in a deep, meaningful, and lasting way. The only solution that can change the current trajectory is to upgrade those foundation life skills.

Move forward with timely thinking and consciousness.Moving forward is not just moving forward, looking back, but the reality is that for some services, the whole society looks differently. Move forward, break barriers and conquer the whole world as your own.

Rochelle Santopoalo

1-Room School House, filling the skill gap between formal education and work using a micro-college approach.


Your vision of a utopian world where work consumes only enough hours a day of time so as to be in balance with the myriad of our other needs is so very inviting. Admittedly I'm skeptical having worked in health care in the 70s. For those of us who entered the workforce during the baby boomer years, you'll recall the mixed ideologies we faced. One view was that of the work world being hyper-competitive given there were so many of us. This reality meant we had to earn higher degrees rapidly only to obtain a job requiring us to work a minimum of 60+ hours a week. The goal of having a work-life balance was but a dream. The competing view came from the counterculture movement of the 70s—espousing peace, love, and a kinder society where there was no war or racism. These 2 views were so polarized that neither could succeed. Like any societal trend, they exist as a polarity wherein only the midpoint is viable. History supports this pattern of polar ideologies. Let's embrace the utopian society promised by #TheGreatReshuffle until such time that it is devalued, possibly replaced by the adoption of a dystopian ideology. I beseech the present workforce to protect the gains you make during #The Great Reshuffle.

Nithya Chuah

Driving Digital Demand & Enterprising 5G


Ryan Roslansky ON POINT... #greatreshuffle will be opening greater opportunity to the wider talents globally with NO biasness in gender, looks, background and power. Truely a move that can only a genuine and compasionate Leader can derive and embrace. Appreciation for work flexibility ie WFH and working remotely means alot esspecially for those of us who have dependents (family, parents, kids) and talented beautifull souls with dissabilities. Thank you again for opening up such an opportunity.


The world is entering into a talent migration that's bigger than anything we've seen before. We call it the #GreatReshuffle, an unprecedented moment in the history of work where all of us are rethinking not just how we work, but why we work. Trovo questa analisi molto interessante, nel momento in cui tutti siamo passati per un momento unico di rivalutazione della scala valoriale che guida scelte e comportamenti ... Il perchè diventa più che mai un elemento di scelta, non conta più solo il come. La riflessione innescata dalla crisi pandemica attraverso cui stiamo passando, non mette in discussione solo le modalità lavorative, ma anche la finalità stessa del lavoro. Ho notato nei singoli lo stesso processo mentale a fronte di grandi gioie o enormi dolori, la pandemia rende questo un processo distribuito di cui come professionisti non possiamo ignorare il potenziale impatto.


We are transforming from Adaptive Workers in a Job to Conscious Creators with a Purpose. Our real work is to now evolve the consciousness to enable each of us to become who we know we are are. 🙏🏻😇


Interesting - With this great reshuffle it is probably time for everyone to take stock of what they want to do AND their skill gaps

Ivy Nicolas

Old-school Journalism meets DX mindset


Here's what #greatreshuffle looks like from my side of the planet. As we ponder universal sentiments common to us as humans, this is a contribution to the big picture. It feels as if the workforce of the world is putting together a giant 4D puzzle that is the blueprint of how we can change the #futureofwork. I seek to learn how in the Great Reshuffle, how might we ensure nobody gets left behind? https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:6862288637388828672?updateEntityUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_updateV2%3A%28urn%3Ali%3AugcPost%3A6862288637388828672%2CFEED_DETAIL%2CEMPTY%2CDEFAULT%2Cfalse%29

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