12th March 2021

CryptoArt.wtf was designed to share the best available information about the energy use and environmental impact of the growing Proof-of-Work (PoW) based CryptoArt and NFT markets. Just as we can find information regarding the ecological costs of flying, iPhones, watching Netflix, or training Artificial Intelligence models, I believe similar information should be available for CryptoArt, so that we can understand the impact of our actions, and we can make informed decisions. Unfortunately, the information on this website has been used as a tool for abuse and harassment, so I am taking the site offline.

I support artists, and we should support each other. Even as we navigate our messy interactions with extractive capitalism. Our conversations should not be around comparing individuals to each other, comparing you to them, or me to you. Instead, I believe we have a responsibility to be critical of businesses whose values are opposed to the values that we wish to see moving forward, while simultaneously we work towards building and supporting equitable platforms that avoid senseless damage to our planet. CryptoArt is a tiny part of global emissions. Our actions in this space is a reflection of the mindset that we need in our efforts for larger-scale systemic change.

Since the release of this website in December 2020, there have been a plethora of articles reflecting on the CryptoArt market. For a very brief list of resources, please see:

Memo Akten