Sarah Wight’s Post

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VP, Legal - Litigation, Competition, and Enforcement at LinkedIn

Today in the hiQ legal proceeding, the Court announced a significant win for LinkedIn and our members against personal data scraping, among other platform abuses. The Court ruled that LinkedIn’s User Agreement unambiguously prohibits scraping and the unauthorized use of scraped data as well as fake accounts, affirming LinkedIn’s legal positions against hiQ for the past six years. The Court also found that hiQ knew for years that its actions violated our User Agreement, and that LinkedIn is entitled to move forward with its claim that hiQ violated the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.   The Court’s ruling helps us better protect everyone in our professional community from unauthorized use of profile data, and it establishes important precedent to stop this kind of abuse in the future. We will continue to fight on behalf of our members to stop illegal scraping. From taking legal action against unauthorized scraping to making significant investments in technical defenses, we are committed to keeping the control of data where it belongs - with our members.

User Agreement | LinkedIn

User Agreement | LinkedIn

Brandie Nonnecke, PhD

Host, TecHype; Founding Director, CITRIS Policy Lab; Assoc. Research Professor, Goldman School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley


Is the opinion available online?

Steve Bruce

Marketing Consultant for LinkedIn | Training | Workshops | Webinars | Thought Leadership | Personal Branding | Social Selling | Marketing Consultant


© Richard van der Blom Mark Williams Brynne Tillman A N D Y F O O T E I'm sure you will have something to say about this!

"The Court’s ruling helps us better protect everyone in our professional community from unauthorized use of profile data. . ." Just like you protected users from the unauthorized use of their data by conducting experiments on them without their knowledge or consent? Or like when LinkedIn built its initial user base using unethical dark patterns? Or the data breach you allowed exposing 700 million users' PI?

Joey Galvin

Time... Is a commodity that which cannot be bought back!


well as far as Invesco QQQ, I had already seen this as 1 of many verified truths of LinkedIn

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Gerard Stegmaier

Practical Problem Solver + Trusted Consigliere


I know we’re talking about the users but I think this one is also helpful for understanding other ways in which browsewrap and click wrap are sought to be used.

Manal Kalil

Strategist | Data Engineering | Customer Success Leader


So companies like Lusha won't be able to sell LinkedIn data? A simple python code can get all the data out (name, number, email and current employer). Maybe LinkedIn can invest in revamping it's infrastructure.

Penry Price

Vice President, Marketing Solutions, LinkedIn; Director, Church & Dwight (NYSE: CHD)


Great job Sarah - and the entire team working on this for years. Good to see us coming out on the right side of history again. 🙏🏼

Steve Bruce

Marketing Consultant for LinkedIn | Training | Workshops | Webinars | Thought Leadership | Personal Branding | Social Selling | Marketing Consultant


Interesting indeed. Hopefully this is the beginning of LinkedIn getting a grip on the growing issue of #fakeprofiles & #salesautomationsoftware

Michael Hochstat

We are focused on your data your answers. This is built for everyone. No code ai content data base, two buttons and search. No more lost emails and no API needed. See how we can make your life simpler.


Thinknum is still doing this

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