Take an extra 5% off Iberostar’s last minute hotel deals

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Like many hotel and resort brands, Iberostar offers last minute deals as a way to entice new customers and to make sure it receives a return on unsold rooms. While it might not be immediately apparent how to use it, Iberostar has a promo code that will save you an extra 5% on its last minute offers. We’ll show you how to quickly find and apply the code, whether you’re using a desktop computer or mobile device.

About Iberostar

Iberostar, headquartered in Malaga, Spain, has hotels and resorts in Europe, North America, Latin America, and Africa. The company specializes in beachfront and garden hotels and resorts, and is consistently rated as one of the best hotel chains in the world.

How to apply Iberostar’s last-minute promo code (mobile)

1. Access the deal offer here. Select the menu icon to open the main menu.

Apply the Iberostar last minute promo code mobile, step 1: open the menu

2. Scroll down and select “Offers”.

Apply the Iberostar last minute promo code mobile, step 2: open the offers page

3. Scroll down and select “Last-Minute offers”.

Apply the Iberostar last minute promo code mobile, step 3: select "last minute offers"

4. Scroll down past the “Sign up” and “Log in” buttons. Select “Apply and copy code”. We’ve got tips for filtering and sorting the results here.

How to apply Iberostar’s last-minute promo code (desktop)

1. Access the deal here. Scroll over “Offers” at the top of the page to view offers.

Apply the Iberostar last minute promo code desktop, step 1: view offers

2. Select “Last Minute Offers”.

Apply the Iberostar last minute promo code desktop, step 2: select last minute offers

3. Scroll down past the “Sign up” and “Log in” buttons. Select “Apply and copy code”.

Filtering and sorting the last-minute hotels

Iberostar’s last minute hotel offers can be sorted by price, available dates, and hotel name. You can also filter the deals by month, country, review rating, services, and specialties (like beachfront, adults only, or golf hotels). Some of the deals are really good, and with an extra 5% off, you can’t go wrong.

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