Increase Visibility

The data and capabilities to reach your subscribers when they’re most likely to open your emails.

Boost Engagement

Increased visibility leads to higher open rates, higher click-throughs, and overall higher engagement.

Power Revenue

And when engagement increases, so do the odds of meeting and exceeding your revenue goals.

Ideal for the email marketer who’s ready to accelerate their revenue, FeedBlitz Accel opens new pathways to power your growth and success through subscriber engagement.

Building on the foundation of FeedBlitz Core’s suite of email marketing features, FeedBlitz Accel unlocks access to a host of new features and updates to your favorites:

Connect with your audience at the right time.

When's the right time to send your campaigns? When your subscribers are most likely to be in their inbox and see them! And FeedBlitz Accel makes this mission even easier to achieve.

Screenshot showing two inbox detection triggers in place; one will add a subscriber to a set funnel should the subscriber open any mailing in the FeedBlitz network, and the other will send a different funnel campaign should a subscriber click a link in any mailing in the FeedBlitz network.

Inbox Activity Detection

Get the most eyes on your emails by triggering a one-to-one individual send when your subscribers are most likely to open, i.e. when they're in the inbox.

Greater visibility leads to greater engagement. And greater engagement leads to greater revenue.

Inbox Activity Detection

Get the most eyes on your emails by triggering a one-to-one individual send when your subscribers are most likely to open, i.e. when they're in the inbox.

Greater visibility leads to greater engagement. And greater engagement leads to greater revenue.

Screenshot showing two inbox detection triggers in place; one will add a subscriber to a set funnel should the subscriber open any mailing in the FeedBlitz network, and the other will send a different funnel campaign should a subscriber click a link in any mailing in the FeedBlitz network.

Enhanced Reporting

Your list is always active, but with FeedBlitz Accel, find the most viewed and engaged window of opportunity with engagement insights sorted by: the time of day or recipient domain.

• Time of day                               • Recipient domain

Enhanced Reporting

Your list is always active, but with FeedBlitz Accel, find the most viewed and engaged window of opportunity with engagement insights sorted by: the time of day or recipient domain.

• Time of day
• Recipient domain

Unsure if FeedBlitz Accel will fit your needs?

Skip the sales pitch and ask one of our email experts instead. 

Advanced Sending Flexibility

Additional options to increase the likelihood of your subscribers seeing and opening your campaigns hinge on advanced sending flexibility.

Increase open rates by sending your campaign based on your subscriber's time zone mailing or pace your send over a set timeframe.

Audience Shaping for RSS to Email Campaigns

With continued innovation in RSS to email mailing, FeedBlitz Accel unlocks audience filtering for all automated campaigns -- further ensuring the right audience is receiving the right message.

Embrace the opportunity to create targeted campaigns by shaping the audience with the use of groups.

Take your current email marketing efforts and hyper-focus on audience engagement to grow your revenue and platform with FeedBlitz Accel.

Save time and resources with advanced automations.

Increase your automation and optimization efforts through FeedBlitz Accel. From your automated RSS to email campaigns to managing your subscribers, your email marketing efforts will become a well-oiled, engagement-generating, full-fledged, self-sufficient operation. 

Automated RSS to Email Follow-ups

You're already automating your campaigns, and now it's time to automate your follow-ups so you can focus on building and growing in other areas of your brand.

Improve overall engagement by automatically scheduling and sending follow-ups to subscribers who didn't engage with the initial mailing.

Screenshot of settings you can choose for automated campaign follow-ups.

Automated RSS to Email Follow-ups

You're already automating your campaigns, and now it's time to automate your follow-ups so you can focus on building and growing in other areas of your brand.

Improve overall engagement by automatically scheduling and sending follow-ups to subscribers who didn't engage with the initial mailing.

Screenshot of settings you can choose for automated campaign follow-ups.
A screenshot of two different campaign-based triggers set for a campaign.

Campaign-Based Automation Triggers

Level up your subscriber management to create targeted email campaigns your subscribers are primed to open.

Extend your favorite list-based triggers to individual campaigns, automating your subscriber management. Easily complete the following tasks based on interactions a subscriber takes within a campaign:

• Subscribe to a list                • Remove from a group
• Begin a funnel                       • Apply a tag

Campaign-Based Automation Triggers

Level up your subscriber management to create targeted email campaigns your subscribers are primed to open.

Extend your favorite list-based triggers to individual campaigns, automating your subscriber management. Easily complete the following tasks based on interactions a subscriber takes within a campaign:

• Subscribe to a list
• Remove from a group
• Begin a funnel
• Apply a tag

A screenshot of two different campaign-based triggers set for a campaign.

Automated List Hygiene

A healthy email list is a priceless resource to have. Ensure your mailing lists stay healthy and engaged by automatically removing subscribers who are no longer opening or interacting with your emails.

Simply set the parameters to determine unengaged subscribers, and FeedBlitz will automatically remove (or move to an inactive mailing list) when these metrics are matched.

Debating between FeedBlitz Core, FeedBlitz Accel, and FeedBlitz Enterprise?

A member of our Support Team will be more than happy to walk you through the differences and benefits of each plan. Reach out with your questions.

Or you can check out a side-by-side comparison of all three FeedBlitz plans here.

Generate and earn next-level revenue.

Accelerate your earning potential with FeedBlitz Accel by bridging the gap between your email efforts and sales goals, product launches, account outreach, and more.

Conversion Tracking

Set the goals most valuable to your project and link your site activity to a particular email subscriber.

Identify and set your goals, track their success and ROI with real-time data, then build on your wins with targeted campaigns to further increase conversions and revenue.

Conversion Tracking

Set the goals most valuable to your project and link your site activity to a particular email subscriber.

Identify and set your goals, track their success and ROI with real-time data, then build on your wins with targeted campaigns to further increase conversions and revenue.

*Bonus Feature for FeedBlitz Accel:

As an added bonus, all FeedBlitz Accel clients will have access to FeedBlitz's Transactional Email API. This allows you to effectively turn FeedBlitz into your own SMTP cloud service and send your most vital emails backed by FeedBlitz’s industry-leading deliverability.

FeedBlitz Accel takes the foundations, reliability, and flexibility of FeedBlitz Core and opens new avenues designed to hyper-focus on the actions your audience is taking.

Because when you’re making the most of subscriber engagement, you’re opening avenues for greater growth and opportunity.

It's time for lift-off...