Sunday, February 9, 2025

New Issue: Journal of International Economic Law

The latest issue of the Journal of International Economic Law (Vol. 27, no. 4, December 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Special Feature: Remaking Global Tax Governance
    • Tsilly Dagan & Alice Pirlot, Global tax governance: taking stock of the past and looking forward
    • John Vella, What is wrong with the international business tax system?
    • Yariv Brauner, The elusive reform of international tax dispute settlement
    • Philip Baker, Using multilateral instruments to preserve a bilateral system
    • Miranda Stewart, International institutions in global tax governance
    • Afton Titus, The role of the United Nations in ensuring equitable tax policies for developing countries
    • Luís Eduardo Schoueri & Pedro Guilherme Lindenberg Schoueri, Rethinking taxing rights
    • Ivan Ozai, Global justice in the reshaping of international tax
  • Special Feature: Remaking the Trading System
    • Joel Trachtman, Jan Yves Remy, & Daniel C Esty, Remaking trade for a sustainable future
    • James Bacchus, Sustainability and the WTO trading system
    • Maureen Hinman & Sarah V Stewart, First, ‘things’ first: prioritizing environmental goods tariff reductions at the WTO
    • Carmel Cahill, Reforming and repurposing agricultural subsidies to facilitate trade and sustainability
    • Mustaqeem De Gama, Fisheries subsidies, the WTO, and sustainability
    • Sonia E Rolland, Supporting trade negotiations with sustainable development impact assessments
    • Colette van der Ven, Overcoming the circularity divide: accelerating a circular apparel transition in Africa through trade
    • Irfan Nooruddin & Nita Rudra, From enthusiasm to apathy: dwindling support for globalization among future generationss
  • Articles
    • Marta Soprana, Compatibility of emerging AI regulation with GATS and TBT: the EU Artificial Intelligence Act
    • James Harrison & Sophia Paulini, Reinventing trade, environment and development interlinkages: lessons from the EU–Mercosur Association Agreement
    • Nicolette Butler & Jasem Tarawneh, The trade and environment nexus: proposing a broad universal definition of environmental services