The latest issue of the
Journal of International Economic Law (Vol. 27, no. 4, December 2024) is out. Contents include:
- Special Feature: Remaking Global Tax Governance
- Tsilly Dagan & Alice Pirlot, Global tax governance: taking stock of the past and looking forward
John Vella, What is wrong with the international business tax system?
Yariv Brauner, The elusive reform of international tax dispute settlement
Philip Baker, Using multilateral instruments to preserve a bilateral system
Miranda Stewart, International institutions in global tax governance
Afton Titus, The role of the United Nations in ensuring equitable tax policies for developing countries
Luís Eduardo Schoueri & Pedro Guilherme Lindenberg Schoueri, Rethinking taxing rights
Ivan Ozai, Global justice in the reshaping of international tax
- Special Feature: Remaking the Trading System
- Joel Trachtman, Jan Yves Remy, & Daniel C Esty, Remaking trade for a sustainable future
James Bacchus, Sustainability and the WTO trading system
Maureen Hinman & Sarah V Stewart, First, ‘things’ first: prioritizing environmental goods tariff reductions at the WTO
Carmel Cahill, Reforming and repurposing agricultural subsidies to facilitate trade and sustainability
Mustaqeem De Gama, Fisheries subsidies, the WTO, and sustainability
Sonia E Rolland, Supporting trade negotiations with sustainable development impact assessments
Colette van der Ven, Overcoming the circularity divide: accelerating a circular apparel transition in Africa through trade
Irfan Nooruddin & Nita Rudra, From enthusiasm to apathy: dwindling support for globalization among future generationss
- Articles
- Marta Soprana, Compatibility of emerging AI regulation with GATS and TBT: the EU Artificial Intelligence Act
James Harrison & Sophia Paulini, Reinventing trade, environment and development interlinkages: lessons from the EU–Mercosur Association Agreement
Nicolette Butler & Jasem Tarawneh, The trade and environment nexus: proposing a broad universal definition of environmental services