French la Vie

French la Vie



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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-09-15
2024-09-15 04:00 UTC

  1. Oranges and Onions Were Her New Best Friends
  2. French Antique Guessing Game

When a Child’s Home…
2024-09-14 19:45 UTC by French la Vie


is in the country 

open space 


freedom to run outside straight from bed until sunset

Where you can see your shadow follow you, the stars twinkle and the night owl sing you to sleep.

when a child can be a child in a world called home.


Be the Peace
2024-09-13 18:30 UTC by French la Vie






Chelsea’s Home Renovation
2024-09-12 20:21 UTC by French la Vie


The renovation begins.

My daughter and her family moved back to our town in the south of France. They live three minutes away.

Rene and his wife are at it again: renovating!



That wall where the fireplace stood is coming down.

To watch the transforma,tion follow Chelsea on Instagram

Your French Rendez Vous




Can you...

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Because He Can, He Does
2024-09-11 07:37 UTC by French la Vie




I wish he wouldn’t do these things: walk over a log, stand on top of a bridge barrier, or hang from a helicopter. Sacha shows me after he has, and still, it is bothersome.

These photos are on his Instagram stories that you can follow without being on Instagram. I screenshot these photos From his account, that’s why they’re blurry...

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Because He Can, He Does
2024-09-11 07:37 UTC by French la Vie




I wish he wouldn’t do these things: walk over a log, stand on top of a bridge barrier, or hang from a helicopter. Sacha shows me after he has, and still, it is bothersome.

These photos are on his Instagram stories that you can follow without being on Instagram. I screenshot these photos From his account, that’s why they’re blurry...

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What Will it Take?
2024-09-10 21:32 UTC by French la Vie


For the world to live as one.

To accept everyone for who they are.

To be kind.

C E A S E F I R E. F O R E V E R




Missed Calling in Life
2024-09-09 21:27 UTC by French la Vie

Maybe an image of 1 person

While at a friend's brocante shop I asked Yann to model one of the many kimonos, and did he ever model. Strike a pose! I want to buy many of these and have my guests sit around the dinner table during the French Vie and share stories.


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The Fainting Chair and the Tablecloth
2024-09-08 21:50 UTC by French la Vie

Finding a second hand is where the actual hunt begins.

Directions are seldom straightforward, even though straight is what they say…” Go straight,” says the man I have asked at the side of the road, his left hand flat, like a Queen Elizabeth wave. He directs me, “Straight- straight-straight” …continue straight...

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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-09-08
2024-09-08 04:00 UTC

  1. Oranges and Onions Were Her New Best Friends
  4. French Antique Guessing Game

A Place to Stay in Provence
2024-09-07 21:55 UTC by French la Vie

chateau conq cantons

chateau cinq cantons

chateau cinq cantons

A perfect bed and breakfast in the middle of a vineyard in Carpentras.

Chateau Cinq Cantons

I am with a client who is interested in antiques for her shop.

We stayed here, and it was almost too good to leave to go to the brocante.

Oh my gosh, what is happening to me!!

A Morning in Provence
2024-09-06 21:07 UTC by French la Vie

Morning in my village:

The church bells ring—the night curtain lifts. The baker puts out his pain aux chocolate first, then the croissants, followed by the baguettes. Many sleepy-eyes walk over to buy one. The birds begin to sing. The commuters drop off their children and enter the Bouchon to the city; French Husband will race downstairs when...

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The Old Doll
2024-09-05 20:29 UTC by French la Vie

How many hours spent playing, pretending, and being happy did this doll give?

How many times did the child's Mother pick up the little toys and put them away with care?

And now her life is scattered on a brocanteur's table for everyone to see—missing legs, no hair, and no two shoes alike. A collection of socks and glass eyes, an umbrella, a...

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The White Lampshade
2024-09-04 21:07 UTC by French la Vie

The problem with being spontaneous is that one jumps and then questions the cliff.
Being spontaneous has its advantages, though, at the moment, I cannot think of any that actually sound sane. Being this way means things don't always turn out, but the process is so intersting and sometimes regrettable. 

The bedroom is now green. I...

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The Renovation is Nearly All Done
2024-09-03 20:56 UTC by French la Vie





New sky light.

The bathroom angle is strange, but I wanted to show you the extremely high ceiling to paint. 



This bedroom is painted and skylight in place. But, now it is a holding area.


This bedroom is now moss green.



Finishing the interior walls for the skylight.


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Renovation was our Summer Holiday
2024-09-02 12:58 UTC by French la Vie



Long story short, we had roof damage, which leaked into the rooms upstairs in our house. Leaked is a sweet little word when I want to say it was _hit show. The water damage was extensive in five rooms. We decided to open our wallets and fork over a truckload of money to redo our entire roof and the skylights, resurface the ceiling areas,...

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I Asked Chat GBT ... and This is What it Said About my Blog
2024-09-01 10:04 UTC by French la Vie

Chat GPT: I had to try it, I figured, since it scrapped everything on the internet: comments, memes, articles, messages, images, blogs... Hum, I have posted a blog every day since 2005. Maybe it knows something about my blog? So I asked ChatGBT,

"What is Corey Amaro's BLOG about?"

This is what it said,

"Corey Amaro is a writer, photographer,...

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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-09-01
2024-09-01 04:00 UTC

  1. Oranges and Onions Were Her New Best Friends

Pigtails for Olivia
2024-08-30 21:35 UTC by French la Vie


Olivia longs hair like her mommy so she can wear pony and pigtails.

Today, she wanted braids, so Chelsea obliged; the teeny tiny braids delighted the little heart.

Rebecca, a blog reader friend, wrote me on Facebook and said, Olivia is going to win the hong hair contest. She very well might.x   



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Speak from the Heart
2024-08-29 21:57 UTC by French la Vie



Speak from the Heart

Listen with the heart



What is Your Happy Place?
2024-08-28 20:47 UTC by French la Vie

I am

"Je Suis..."

In English, it means "I am."

Whenever I go to anything remotely like a brocante, I am instantly drawn into a world of irresistible allure - my whole body fizzes with excitement. 

A friend in my hometown in Willows described it as:

"It is like being junk drunk."


I am.

Whether I'm digging through a dusty box in...

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2024-08-27 17:26 UTC by French la Vie


WWII Letters

The other day at the brocante, I found a stack of letters written during World War Two (WWII) between a husband and his wife. At first, I was drawn to them because of how they were worn and stacked in perfect order. You might say the "art factor" attracted me. Then the dealer, seeing that I didn't...

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The Gift of a Sweet Holiday
2024-08-26 19:49 UTC by French la Vie

Our friends Arnelle and Roger have a home far off the main road, smack dab in the middle of Wonderland. Their centuries-old, glorious stone home is surrounded by nature, and if you cannot unwind there, you might as well kiss that idea goodbye. I took a two-hour nap—AFTER breakfast! Unheard of yet ever so divine.

On the last morning of our...

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Life is for Everyone
2024-08-25 20:32 UTC by French la Vie



The photo is of Gaza. The young man who took this photo and his family have been forced to evacuate several times. His seventeen-year-old brother was shot through the tent that they were living in. He died in his brother’s arms. Every photo I saw of them showed joy in their eyes, even in the face of death and destruction. 



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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-08-25
2024-08-25 04:00 UTC


Summer’s Last Days
2024-08-24 20:40 UTC by French la Vie


The last stalks of faded lavender carry their scent for us to remember when winter comes to greet us.

When was the last time you saw a spotted fritillary?




In their shy and tender way, Wisteria blossoms peek out to bid us a gentle «Au Revoir».



Inside these green olives, the liquid gold beckons to take the...

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Toothless Grin, Happy Birthday Maci
2024-08-23 15:28 UTC by French la Vie

I was looking for something on my blog and stumbled upon this post, which is sixteen years old. Today is my niece Maci's 24th birthday. So, I thought it fitting to repost it:
Happy Birthday, Maci xx



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Banana Pancakes
2024-08-22 19:46 UTC by French la Vie

banana pancakes

It all started because I had two very brown bananas and no eggs. I like a challenge, not physical challenges, but food challenges. What could I whip up for breakfast with those ingredients?

 I went online and wrote banana pancakes, no eggs, maybe vegan.  Voila, before I could blink my eye, these images appeared. My mouth watered....

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Family Snapshots
2024-08-21 19:05 UTC by French la Vie


We Wanted to Be…
2024-08-20 14:58 UTC by French la Vie



Passing the Afternoon in a Hammock
2024-08-19 20:19 UTC by French la Vie






Sunday Reflection
2024-08-18 18:45 UTC by French la Vie

In the forest




cassis healing water


Golden Triangle







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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-08-18
2024-08-18 04:00 UTC


How to Stop Temptation at the Brocante
2024-08-17 21:02 UTC by French la Vie

French brocante


When at the brocante, it can be overstimulating for the creative mind. Various things stimulate ideas; future projects take form just by seeing a speck of color or texture. Staying focused on what you are looking for can lead you blind to other possibilities. But then, it can also empty your pocketbook in a blink of an eye. What to do?


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The Tale of the Tossed Salald
2024-08-16 21:09 UTC by French la Vie



In French, lettuce is called "Salad" (pronounced: Salad).

And salad is called "Salade" in French too.

"Let us" talk about the classic salad in Provence.

After washing your salad, you leave the leaves alone. Please do not, and I repeat, do not cut them into bite-size pieces. Tear in half that is enough. Then, when you are at the table,...

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When I First Moved to France
2024-08-14 22:29 UTC by French la Vie


In France
When I first arrived in France, I thought French sounded like a bird song. After a week, it sounded like an orchestra, and I went into silent mode. Observation was highlighted, and I was overwhelmed.

I was utterly lost after a person would say, "Bonjour." I kicked myself for not trying harder in high school when I dropped out of...

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How to Find Brocantes When in France
2024-08-14 12:49 UTC by French la Vie

Where to Go Antiquing in France

Where to go Antiquing in France

(This is A Repeated Post because it is that time of year again when I start receiving many emails asking me, "Antiquing in France."


Where to go antiquing in France? If only I had a dime for every time someone asked me that question! I use an online site to find out about antique fairs in France. It is in...

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2024-08-13 19:33 UTC by French la Vie

French la Vie -

Yesterday, I talked about the very old candlesticks. I was surprised to see that somebody actually want one. Please send me your email and I’ll give the details to you. Here’s my address.

Thank you!



Do You Want a Candlestick?
2024-08-12 19:49 UTC by French la Vie


Do you want an antique candlestick not to light the way. But, just because just because? If so, let me know. I’m selling a few. Yes, they’re old. Yes, they’re peeling. Yes, they might not be practical. Well, actually, they’re not practical at all But, the  question is do you want a candlestick for no reason just because just...

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The Moving Van is Coming
2024-08-11 21:14 UTC by French la Vie



And that is how it will be from this day forth.

The moving van from Paris will arrive tomorrow morning at 7:30 a.m. to deliver Chelsea's family's belongings. Most of their belonging will stay in storage. We managed to clean up the maisonette. How could such a little house be in so much need of TLC? We worked until 11 p.m. 


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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-08-11
2024-08-11 04:00 UTC


The Beginning of the New Home
2024-08-10 21:14 UTC by French la Vie

The Beginning of the New Home

Martin longed for his job to be transferred to Marseille, and his goal was finally achieved this year. Chelsea and Martin started looking for a home in the south of France. I asked them what was on their dream list for a home; it was at least ten pages long. In the same breath, they told me they had a few houses they would look at in the coming...

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Correction to Yesterday’s Post
2024-08-09 21:08 UTC by French la Vie


This is Olivia’s yogurt cake.

Moist and delicious lemon vanilla. 


A yogurt cake is easy to make, and fool proof.

Ask Olivia how many tastes she had.



Gabriel made the second yogurt cake. He packed his flour, added olive oil because there wasn’t enough sunflower oil, and used cocoa powder to make chocolate.


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The Best Well Known Cake in France
2024-08-08 21:40 UTC by French la Vie

My niece Juliette was fourteen when she shared the French's most treasured secret cake recipe with me.  She asked me if I had some yogurt. Looking at her oddly, I wondered if we were making a classic French cake or if I had misunderstood. Misunderstanding, for me, was as common as breathing in those days.

I can still see her opening a...

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Paris by Night
2024-08-07 21:36 UTC by French la Vie

A few photos of Paris from over the years,

and yet they could be from a hundred years ago, thirty years ago,

or from yesterday.

Paris's heartbeat rarely changes except for the clothes people wear, additions to new creations such as the pyramid nearly forty years ago, and the style of cars, to name a few.


louvre paris by night

Ferris wheel paris 

Cafe marly paris

Entrance louvre

Ferris Wheel Paris Louvre

Above paris by night 

Pyramid louvre

Pyramid Paris

Lourve paris


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The Olympic Flame
2024-08-06 11:14 UTC by French la Vie

the olympic flame in Paris Corey Amaro


It is one of the most spectacular creations I have ever seen. It was magnified by its surroundings, evoking Jules Verne's passage from Around the World in 80 Days, 

" ...Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real..."

I felt like I had stepped back into the 1900s, as if I were at the Parisian World Fair,   one...

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Sacha’s Beard
2024-08-05 07:20 UTC by French la Vie







Normandy Beaches are Endless
2024-08-04 21:06 UTC by French la Vie

May be an image of horizon and ocean


Normandy is where Yann's mom moved to be closer to her daughter. A seashell's throw from her new home is the coast with its endless miles of beach. It is absolutely my favorite place to walk.

On the beaches in Containville, the tide goes back far due to the area's large tidal range, which can be as far as the eye can see in some places....

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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-08-04
2024-08-04 04:00 UTC


The French Way
2024-08-03 21:34 UTC by French la Vie

maison du village square

French house-keys

Finally, the summer heat has arrived in Provence, driving everyone inside or to the beach or pool.

Luckily, our Maison du village (house in the town) has stone walls over three feet thick. Our maison's wall butts up against the neighbor's maison's wall creating a six foot thick stone wall. Insulation at its finest: Cool interior in the...

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The Girl and Her Lipstick
2024-08-02 21:32 UTC by French la Vie


This little Pickle has a thing for lip balm

applies it generously

carries it to bed.

Chelsea said, “I am not even a girly girl,

I don’t even own lip balm.”

Children are their own sense of wonder.


(Lipstick is really lip balm)


The Olympic Flame to be Continued
2024-08-01 21:19 UTC by French la Vie


May be an image of 1 person, Buckingham Fountain and satellite dish


The Olympic flame is in the Tuileries Garden by the Louvre in Paris. This evening, I walked to the other side of the river to witness the flame light up the evening sky. It was said to be around 9:30, after sunset. I went an hour early to secure the best spot. Several came to mind, and I wanted a photo with the Louvre or...

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Colorful Cups of Cheer
2024-07-31 21:50 UTC by French la Vie

A cup of tea, corey amaro photography

What are your favorite drinks? They do not have to match the cups

What flavors do you prefer?

Some light-hearted text to read to lighten up the madness going around.

I prefer love, faith, hope, courage, and spoonfuls of forgiveness.

But, damn, I need more of it than those tiny cups.

Side Note: If you are in Paris a must stop is Mariage et...

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2024-07-30 21:36 UTC by French la Vie


Friend: How do you keep your house so clean?

Me: By creating an obstacle illusion.

Friend: I can see that this is not an obstacle illusion. It is spotless.

Me: Seeing is believing, but touching is not.

Friend: You must spend hours cleaning every day.




Me: No, not even. One of my favorite tricks is to call a friend...

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The Soul of a Stranger
2024-07-29 21:11 UTC by French la Vie



In French they say:

Les Yeux sont le Miroir de l'Ame


As I looked admiringly through the shop window, I was captivated by a collection of dreams: a bit of gild, rust, religious artifacts, holders for candles soon to be lit, an angel hidden amongst the what-not, and a tiny oil painting of a guided journey. It was as if these...

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Update on Mohammed
2024-07-28 20:59 UTC by French la Vie

Today, Mohammed wrote on his Facebook page.

(tap here to follow him)

“My mind is about to explode, and my heart is bursting with sadness and pain. I forgot myself and my pain. I never stop thinking about my grandfather, the patient man who forbade sadness. My grandmother, the struggling woman from her youth who contributed to my...

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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-07-28
2024-07-28 04:00 UTC

  1. Oranges and Onions Were Her New Best Friends
  4. French Antique Guessing Game

Sweet Dreams Wiggleworms
2024-07-27 21:01 UTC by French la Vie


One of the advantages of living close to your parents is that

you can go out, spend the night away,



Trusting, umm, knowing your children

are sleeping sideways in your parent’s bed,

kicking and wiggling.

Sweet dreams are not assured.


If only I had a camera to show the rollercoaster movement throughout the night.


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