French la Vie

French la Vie



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French la Vie: The Brocante Bug Bite
2024-10-18 21:46 UTC by French la Vie


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Sacha’s Latest Photo
2024-10-17 21:11 UTC by French la Vie


My son, Sacha‘s latest photo on his Instagram account caused me to gasp. Just like that, he appeared to me as a grown man for some reason it never occurred to me until just now-

He is a grown man.

Maybe mothers always think of their sons as their little boy…

Looking at this photo, something shifted in me - an awareness, a ting of sadness -...

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The Last Group of the Year
2024-10-16 21:59 UTC by French la Vie


we are off to a wonderful start x


Olivia’s Dream Comes True
2024-10-15 20:06 UTC by French la Vie


Nearly three

a wee one

stepping out of babyhood

dreams of long hair

two ponytails


She longs to dance in a twirly skirt.




I found a twirly skirt and a wig-

That Olivia wanted to wear morning, noon, and night.

Happy as could be, and whispered to me,

”I adore and love you.”

The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.


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Gabriel’s Jack O'Lantern
2024-10-14 19:55 UTC by French la Vie

Jack o Lantern

Look at that happy, proud little Boy Boy!

His first Jack O'Lantern!

We talked about Halloween since he thought it meant scary. I told him it meant Jack-o-lanterns, costumes, and going door to door saying "trick or treat" for candy, candy, and candy! Gabriel's response was, "What is trick or treat?" I briefly explained, and he said, "Do people...

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Soon to Be … My New Blog
2024-10-13 19:24 UTC by French la Vie


Very soon, my blog will look different because I’m changing the platform that I work on. Though it will look different, it will still be the same, except with more photos.

If you were following me by using the Typepad subscription, you would need to change that by going to your browser and bookmarking my blog or by subscribing freely to the...

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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-10-13
2024-10-13 04:00 UTC

  1. Oranges and Onions Were Her New Best Friends
  2. French Antique Guessing Game
  3. The House Next Door
  4. Pie is Tarte in French
  5. The Wedding

On the Eve of my Mother's 89th Birthday
2024-10-12 21:53 UTC by French la Vie


I could list 89 stories about my mom; I could list 89 things that she has taught me and probably 89 of her wonders, too. Instead, I will write something here that I want my grandchildren to know about my mom:

My mother wakes up at 7 a.m. daily, gets ready, makes her bed, and never lingers or stays in her PJs until ten. She is disciplined. 


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Important News About my Blog and Other Thoughts
2024-10-11 21:53 UTC by French la Vie


Who Knew Barbie Would Strike a Vibe? I thought I was alone with a mother who didn't dig Barbie. The older I became, the more I realized my mother was ahead of the curve in many of her "rules" or "ideas." 

For example:

We never had soda at home or "sugared" cereal.

When I went out on a date, my mother gave me money to pay my share...

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Related Stories


Playing Barbie with a Skipper
2024-10-10 21:15 UTC by French la Vie

Barbie clothes, found on the internet


My cousin Alma had a Barbie, which I adored as a child. Additionally, my Uncle Jules (my favorite boy’s name, French Husband, did not like it, but that is another story) transformed an old radio cabinet into a Barbie house, even though it never had a radio. I was thrilled whenever I got to go to Alma's house to play Barbies. My Aunt...

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Noblemen’s Clothing
2024-10-09 10:00 UTC by French la Vie

French noblemann's clothing


"The luxurious outfit that men from the 18th-century nobility would wear, the habit à la française, is composed of a coat, waistcoat, and breeches. It also included a pair of silk stockings, a jabot, a linen or cotton shirt with decorative cuffs, and a cravat (a neckcloth)."


French noblemann's clothing

Challenging traditional gender norms, the...

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We Must
2024-10-08 09:28 UTC by French la Vie


One Year
2024-10-07 21:58 UTC by French la Vie


Just a Thought
2024-10-06 21:19 UTC by French la Vie



When we are tagged by love, anything can be transformed.

Have you ever built a wall around you with the mortar of your negative feelings only to have it fall apart because a loving hand gave you a chance?

Weekly Top Posts: 2024-10-06
2024-10-06 04:00 UTC

  1. Oranges and Onions Were Her New Best Friends
  2. French Antique Guessing Game
  4. The Non Stop Group - Brocante until You Drop and They Don’t

First Time Ever
2024-10-05 09:06 UTC by French la Vie

brocante brocante brocante


I went to a flea market today, which isn’t unusual for me …

But the prices were absolutely ridiculous.

I wouldn’t pay those prices at a brocante, let alone at a flea market where one expects to pay less.

Nevertheless, there were some lovely pieces, but the prices were inexcusable.

The first time, I walked away...

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Going to the Market
2024-10-04 21:10 UTC by French la Vie









Open Hands, Open Heart, Open Mind
2024-10-03 21:39 UTC by French la Vie




Who is Jesus, Gabriel Asked
2024-10-02 10:27 UTC by French la Vie

Jesus stations of the cross


Gabriel was looking at a book of artwork (Le Mauritshuis) at our home. A few pages later, he came upon an image of Christ crucified. He stared at it, then slowly traced it with his finger. He looked up at me and asked, "Who is this? Is he dead?" I said, "It is a painting of Jesus. Yes, he was dead. Do you know who that is?" he shook his...

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Videos from my Instagram
2024-10-01 20:18 UTC by French la Vie

Brocanting in Autumn is the best; it is not hot and certainly not cold, and there are fewer tourists to compete with.





Lucky finds at the brocante. Sharing some Instagram videos.





Cinderella pumpkins grow right outside our town.






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Thank You for Your Gift
2024-09-30 20:32 UTC by French la Vie



Blogging is a gift of friendship,

there within is a pearl, the one I trusted was inside the shell,

 round, smooth, and perfect -- beautiful.

The blogging community is as such; I trust it is there like a...

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Cap Canaille, Cassis
2024-09-29 19:55 UTC by French la Vie


 On Cap Canaille Chelsea sits admiring

the spectacular view over the bays of Cassis.

The Cap 1309 feet jets up over the Mediterranean.




Weekly Top Posts: 2024-09-29
2024-09-29 04:00 UTC

  1. Oranges and Onions Were Her New Best Friends

Where There is a Will There is a Way
2024-09-28 20:52 UTC by French la Vie




Gabriel had a goal. To climb the “cliff”, that was made to bring water and electricity to the house they are renovating, and to create a terrace. He searched for ways to climb up but the bites of left over plastic, cords, wire … from the renovation were either to flimsy, or too short. I told him I would bring a rope.

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2024-09-27 21:12 UTC by French la Vie


French bottle drying rack with jam jars


An old wine bottle drying rack holds old jam jars.

Years ago, William Sonoma collected some of these typical French jam jars and had them reproduced into drinking glasses.

When I first came to France and saw these at the brocante, I bought them for drinking glasses.

French Husband almost fainted, "We drink from...

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Related Stories


Win Win
2024-09-26 19:46 UTC by French la Vie



This is Mohammed, Malak, and Karim. With your help, we raised enough money to help them leave Gaza days before the Rafah border was permanently closed. Unfortunately, their families remain in Gaza. Their homes and livelihoods have been destroyed. Malak wrote, “They are not safe and live in a tent without a bathroom. Unfortunately, they...

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‘All religions are a path to God’
2024-09-25 21:39 UTC by French la Vie

‘all religions are a path to God’


"SINGAPORE – In a line that may once again stir reaction in more traditional Catholic quarters, Pope Francis on Friday wrapped up a three-day visit to Singapore, a country with large pockets of at least five different faiths, that “all religions are a path to God.”

“They are like different languages to arrive at God, but God is...

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What Would You Do if a Rat Fell on You?
2024-09-24 21:37 UTC by French la Vie



Up in an attic, secrets are told tucked away in trunks, stuffed in baskets, buried under stuff shoved in corners, dusty books with letters between the pages, and things left aside without thought by someone who never returned. I enjoy going through things in attics, not so much the dust nor the little creatures that pop up without...

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Related Stories


The First Step
2024-09-23 21:42 UTC by French la Vie


Taking the first step in her satin slippers,

which had a fresh flower pinned on top; she walked on water.

Who said it couldn't be done? `Following her desire led her faithfully onward.


Related Stories


The French la Vie Group
2024-09-22 21:43 UTC by French la Vie

French la Vie

These four friends, who eat, breathe, and dream of textiles, are creators, collectors, storytellers, and teachers. Two are from Australia, one from Hawaii, and one from California. They came to France to take courses in stitchery -as if they needed to learn more! They told me there is always the opportunity to discover and learn.


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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-09-22
2024-09-22 04:00 UTC

  5. Oranges and Onions Were Her New Best Friends

What to Win A Week Stay in Our Apartment in Paris?
2024-09-21 20:50 UTC by French la Vie


Main fundraiser photo
We’re raising funds to help Mohammed's family cope with their trauma, and we need your support! You can enter a raffle to win a one-week stay in our beautiful Paris apartment by donating.

Here’s how it works:

Donate $50 to receive 1 raffle ticket.
Donate $100 to receive 3 raffle tickets.
Once we reach our goal of...

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Have You Ever Had Kumquat Pie?
2024-09-20 20:51 UTC by French la Vie

Photo Source 

My friend made a kumquat pie. I had never had a kumquat, let alone seen one. Kumquat sounds like a bad word and does not stir the taste buds or imagination to delight. Though I said, " I have never had a kumquat." My friend sliced me a piece.

What a burst of deliciousness! How I have been missing out all these years. Once I...

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My Mother in Law
2024-09-19 20:38 UTC by French la Vie


My Mother in Law who we call, « Bonne Maman » turned 95 years old. A super trooper and always up to try something new. 

Happy Birthday and many more xxx


French Husband Digs the Brocante
2024-09-18 21:40 UTC by French la Vie


He never liked the brocante,

When we first married, he told me flea markets didn't exist in France.

When I saw one, I screamed, "Look!! It's a flea market!" He replied, "That's junk."

They didn't exist because he thought that it was junk.

Though he tolerated it because of me.

Love does crazy things to us. 

Then, little by...

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Related Stories


Poem of the One World
2024-09-17 21:58 UTC by French la Vie


"This morning

the beautiful white heron

was floating along above the water


and then into the sky of this

the one world

we all belong to


where everything

sooner or later

is a part of everything else


which thought made me feel

for a little while

quite beautiful myself."

Mary Oliver


Help Us Help Mohammed and his Family
2024-09-16 20:56 UTC by French la Vie

I struggle with what many people say: It doesn't matter what I say or do—it’s all out of our control. That the talking heads control the world. But I refuse to believe that.

Recently, many of you helped us help a young family, Mohammed, his wife Malak, and their baby Karim leave Gaza. While they made it out, their loved ones remain trapped....

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Two Places Left for 2025 Diving in Dumpsters is on the List
2024-09-15 21:29 UTC by French la Vie

Two more spots left for the French la Vie 2025

One is the first week in May, and the other is the first week in June.

Please make sure to tap for details.


Lining up

Hey, Ladies, There are plenty of brocantes, but only two places are left to join me, not three. Are you feeling the rush?


come on, hang out with me

The brocante dealer says,...

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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-09-15
2024-09-15 04:00 UTC

  1. Oranges and Onions Were Her New Best Friends
  2. French Antique Guessing Game

When a Child’s Home…
2024-09-14 19:45 UTC by French la Vie


is in the country 

open space 


freedom to run outside straight from bed until sunset

Where you can see your shadow follow you, the stars twinkle and the night owl sing you to sleep.

when a child can be a child in a world called home.


Be the Peace
2024-09-13 18:30 UTC by French la Vie






Chelsea’s Home Renovation
2024-09-12 20:21 UTC by French la Vie


The renovation begins.

My daughter and her family moved back to our town in the south of France. They live three minutes away.

Rene and his wife are at it again: renovating!



That wall where the fireplace stood is coming down.

To watch the transforma,tion follow Chelsea on Instagram

Your French Rendez Vous




Can you...

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Because He Can, He Does
2024-09-11 07:37 UTC by French la Vie




I wish he wouldn’t do these things: walk over a log, stand on top of a bridge barrier, or hang from a helicopter. Sacha shows me after he has, and still, it is bothersome.

These photos are on his Instagram stories that you can follow without being on Instagram. I screenshot these photos From his account, that’s why they’re blurry...

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Because He Can, He Does
2024-09-11 07:37 UTC by French la Vie




I wish he wouldn’t do these things: walk over a log, stand on top of a bridge barrier, or hang from a helicopter. Sacha shows me after he has, and still, it is bothersome.

These photos are on his Instagram stories that you can follow without being on Instagram. I screenshot these photos From his account, that’s why they’re blurry...

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What Will it Take?
2024-09-10 21:32 UTC by French la Vie


For the world to live as one.

To accept everyone for who they are.

To be kind.

C E A S E F I R E. F O R E V E R




Missed Calling in Life
2024-09-09 21:27 UTC by French la Vie

Maybe an image of 1 person

While at a friend's brocante shop I asked Yann to model one of the many kimonos, and did he ever model. Strike a pose! I want to buy many of these and have my guests sit around the dinner table during the French Vie and share stories.


The Fainting Chair and the Tablecloth
2024-09-08 21:50 UTC by French la Vie

Finding a second hand is where the actual hunt begins.

Directions are seldom straightforward, even though straight is what they say…” Go straight,” says the man I have asked at the side of the road, his left hand flat, like a Queen Elizabeth wave. He directs me, “Straight- straight-straight” …continue straight...

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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-09-08
2024-09-08 04:00 UTC

  1. Oranges and Onions Were Her New Best Friends
  4. French Antique Guessing Game

A Place to Stay in Provence
2024-09-07 21:55 UTC by French la Vie

chateau conq cantons

chateau cinq cantons

chateau cinq cantons

A perfect bed and breakfast in the middle of a vineyard in Carpentras.

Chateau Cinq Cantons

I am with a client who is interested in antiques for her shop.

We stayed here, and it was almost too good to leave to go to the brocante.

Oh my gosh, what is happening to me!!


A Morning in Provence
2024-09-06 21:07 UTC by French la Vie

Morning in my village:

The church bells ring—the night curtain lifts. The baker puts out his pain aux chocolate first, then the croissants, followed by the baguettes. Many sleepy-eyes walk over to buy one. The birds begin to sing. The commuters drop off their children and enter the Bouchon to the city; French Husband will race downstairs when...

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The Old Doll
2024-09-05 20:29 UTC by French la Vie

How many hours spent playing, pretending, and being happy did this doll give?

How many times did the child's Mother pick up the little toys and put them away with care?

And now her life is scattered on a brocanteur's table for everyone to see—missing legs, no hair, and no two shoes alike. A collection of socks and glass eyes, an umbrella, a...

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The White Lampshade
2024-09-04 21:07 UTC by French la Vie

The problem with being spontaneous is that one jumps and then questions the cliff.
Being spontaneous has its advantages, though, at the moment, I cannot think of any that actually sound sane. Being this way means things don't always turn out, but the process is so intersting and sometimes regrettable. 

The bedroom is now green. I...

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The Renovation is Nearly All Done
2024-09-03 20:56 UTC by French la Vie





New sky light.

The bathroom angle is strange, but I wanted to show you the extremely high ceiling to paint. 



This bedroom is painted and skylight in place. But, now it is a holding area.


This bedroom is now moss green.



Finishing the interior walls for the skylight.


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Renovation was our Summer Holiday
2024-09-02 12:58 UTC by French la Vie



Long story short, we had roof damage, which leaked into the rooms upstairs in our house. Leaked is a sweet little word when I want to say it was _hit show. The water damage was extensive in five rooms. We decided to open our wallets and fork over a truckload of money to redo our entire roof and the skylights, resurface the ceiling areas,...

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I Asked Chat GBT ... and This is What it Said About my Blog
2024-09-01 10:04 UTC by French la Vie

Chat GPT: I had to try it, I figured, since it scrapped everything on the internet: comments, memes, articles, messages, images, blogs... Hum, I have posted a blog every day since 2005. Maybe it knows something about my blog? So I asked ChatGBT,

"What is Corey Amaro's BLOG about?"

This is what it said,

"Corey Amaro is a writer, photographer,...

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Weekly Top Posts: 2024-09-01
2024-09-01 04:00 UTC

  1. Oranges and Onions Were Her New Best Friends

Pigtails for Olivia
2024-08-30 21:35 UTC by French la Vie


Olivia longs hair like her mommy so she can wear pony and pigtails.

Today, she wanted braids, so Chelsea obliged; the teeny tiny braids delighted the little heart.

Rebecca, a blog reader friend, wrote me on Facebook and said, Olivia is going to win the hong hair contest. She very well might.x   




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