The Beading Gem's Journal

Jewelry Expressions in Bloom


5 Lovely Axolotl Inspired Jewelry | The Salamander Which Never Grows Up
2024-03-27 12:00 UTC by The Beading Gem

There is a Pokemon character which is based on a real life creature, the axolotl. It's a strange salamander which never grows up. Instead of going through metamorphosis and becoming a land based salamander, the axolotl retains its larval characteristics including its distinctive frilly gills and remains an aquatic creature. It can reproduce in this form. 

Its endearing appearance have made axolotl jewelry popular! Shown here are some of the cool jewelry inspired by these strange looking animals! It's always inspiring to see the different styles and techniques as well as the creativity of designers who give their own takes on a common theme. 

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