

How to Get Rid of Spotted Lanternflies?
2023-10-28 10:58 UTC

The invasion of Spotted Lanternflies has become a significant concern for homeowners and farmers alike. These invasive insects, native to Asia, cause damage to various plants and trees. However, fear not, for this article serves as your ultimate guide to understanding, identifying, and effectively eliminating Spotted Lanternflies from your environment.

How to Get Rid of Spotted Lanternflies?

Spotted Lanternflies are easily identifiable by their striking appearance. Adult Lanternflies are about one inch long and exhibit colourful wings with spots and red, black, and white patches. The nymphs, on the other hand, are black with white spots and red highlights. Their eggs are laid in masses, covered with a grey, mud-like substance, which protects them from the elements.

How to Identify Spotted Lanternflies?

How to Identify Spotted Lanternflies?

Before you can effectively eliminate Spotted Lanternflies, you need to be able to identify them. These insects have distinct characteristics:

  • Adult Spotted Lanternflies are about one inch long and are grey with black spots on their wings
  • Immature nymphs are smaller and black with white spots

They are known for their vibrant red hindwings, visible when flying.

Early Detection of Spotted Lanternflies

Early detection is crucial in preventing the spread of Spotted Lanternflies. Regularly inspect your trees and plants, particularly in the spring and summer. Look for their egg masses, which are laid on various surfaces, including tree bark, outdoor furniture, and even vehicles. Scrape off and destroy these egg masses to prevent hatching.

How to Physically Remove Lanternflies?

Hand-picking Spotted Lanternflies is an effective method for small infestations. Use a container with soapy water to collect and dispose of the insects. Be sure to wear gloves, as Spotted Lanternflies excrete a sticky substance that can be irritating to the skin.

Traps to Capture Spotted Lanternflies

Several traps are available for capturing Spotted Lanternflies. Sticky band traps, tree traps, and baited traps can help reduce their population. These traps work by luring the insects to a sticky surface or bait, where they become stuck and can be disposed of.

How to Control for Spotted Lanternflies?

How to Control for Spotted Lanternflies?

In cases of severe infestations, chemical control may be necessary. Consult with a pest control professional or your local agricultural extension office to determine the best chemical solution for your specific situation. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and take precautions to protect beneficial insects and the environment.

Biological control is one of the most sustainable methods to control Spotted Lanternflies. The use of natural predators can help keep their population in check. In some areas, the release of parasitic wasps, which target Spotted Lanternfly egg masses, has proven to be effective.

Preventive Measures

Prevention is the best defence against Spotted Lanternflies:

  • Inspect Your Property: Regularly inspect your property for egg masses and nymphs, especially in the early spring.
  • Remove Ailanthus Trees: Spotted Lanternflies prefer Ailanthus trees, also known as the Tree of Heaven. Removing these trees from your property can help reduce Lanternfly populations.
  • Be Cautious with Travel: When travelling to areas infested with Lanternflies, thoroughly inspect your vehicle and belongings before returning home.


Spotted Lanternflies significantly threaten trees, crops, and the environment. To protect your property and the local ecosystem, it’s essential to take proactive measures to get rid of these invasive insects. By using this method and getting help from pest control services, you can manage and reduce the population of Spotted Lanternflies in your area.

The post How to Get Rid of Spotted Lanternflies? appeared first on Empire Pest Control London.


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