
New approach to soy meal processing that benefits animal ag health

A startup company is transforming how the soybean industry extracts soy protein to help improve animal health.

President and founder of Satavie Lassie Jakobsen says their water extraction technique creates a higher-quality protein when it’s extracted from soybean meal. “Highly digestible, and that’s what adds up to it. Being healthier is essentially just because there’s no undigested portions of it that go through the animal, which is usually what will give us a negative outcome that will cause indigestion and that leads to negative health effects.”

He tells Brownfield the method ensures better digestibility, nutrient absorption and increased feed conversion rates for swine, poultry and aquaculture feed.  “It gives them another very consistent quality protein source that can replace other animal byproducts in those diets that other plant protein sources that may not have the same quality and attributes as what we have in this soy protein concentrate.”

Jakobsen says his company’s approach isn’t a silver bullet to animal health, but it could reduce the need for antibiotics.

Satavie was the winner of 2023 Soy Innovation Challenge sponsored by the United Soybean Board.

Lassie Jakobsen:

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