*The Soul of Civility*

The subtitle is Timeless Principles to Heal Society and Ourselves, and the author is the still-on-the-rise Alexandra Hudson.  Most of all this is a sane and healthy book!  And it indicates a direction for the future evolution of classical liberalism.  Here is one short excerpt:

In Rituals of Dinner, Margaret Visser notes the dark side to hospitality.  she argues that hosting others can be a power play.  The host has the opportunity to be the guest of honor, the center of all praise and attention in the comfort of their own home.  Guests must fawn and thank them whether or not the hospitality or food is any good, and often feel obligated to reciprocate whether they want to or not.  While cynical, I’ve come to see some wisdom in her insight.

I am very glad this book now exists, you can pre-order it here.


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