Watch: MSNBC host says Democrats 'have to do better' to combat Republican messaging

Watch: MSNBC host says Democrats 'have to do better' to combat Republican messaging
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Former press secretary to United States Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont), ex-chief spokesperson and senior advisor to Vice President Kamala Harris, and MSNBC host Symone Sanders stressed on Sunday's edition of Meet the Press that Democrats need to up their messaging game to break American voters defaulting to nonexistent Republican solutions to major issues.

Sanders also condemned the "tasteless" interruptions that President Joe Biden faced from GOP lawmakers during his 2023 State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress.

"The Republicans in the chamber, and I know, you know Garrett [Haake] was in there. He, I, I watched him on TV afterwards. The booing the heck, it just, it, it was tasteless and it allowed the president to, uh, engage with the hecklers, but come away not looking small, which is often hard to do," Sanders said.

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"But I also think this exchange on Social Security and Medicare was quite important because after that you had the president, the vice president, the entire cabinet going out this week and reiterating and reinforcing what the president said on that stage. Look in polling, Republicans often get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the economy, when it comes to taxes, even though there has not been substantial pieces of legislation in, you know, in our recent history to support that and, but because they say it so much, people believe that it's true," Sanders continued. "Democrats I think have to do better about saying the thing over and over and over."

Watch below or at this link.

READ MORE: Watch: Donald Trump Jr. suggests President Joe Biden stole his father's ideas in State of the Union speech

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