Lauren Boebert slams Marjorie Taylor Greene for bringing a white balloon to Biden’s SOTU address

Lauren Boebert slams Marjorie Taylor Greene for bringing a white balloon to Biden’s SOTU address

Although Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado have much in common — both are far-right MAGA Republicans known for being highly performative and promoting wild conspiracy theories — there has been considerable animosity between the congresswomen. And that animosity, according to the Daily Beast, was evident on Tuesday night, February 7, when President Joe Biden gave his 2023 State of the Union address.

Greene attended the speech carrying a white balloon, which seemed to be her way of mocking Biden’s handling of the Chinese spy balloon that had been shot down over the Atlantic Ocean near the South Carolina coast. When a reporter saw Greene walking through the halls of Congress with the balloon and asked her about it, she replied, “It’s just an innocent white balloon.”

Later, reporter Emily Brooks asked Boebert if she had any type of “symbolic protest” in mind for Biden’s SOTU address, and she responded, “Well, I won’t be bringing a white helium balloon, if that's what you're asking.”

READ MORE:'Don’t be ugly!' Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert quarrel noisily in House restroom

Read The Daily Beast’s full report at this link.

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