The latest issue of the
Review of International Organizations (Vol. 18, no. 1, January 2023) is out. Contents include:
- Ryan Brutger, Stephen Chaudoin, & Max Kagan, Trade Wars and Election Interference
- Mintao Nie, IOs’ selective adoption of NGO information: Evidence from the Universal Periodic Review
Katharina Meissner, How to sanction international wrongdoing? The design of EU restrictive measures
Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati & Samuel Brazys, Does cultural diversity hinder the implementation of IMF-supported programs? An empirical investigation
Thomas Dörfler & Mirko Heinzel, Greening global governance: INGO secretariats and environmental mainstreaming of IOs, 1950 to 2017
David A. Steinberg & Yeling Tan, Public responses to foreign protectionism: Evidence from the US-China trade war
Thomas Edward Flores, Gabriella Lloyd, & Irfan Nooruddin, When TED talks, does anyone listen? A new dataset on political leadership
Yu Wang & Randall W. Stone, China visits: a dataset of Chinese leaders’ foreign visits