Nikki Haley: 'We need to make sure we deport' Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock

Nikki Haley: 'We need to make sure we deport' Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock
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Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley is calling for U.S. Senator Raphael Warnock to be “deported.” Warnock, the Democratic Senator from Georgia who was born in Savannah, is an American citizen, a pastor, and the first African American to represent the Peach State.

At a rally on Sunday campaigning for embattled Republican nominee Herschel Walker, who is running to unseat Senator Warnock, Haley told the crowd, “the only person we need to make sure we deport is Warnock,” Fox News reported.

Haley, who served at the UN under Donald Trump, and was the Republican governor of South Carolina, increasingly has morphed her well-crafted brand of appearing as a center-right politician into a right-winger promoting far-right GOP talking points. She is believed to have 2024 presidential aspirations.

READ MORE: Nikki Haley Hints at White House Run During Christian Conference Held by Pastor With ‘Record of Anti-Semitic Statements’

“I am the daughter of Indian immigrants,” Haley said, appearing to justify her remarks. “They came here legally, they put in the time, they put in the price, they are offended by what’s happening on that border. Legal immigrants are more patriotic than the leftists these days. They knew they worked to come into America, and they love America. They want the laws followed in America, so the only person we need to make sure we deport is Warnock.”

Walker has been exposed as a candidate who will change his positions on the fly, and has been embroiled in numerous scandals, including hiding that he fathered four children with four different women. He denies, despite evidence, that he urged two women to abort their pregnancies and that he paid for those abortions. Walker has said he is against all abortions, even exceptions to abortion, while during a debate claiming that was false.

Haley on Sunday called Walker “a good person who has been put through the wringer and has had everything and the kitchen sink thrown at him, and he’s still fighting for you.” Walker has been enmeshed in scandal after scandal after scandal.

READ MORE: Watch: Herschel Walker ‘Pressured Me’ to Have an Abortion Claims Second Woman – Says He Is Not ‘Morally Fit’

On her Twitter page Haley has posted photos of Republicans she has been campaigning for and promoting recently, including right-wing extremists and election deniers Sen. Ron Johnson and Don Bolduc.

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