'You’re an absolute jerk': CNN GOP contributor goes after Democratic strategist in heated on-air exchange

'You’re an absolute jerk': CNN GOP contributor goes after Democratic strategist in heated on-air exchange
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A Republican contributor for CNN is going viral following his heated on-air exchange with former President Barack Obama's campaign manager Jim Messina.

According to Mediaite, CNN's Scott Jennings clashed with Messina during an intense debate about Latino voters. The two participated in a "CNN Tonight" panel moderated by Laura Coates and Alisyn Camerota.

Messina insisted that a Latino voting block is non-existent as he claimed some Republicans have been successful in attracting the voter base as a result of focusing on localized issues.

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“The Democrats are having a struggle internally about whether we will be PC and say these great things, and call them Latinx and all of this stuff,” Messina said. “Or we are going to talk to voters about things they care about, like the economy, and education and things that every other voter cares about.”

Jennings pushed back arguing that Republican lawmakers were successful with Latino voters because they acknowledge them as people with diverse concerns as opposed to being individuals with isolated interests.

He went on to express optimism about the possibility of far-right Arizona Republican Senate candidate Blake Masters unseating Democratic incumbent Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.).

That optimism led to Messina considering a bet on that Senate race. “You are holding the Republican line,” he said to Jennings. “Enough with the talking points.”

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Jennings responded, “Are you saying the Democrats are doing well in Arizona?”

After further discussion, Jennings did concede that Democratic candidates are holding strong in Arizona. Messina suggested that he stop echoing a “talking point.”

At that point, Jennings snapped saying, “I tell you what, man, do you have a single friend? You’re an absolute jerk.”

Camerota attempted to intervene but Jennings didn't stop there. “I don’t even know you, and you come out here and insult me,” he said. “I don’t come out here and read talking points.”

Watch the video below or at this link.

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