Urologist pushes back against Tucker Carlson’s 'testicle tanning' push to salvage American manhood

Urologist pushes back against Tucker Carlson’s 'testicle tanning' push to salvage American manhood
Fox News Tucker Carlson speaking at the 2020 Student Action Summit, hosted by Turning Point USA at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach, Florida (Gage Skidmore)

Fox News' Tucker Carlson is now touting his latest theory which centers around the so-called benefits of testicle tanning as a means of boosting testosterone. But, a urologist is pushing back against Carlson's arguments.

During the recent Tucker Carlson Originals episode titled, "The End of Men," Carlson, according to Business Insider, discusses a "'growing movement of Americans' who call themselves 'bro scientists' and who are trying out experimental ways to balance hormones, regain fertility and get healthy. They may 'slonk' raw eggs, lift weights, take cold showers — or, direct shiny red lights at their manhood."

One of the men featured in the segment also weighed in. "My name on Twitter is Benjamin Braddock, I'm a right-wing bro scientist, and yes, I tan my balls," the man said as the clip shifted to a nude man under a light machine.

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The man, who described himself as a "writer, beauty appreciator, raw egg slonker" insists that the scientific purpose of testicle tanning is to "increase the cellular energy and health of the testes."

However, urologist Rena Malik has a different take on the claim. Speaking to Business Insider, Malik, who is currently practicing at the University of Maryland Medical Center, poured cold water on the theory. "It's definitely not going to help you," Malik said.

"It's not going to work," said Malik. "There's no empirical evidence that it works and it doesn't make sense that it would work."

Malik's latest remarks come months after her previous video addressing similar claims from Carlson. Back in April when Carlson shared the preview for the second season of his series, Malik shared a YouTube video discussing testicular tanning to offer clarity on the practice and what should really be done to boost testosterone.

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"It's not tanning your testicles," she said. "It's really working on having healthy food…and getting exercise and moving your bodies, which I think is really lacking in society."

Watch the video below or at this link.

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