'My very diplomatic reply': Ukraine ambassador leaves Twitter users reeling after colorful response to Elon Musk

'My very diplomatic reply': Ukraine ambassador leaves Twitter users reeling after colorful response to Elon Musk
Elon Musk in November 2008, Wikimedia Commons
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Ukraine ambassador Andrij Melynk recently fired back at billionaire Elon Musk's latest remarks about the ongoing contention between Russia and Ukraine. His fiery response has left Twitter users reeling.

On Monday, October 3, Musk took to Twitter to offer his take on the unrest between the two countries. He also included a poll to see if anyone agreed with his take.

"Ukraine-Russia Peace: - Redo elections of annexed regions under UN supervision. Russia leaves if that is will of the people. - Crimea formally part of Russia, as it has been since 1783 (until Khrushchev’s mistake). - Water supply to Crimea assured. - Ukraine remains neutral," Musk tweeted.

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He added, "This is highly likely to be the outcome in the end – just a question of how many die before then."

While many Twitter users appeared to agree with Musk, Melynk had a colorful response as he offered a blistering suggestion for the Tesla owner.

"The only outcome ist [sic] that now no Ukrainian will EVER buy your f…ing tesla crap. So good luck to you. [Elon Musk]," Melynk tweeted. He also added, "F--k off is my very diplomatic reply to you [Elon Musk]."

It didn't take very long for Twitter users to catch his response and many have shared their reaction to it. While some assumed Musk's suggestions were a means of helping to resolve the situation, others agreed with Melynk.

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"I am sorry, but WHAT? What help he’s offering? To give up? To stop fighting for our lives and our people, that don’t want to live under [Russian flag]?" one Twitter user asked. "To give this evil, what he wants, our lands? Shame. And about what war are you saying???? The war, which we haven’t started."

Another user wrote, "Best thing Elon Musk could do is offer Putin a free one-way #SpaceX ticket to #Mars. That's the off ramp everyone's looking for. Season 1 of 'The Expanse' will explain the rest."

READ MORE: Critics shred Elon Musk over his purportedly pro-Russian proposals to end the war in Ukraine

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