Watch Live: January 6th panel holds hearing on Donald Trump’s 187-minute insurrection inaction

Watch Live: January 6th panel holds hearing on Donald Trump’s 187-minute insurrection inaction
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At 8 p.m. eastern on Thursday, the eighth public hearing by the House Select Committee Investigating the Jan. 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol is scheduled to commence.

"One day after the last rioter had left the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Donald Trump’s advisers urged him to give an address to the nation to condemn the violence, demand accountability for those who had stormed the halls of Congress and declare the 2020 election to be decided," The Washington Postreported Thursday. "He struggled to do it. Over the course of an hour of trying to tape the message, Trump resisted holding the rioters to account, trying to call them patriots, and refused to say the election was over, according to individuals familiar with the committee’s work."

The hearing will be led by Reps. Elaine Luria (D-VA) and Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL).

"The public could get its first glimpse of outtakes from that recording Thursday night, when the Jan. 6 committee plans to offer a bold conclusion in its eighth hearing: Not only did Trump do nothing despite repeated entreaties by senior aides to help end the violence, but he sat back and enjoyed watching it," the newspaper reported. "He reluctantly condemned it — in a three-minute speech the evening of Jan. 7 — only after the efforts to overturn the 2020 election had failed and after aides told him that members of his own Cabinet were discussing invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office."

Aides on the select committee are calling Thursday's hearing the "187-minute hearing" as it is set to focus on the time between the start of the riot and Trump finally telling his supporters to go home.

Trump's video responses to the riot are expected to be crucial evidence.

Watch below.

07/21/22 Select Committee

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