House Republican flops while goading Pete Buttigieg into bashing the president

House Republican flops while goading Pete Buttigieg into bashing the president
Image via Shutterstock.

During a House of Representatives hearing on transportation and infrastructure on Tuesday, United States Congressman Troy Nehls (R-Texas) attempted to goad Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg into disrespecting President Joe Biden.

"Could you please – and just in one word, let's have some fun with this – could you please describe America to me in one single word? What would that be if you could describe America in one single word?" Nehls asked Buttigieg.

"Well for me, I guess home," Buttigieg replied.

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"Home. Fair enough, fair enough. Well, just a few weeks ago, this is how President Biden described America in one word," Nehls said as a poster of Biden giving a speech with a transcribed stutter spelled out underneath him was paraded in front of Buttigieg.

"Could you please tell me what that word means? It's this one right here. Could you even say the word?" Nehls continued while pointing to the lengthy jumble of letters.

"Congressman, I'm not in the habit of trying to read transcriptions of moments or words on television," Buttigieg muttered in annoyance.

"I bring this up to you sir, I bring this up to you because you yourself questioned Donald Trump's mental state of mind in September of 2019 when you stated to CNN, 'if our presidency is not in good shape, then our country is not in good shape.' And Mister Secretary, I could not agree with you more."

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Next, Nehls and Buttigieg sparred again about the time that Biden slipped off of his bicycle. But first, Nehls threw a tantrum.

"The Left, and the dishonest media, in my opinion, is the greatest threat to this country. The dishonest media began questioning Trump's mental state back in February of 2017, a month into his presidency. We now have President Biden in office for 18 months and just recently, we now see the mainstream media questioning President Biden's mental state, and for good reason," Nehls said.

"Sadly, he shakes hands with ghosts and imaginary people. He falls off bicycles. Even at the White House Easter celebration, the Easter Bunny had to guide him back into his safe place. Cue cards that say, 'sit here' or 'end of speech' – which he actually states – that is, if he stays awake," Nehls continued before upping the ante. "So my question for you is sir, have you spoken with any other cabinet members about implementing the 25th Amendment on President Biden?"

Buttigieg did not take the bait.

"First of all, I'm glad to have a president who can ride a bicycle," Buttigieg quipped. "And I will look beyond the insulting nature of that question and make clear to you that the president of the United States..."

Nehls interrupted by repeating his question.

"Of course not," Buttigieg stated. "You ought to know that the president of the United States, the president of the United States, the president of the United States, is as vigorous a colleague or boss as I have ever had the pleasure of working with."

While Buttigieg was speaking, Nehls tried to talk over him by rephrasing the question that Buttigieg had already answered.

At that point, House leadership intervened and cut off Nehls' microphone.

"The gentleman's time has expired," the leader announced.

Nehls request for additional slack was also shot down: "Absolutely not. If you had yielded the Secretary some time to actually answer the ridiculous question you might have actually gotten something."

Watch below or at this link.

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