Adam Schiff: Donald Trump 'engaged in multiple violations of the law' and 'should be invesigated'

Adam Schiff: Donald Trump 'engaged in multiple violations of the law' and 'should be invesigated'
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-California) speaking at the 2019 California Democratic Party State Convention, held at the George R. Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco (Gage Skidmore).

United States Congressman and member of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol said on Sunday's edition CBS' Face the Nation that

"For four years, the Justice Department took the position you can’t indict a sitting president. If the Department now were to take the position that you can't investigate or indict a former president, then the president becomes above the law. And that's a very dangerous idea that the Founders would never have subscribed to, even more dangerous I think in the case of Donald Trump" Schiff said.

Donald Trump is someone who has shown that when he is not held accountable he goes on to commit worse and worse abuses of power," Schiff continued. "So I agree with [District] Judge [David] Carter in Calfornia. I think there is evidence that the former president engaged in multiple violations of the law. And that should be investigated."

READ MORE: Washington Post: DOJ 'should conduct a criminal investigation' into Donald Trump

Schiff posted the segment to Twitter along with a rehashing of his warning.

"For four years, the Justice Department took the position you can’t prosecute a sitting president. If they were to now take the position they can’t prosecute a former president, it would permanently endanger the rule of law. And be antithetical to what our Founders intended," Schiff wrote.

Watch below or at this link.

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