Watch: Liz Cheney hints at 'more than one' criminal referral for Donald Trump over January 6th

Watch: Liz Cheney hints at 'more than one' criminal referral for Donald Trump over January 6th
Former President Donald Trump (Shutterstock).

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) asserted that the Jan. 6 Committee has not ruled out "more than one" criminal referral to the Justice Department for former President Donald Trump.

During an interview on ABC, correspondent Jonathan Karl asked Cheney if the Jan. 6 hearings demonstrated that Trump "needs to be prosecuted."

"Ultimately the Justice Department will decide that," Cheney replied. "We may well as a committee have a view on that. And if you just think about it from the perspective of what kind of man knows that the mob is armed and sends the mob to attack the Capitol? And further incites that mob when his own vice president is under threat, when the Congress is under threat. It's very chilling."

"The committee will or will not make a criminal referral?" Karl pressed.

"We'll make a decision as a committee about it," Cheney replied.

"So it's possible there will be a criminal referral?" Karl said.

"The Justice Department doesn't have to wait for the committee to make a criminal referral," she noted. "And there could be more than one criminal referral."

Cheney said that she had great concerns "about what it would mean if people aren't held accountable for what's happened."

"I think it's a much graver constitutional threat if a president can engage in these activities and the majority of the president's party looks away," she remarked, "or we as a country decide, you know, we're not actually going to take our constitutional obligations seriously."

Watch the video below from ABC or at this link.

Liz Cheney hints 'more than one' criminal referral for Trump over Jan.

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