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Double homicide leaves two local women dead, police say

The suspect was identified as Alex Lopez and he has been charged with capital murder.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Two women were found dead in an Alice home, Friday night, after police responded to a referenced assault, Alice Police Department said.

APD detailed the events in a Facebook post, saying that at around 8 p.m. they arrived at the 200 block of 5th St. in Alice, where they entered a single dwelling home and found the bodies lying next to each other.

The Alice Police Criminal Investigation Division and Texas Rangers began an investigation into the deaths and determined that both women were murdered by a known male subject, APD said.

The suspect was identified as Alex Lopez and he has been charged with capital murder.

The victims' names have not been released.

This is a developing story. Stay with 3NEWS for updates as more information becomes available.

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