SCOTUS condemned for voting to overturn Roe v. Wade

U.S. Supreme Court, 2021

In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Twitter users are sharing their actions to the unprecedented ruling. But there is one controversial statement that has also caught the attention of many frustrated Americans and now Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh is also facing scrutiny.

As the Supreme Court justices announced their decision, Kavanaugh — who voted in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade — insisted that he does not believe states can bar residents from traveling to other states for abortion.

Citing the U.S. Constitutional right to "interstate travel," Kavanaugh, according to Slate Magazine's Mark Stern, wrote that the justice "preemptively declares that states can't prohibit their residents from traveling elsewhere for an abortion due to the 'constitutional right to interstate travel'—which, like abortion, is not mentioned explicitly in the text of the Constitution."

The justice's remarks were not missed by Twitter users as some also noted who the court's decision would likely impact. One user wrote, "Oh goodie. Every woman with a life threatening pregnancy wants to go on a road trip say from SC to Chicago for healthcare. That seems fun."

Another Twitter user also noted the root and influence behind the conservative decision. "12 other Supreme Court judges refused to overturn Roe," one user wrote. "This recent decision is not founded in law. It is founded upon extreme religious doctrine. This is what happens when Christian extremists take over institution’s. Wake up folks. The US Just became a theocratic state."

A user also tweeted, "That’s because the abortion ban is only for poor people, rich people can travel elsewhere to do it. That’s the whole plan, to settle poor people with kids they can’t afford and don’t want."

The controversy surrounding Kavanaugh's remarks come as many Twitter users are not only criticizing SCOTUS justices but also the Republican Party, collectively.

As midterm elections approach, many are emphasizing how the controversial ruling is yet another reminder of why it is so imperative that Americans make their voices heard by casting their ballot in every election.

"The U.S. Supreme Court made it easier to own a gun, gave cops the ability to not read Miranda Rights, gave religious schools public funding, and overturned Roe v Wade after 50 years of precedence," Welcome to conservative America. Never vote Republican again."

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