Newsmax host lays out ridiculous conspiracy theory about Nancy Pelosi wanting Justice Brett Kavanaugh killed

Newsmax host lays out ridiculous conspiracy theory about Nancy Pelosi wanting Justice Brett Kavanaugh killed
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Newsmax host Chris Salcedo recently laid out a bizarre theory suggesting that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was part of a plot to have U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh killed so President Joe Biden could nominate a replacement.

On Tuesday, June 14, Salcedo spoke with Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) where he noted that the top-ranking Democratic lawmaker had been responsible for holding up the passing of legislation to enhance security measures for justices and members of their families.

“A lot of folks are starting to ask some questions out there, congressman,” Salcedo began. “They’re openly wondering why Nancy Pelosi sat on a bill that was passed by the Senate to protect Supreme Court justices. Now she’s moving after an assassination attempt on Justice Kavanaugh. Are Americans right to question if Pelosi was actually hoping for, or encouraging violence that could lead to Joe Biden appointing a new Supreme Court justice?”

Salcedo's remarks come just days after an armed man was apprehended not far from Kavanaugh's Maryland home. At the time, the man reportedly admitted that he wanted to kill the justice.

On Tuesday, House lawmakers also voted in favor of the bill. However, Davis appeared to pivot from the question.

“It’s certainly questions [sic] that Nancy Pelosi and others need to answer as to why she thought somehow Justice Kavanaugh – after having an assassin in his backyard – is somehow safe over the weekend. We could’ve gotten to this bill last week, but she chose to hold it up and she needs to answer as to why.”

Despite Salcedo's baseless theory, the bill for enhanced security passed with a staggering vote of 396-27. Biden is expected to sign the bill into law sometime next week. The opposing votes all came from Democratic lawmakers.

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