Arizona election auditors' emails ‘reveal a tangle of partisanship, irony and deceit’: report

Arizona election auditors' emails ‘reveal a tangle of partisanship, irony and deceit’: report
Arizona State Senate President Karen Fann (Gage Skidmore).

Documents are shedding new light on the controversial "audit" of the 2020 vote that was authorized by Arizona state Senate Republicans and conducted by the company Cyber Ninjas.

"Newly released documents reveal a tangle of partisanship, irony and deceit involving the people hired by the Senate to lead the election review, indicating it was anything but impartial," the Arizona Republic reported Tuesday.

The newspaper has been engaged in a lengthy Freedom of Information Act battle with the company. In January, a judge imposed a fine of $50,000 each day the public records were not disclosed. Cyber Ninjas now owes more than $4 million in fines.

"The few hundred documents released so far are only a fraction of the 60,000 or so the company estimated at one time were in its possession. Many of the emails are partial conversations, with perhaps two or three emails between people involved in the review, but not the entire conversation. Sometimes the partial information being provided creates more questions than answers about the proceedings last year," the newspaper reported.

One email showed Christina Bobb of One American News Network presenting Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan was a draft non-disclosure agreement to silence journalists.

Bobb, a right-wing activist and ardent Trump supporter who regularly broadcast misinformation and bogus claims of election fraud, was no mere observer. She also helped bankroll the election review while reporting on it for the network," the newspaper reported. "Bobb, who is a lawyer and was an executive secretary in the Department of Homeland Security during the Trump administration, said in her email she modeled her draft NDA on one she signed when visiting a government facility."

The newspaper also reported Bobb "served as a go-between for Giuliani and Arizona Senate President Karen Fann."

Read the full report.

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