Watch: Tucker Carlson goes on a wild tangent during the first January 6th hearing

Watch: Tucker Carlson goes on a wild tangent during the first January 6th hearing
Fox News host Tucker Carlson (Image via Screengrab).

Fox News' Tucker Carlson is not pleased with the airing of the House Select Committee's hearing on the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol and opted to rant about it during his latest broadcast.

On Thursday, June 9, Carlson aired his grievances during "Tucker Carlson Tonight" where he described the hearing, as “'deranged' and 'insulting,' and he simply refused to 'play along,'” per HuffPost.

“This is the only hour on an American news channel that will not be carrying their propaganda live,” Carlson said, comparing the hearing to the stuff you might see in “totalitarian regimes.”

“They are lying, and we will not let them do it.”

At one point during the segment, Carlson also appeared to threaten the possibility of another insurrection all while arguing that the first one never occurred.

“This was not an insurrection,” he said of the Capitol siege where Trump supporters aggressively tried to stop lawmakers from certifying the Electoral College vote for the 2020 presidential election, “but you know what will give you an insurrection? If you ignore legitimate concerns of a population. If you brush them aside like they don’t matter when gas goes to $5 and say ‘Buy an electric car.’ When cities become so filthy and dangerous that you can’t live there. When the economy becomes so distorted your children have no hope of getting married and giving you grandchildren. When you don’t care at all about any of that and all you do is talk about yourself, nonstop, you might get an insurrection if you behave like that, speaking of insurrections.”

Amid the latest bizarre rant, Carlson has faced blowback for his actions and the network is also being criticized for allowing the conservative host to use their platform for his antics.

Matthew Gertz, a senior fellow at Media Matters, weighed in via Twitter with his reaction to Carlson's arguments. He also noted the fact that Fox News even allowed Carlson to rant for a full hour straight with no commercial breaks.

“Carlson went the whole hour without a break,” Gertz tweeted. “Fox is desperate to keep its viewers from switching to another channel and seeing the hearing in real time."

He added, "Fox News isn’t just letting Tucker Carlson do his regular show, they’re airing it without commercials. They want to push his propaganda so much that they are leaving money on the table to do it.”

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