Kremlin propagandists want to assassinate 'ghoul' Volodymyr Zelenskyy to defeat 'unclean' Ukraine

Kremlin propagandists want to assassinate 'ghoul' Volodymyr Zelenskyy to defeat 'unclean' Ukraine
Russia 1 (screengrab/@JuliaDavisNews/Twitter).

Propagandists on Russian state television have announced a new objective in President Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine – assassinating Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Putin's genocidal "special military operation" has slogged on for nearly four months. After failing to capture the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv, Moscow has begun intensifying its efforts in the Eastern Russian separatist-controlled regions of Luhansk and Donbas, where they are slowly advancing.

Tens of thousands of Russian troops have died amid fierce resistance by the Ukrainians, who have in turn faced indiscriminate slaughter by Putin's forces. Mass graves outside the flattened Southern port city of Mariupol, for example, have been reported to contain 16,000 victims.

The Kremlin, meanwhile, has pushed the false narrative that Ukraine is a fake country filled with Nazis and that the greater number of its citizens who are massacred, the better. In a recent segment on Russia 1, Putin's stooges expanded on that grim objective, claiming that the only path to victory is to push Russia's borders as far to the West as possible and kill Zelenskyy (who has already survived multiple attempts on his life).

"How far away do we have to move Ukraine? How far away could you move a maniac, a ghoul, who wants to turn everything into dead meat?" propagandist Andrei Sidorchik asked his panel of Zelenskyy. "On which territory will this moment take place, when will this ghoul stop being a ghoul?"

Putin started this war, and that has only emboldened his minions into viciously dehumanizing the Ukrainian population.

"I'm telling you, we're fighting ghouls! They mystically want to turn everything into dead meat, they announce that openly," Sidorchik continued, which is not true. "We can only stop when they lose the opportunity to kill us. That's why, I'll say it again, the unclean can be stopped only when you drive a stake through it. When a stake is driven through Volodymyr Zelenskyy, then there will be peace. There is no other way."

Professor Vitaly Tretyakov, the Dean of the Higher School of Television at Moscow's Lomonosov State University, agreed.

The translation was provided by The Daily Beast's Julia Davis.

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