Poll exposes GOP hypocrisy on Trump removing classified docs from White House vs. Hillary Clinton’s emails

Poll exposes GOP hypocrisy on Trump removing classified docs from White House vs. Hillary Clinton’s emails
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton during the final presidential debate (Screencapture/PBS Newshour)

The vast majority of Americans believe Donald Trump removing classified and top-secret documents and storing them in his suite at Mar-a-Lago is “wrong,” “serious,” and warrants a criminal investigation by the Dept. of Justice.

A just-released poll by The Economist and YouGov finds seven in ten Americans (70%) say it’s important for presidents to follow the Presidential Records Act, including 90% of Biden voters and 68% of Trump voters.

But for Republicans, the bar is far higher for Hillary Clinton and her private email server – a far-less serious act.

More than nine out of ten Republicans say Clinton’s use of a personal email address – not a crime – was “serious,” but the majority of Republicans (52%) say Trump removing classified and even top-secret federal government documents from the White House for apparent post-presidency use – possibly if not likely a criminal act – was not.

The poll does reveal nearly eight in ten Americans (79%) say it was “more wrong,” than “more right” of Trump to remove the classified documents, including a strong majority of Republicans (61%).

Meanwhile, most Americans (57%) say they would approve of the Dept. of Justice opening a criminal investigation into Trump possibly violating the Presidential Records Act by removing the classified and even top-secret intelligence and national security documents. Only 29% of Republicans agree.

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