Jeff Zucker stuns with announcement of his abrupt resignation after secretive affair with ex-Cuomo staffer

Jeff Zucker stuns with announcement of his abrupt resignation after secretive affair with ex-Cuomo staffer
Image via Wikimedia Commons / David Shankbone

CNN Worldwide president Jeff Zucker has announced his resignation from the network, effective immediately. On Wednesday, February 2, Zucker released a memo explaining the reason for his resignation.

According to the memo, Zucker failed to disclose the nature of his consensual relationship with a colleague he'd worked with. Per Washington Examiner's Becket Adams, Zucker's relationship was discovered during the investigation into former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo's secretive efforts to assist his brother former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) during his sexual misconduct case.

"As part of the investigation into Chris Cuomo's tenure at CNN, I was asked about a consensual relationship with my closest colleague, someone I have worked with for more than 20 years," Zucker wrote. "I acknowledged the relationship evolved in recent years. I was required to disclose it when it began but I didn't. I was wrong. As a result, I am resigning today."

See the full memo below:

While Zucker did not specifically name the colleague he was referring to, CNN reports that it is Allison Gollust, the network's chief marketing officer. In a memo of her own, Gollust acknowledged their relationship.

"Jeff and I have been close friends and professional partners for over 20 years," Gollust wrote. "Recently, our relationship changed during COVID. I regret that we didn't disclose it at the right time. I'm incredibly proud of my time at CNN and look forward to continuing the great work we do everyday."

Shortly after Zucker submitted his resignation, WarnerMedia CEO Jason Kilar also released an email acknowledging that he'd accepted the notice.

"I have accepted Jeff Zucker's resignation as Chairman of WarnerMedia News and Sports, and President of CNN Worldwide. We thank Jeff for his contributions over the past 9 years." Kilar wrote, adding, "We will be announcing an interim leadership plan shortly. Both of these organizations are at the top of their respective games and are well prepared for their next chapters."

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