'Endless word salad': Trump critics pile on his 'desperately deranged' Texas rally speech

'Endless word salad': Trump critics pile on his 'desperately deranged' Texas rally speech
President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks at a September 11th Pentagon Observance Ceremony Wednesday, Sep.11, 2019, at the Pentagon in Arlington, Va. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)

During his speech before a Texas "Save America Rally" on Saturday night, Donald Trump's mouth got far ahead of his brain and he struggled at times to produce a coherent sentence that led rallygoers and viewers at home wondering what he was trying to say.

At one point in his meandering speech -- while using a teleprompter -- he began to talk about "these people" and what followed came out as, "“They censor, cancel and persecute ordinary citizens for speaking the truth while they ... drown your endless torment of ... I mean, what they do ... ”

That immediately led critics of the former president to comment on what one Twitter user called his "Endless word salad" while others piled on as you can see below:

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