1. Spring and Java

>> GraalVM 22.0 Released with Native Image Improvements [infoq.com]

Better module support, serial GC by default, new compiler optimizations, and more, in a new GraalVM release.

>> Inheritance vs Composition in JPA [jpa-buddy.com]

Maybe another case of composition over inheritance? Let’s see! different approaches to implement inheritance and composition in JPA.

>> Understanding Gradle plugins: the provider API [melix.github.io]

And an in-depth guide on how to write a Gradle plugin: lazy provider API, task dependencies, and worker API. An interesting read.

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical

>> Fixing Performance Regressions Before they Happen [netflixtechblog.com]

A good read on how Netflix prevents or detects anomalies and regressions using techniques like changepoint detection.

Also worth reading:

3. Musings

>> Beautiful technical debt (2022) [abdullin.com]

A different perspective on technical debt: sometimes embracing the technical debt and finding the real cause can be beneficial.

Also worth reading:

4. Comics

And my favorite Dilberts of the week:

>> Folksy Sayings [dilbert.com]

>> Compared To Your Imagination [dilbert.com]

>> Boss Gets A Birthday Chair [dilbert.com]

5. Pick of the Week

>> Either HELL YEAH! or no. [sive.rs]

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Java Weekly, Issue 423
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Java Weekly, Issue 421

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