Top Texas paper rakes AG Ken Paxton over the coals for acting as Trump's 'shameless toady'

Top Texas paper rakes AG Ken Paxton over the coals for acting as Trump's 'shameless toady'
The United States Department of Justice, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

In an editorial in the Houston Chronicle published on Monday, the paper's Editorial Board accused Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton of being a "shameless toady of former President Donald Trump" who has done everything within his power to further conspiracy theories about mass voter fraud in the 2020 election.

In the editorial, the board cites the "absurd lawsuit" Paxton filed last December calling on the Supreme Court to invalidate election results in four key states. "Keep in mind that Paxton was acting in his role as our attorney general, even as he served as co-chair of Lawyers for Trump, a coalition of Republican attorneys created to bring legal challenges to aid the campaign," the Board writes.

According to the board, Paxton's "election integrity unit" spent $2.2 million of the state's money looking for non-existent election fraud.

"...the unit closed just three cases this year, down from 17 last year, and opened seven new ones. Paxton’s office discovered no evidence of voter fraud in 2020, beyond isolated and picayune incidents affecting a handful of votes," they write.

"In the Republican primary, Paxton has two capable and worthy challengers, former Texas Supreme Court Justice Eva Guzman and current Land Commissioner George P. Bush. (U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert also is running.) The Democrats are fielding five candidates; the best known is former Galveston Mayor Joe Jaworski."

In other words, as thebBoard points out, the state has choices other than Paxton.

Read the full editorial at The Houston Chronicle.

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