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Downtown Coastal Bend businesses participate in a merry contest of community spirit

Executive Director of the Corpus Christi Downtown, Alyssa Barrera-Mason said that the event gives those a chance to experience the holiday spirit.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — If you've visited downtown then you may have noticed a caravan of illuminated golf carts driving around. 

It was all part of the Mayors Merriest Downtown Décor Contest. The caravan traveled downtown scoping out the merriest and brightest of local shops. 

The contest was sponsored by the NEC and hosted by the Downtown Management District. 

Executive Director of the Corpus Christi Downtown, Alyssa Barrera-Mason said that the event gives those a chance to experience the holiday spirit. 

"So, an event like this and all of the holiday inflations and decorations we have going on really gives the community an extra reason to come downtown and support local," Barrera-Mason said.

A total of 34 local businesses participated in this years contest. The winner will not officially be announced until the first City Council meeting of 2022. 

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