Prominent Senate Democrat accuses Mo Brooks of ‘taking the side of the bomber’

Prominent Senate Democrat accuses Mo Brooks of ‘taking the side of the bomber’
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U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT), a prominent Senate Democrat, is attacking Congressman Mo Brooks after the Alabama Republican posted a statement that many say offered support to a domestic terrorism suspect who hours ago allegedly threatened to blow up Washington, D.C. if President Joe Biden did not call him and resign.

"I know it seems like hyperbole when we say that Republicans have become enemies of democracy, but here is a mainstream Republican TAKING THE SIDE OF THE BOMBER," Senator Murphy tweeted.

Saying, "I understand citizenry anger," Brooks' statement appears to give support to the alleged terrorist.

Among his numerous assignments, Sen. Murphy is the chair of the Appropriation Committee's subcommittee on Homeland Security.

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