Donald Trump Jr. slammed after 'gloating' on Twitter over the turmoil in Afghanistan

Donald Trump Jr. slammed after 'gloating' on Twitter over the turmoil in Afghanistan
Fox News
News & Politics

Donald Trump Jr is being accused on Twitter of celebrating scenes of the Taliban's takeover in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Despite agreeing to the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan last year, Donald Trump's eldest son tweeted a string of brutal tweets against President Joe Biden and the way his administration over the weekend.

In a tweet, Trump Jr. said Biden's 'intelligence gurus' were wrong about Russian collusion, Russian bounties, China and Iran being in competition and heaps of other issues. So one Twitter user responded by saying: "your father's agreement with the Taliban started this chaos."

Last April, his father, former President Donald Trump said in a written statement that pulling all U.S. troops from Afghanistan was "a wonderful and positive thing to do," he just didn't agree with Biden's way of using 9/11 as a reason to do so.

On Aug. 9, the U.S. embassy in Kabul made a tweet regarding peaceful negotiations in Doha which was aptly titled #PeaceMonday. Days later, Trump Jr. retweeted it, mocking the idea of peace in the region.

A user named @TzuSays replied and said, "Imagine gloating while thousands of people are going to be killed."

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