Radio Stations

Station Spotlight: WYRQ

WYRQ 92.1 FM, Little Falls, Minnesota is our featured Brownfield partner station. Check out the WYRQ website and follow them on Facebook.

Here are a few things you should know about WYRQ:

How long has your station been on the air?

38 years

How long have you been a Brownfield affiliate?

7 years

What Brownfield programs do you air?

Dairy Update; Ag Weather Today; Managing for Profit; Morning Minnesota Ag News; Farmbreak; Closing Farmbreak

Tell us about the services your station provides.

We carry a local farm report that features both FFA and local farmers each weekday at 10am.  WYRQ has also carried Minnesota Twins Baseball for over 30 years and was named the 2016 John Gordon Affiliate of the Year.  We offer live local sports broadcasts for towns in central Minnesota.

Tell us about your community involvement.

WYRQ is heavily involved with Victory League amateur baseball, working with sister station KLTF to offer live play-by-play of games for nearly 50 years.

Tell us about any involvement you have, or coverage you provide, to any agriculture related groups.

 During National Ag Week, National FFA Week and other ag-related celebrations we feature young members of 4-H or FFA on WYRQ.

What other Learfield IMG College networks or services are you affiliated with?

WYRQ is an affiliate for the Minnesota Twins.

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