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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Food Truck Freedom Bill Introduced in General Assembly

The Illinois General Assembly recently introduced HB 3509, called the Food Truck Freedom Act. If passed, the bill would prohibit municipalities from requiring food truck businesses to obtain multiple licenses from the municipality regardless of how many trucks the business operates in that municipality. The bill would also require municipalities to recognize reciprocal business licenses issued to food truck businesses by different municipalities or local health departments. Additionally, the bill would prohibit municipalities or local health departments from imposing additional license qualification requirements on food truck businesses before issuing licenses. 

For initial business licenses, the bill would allow municipalities or local health department to charge a licensing fee to food truck businesses, but the fee can only reimburse the municipality for the actual cost of processing the business license. Subject to certain exceptions, the bill also prohibits municipalities from requiring a food truck business to pay any fee or obtain any permit for a special event on private property, regardless of whether the event is open or closed to the public. 

Please stay tuned for more updates as we continue monitoring HB 3509. 

Post Authored by Eugene Bolotnikov, Ancel Glink


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