Wednesday, February 17, 2021

NY Voters to Decide Constitutional Amendment about Environmental Rights

Voters in New York will decide a Ballot Measure, in November's General Election, that would Add the following Language to the State Constitution’s Bill of Rights: “Each person shall have a right to clean air and water, and a healthful environment.”

The Measure would make New York the Third State, after Pennsylvania and Montana, to adopt an Environmental Rights Amendment. Pennsylvania and Montana Adopted their Amendments in the 1970s.

State Legislators can refer Constitutional Amendments to the Ballot in New York by Approving them in Two Successive Legislation Sessions.

The State Senate Approved the Amendment 48-14 in January, with all 42 Democrats and Six Republicans Voting for it.

The State Assembly Approved the Amendment on Feb. 8th, 124 to 25, with all 106 Democrats, 17 Republicans, and One independent voting 'Yes'. Legislators previously Approved the Proposal in 2019.

New York became a Democratic Trifecta as a Result of the 2018 Elections.

Between 1995 and 2020, the New York State Legislature referred 25 Constitutional Amendments to the Ballot, with Voters Approving 19 or 76% of them.

The Last New York Election with Amendments on the Ballot was in November 2017.

November's Election in New York could have as many as Six Amendments to the State Constitution.

On Jan. 20th, the Legislature Approved an Amendment that would make Changes to the State’s Redistricting Process, including the Current Redistricting Cycle. The Measure would Change Vote Thresholds for Adopting a Redistricting Plan when One Political Party Controls Both Legislative Chambers and would Add Requirements for Counting certain Persons for Redistricting Purposes.

The Environmental Rights Amendment is the Second Measure Approved for the Ballot.

CLICK HERE for More Information about The New York Environmental Rights Amendment.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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