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Tumblr Thread: Cats Confused By Bird Videos

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    Rectangle - muckkles Follow i pulled up this video on youtube that was like 8 hours of birds for cats to watch and i sat my cat in front of it and i didnt think shed be interested cuz she never watches tv or anything but she is Hypnotized

    Honestly, we're impressed that YouTube has this kind of content on offer - catering to all audiences, we see. Very impressive. Now, all we need is to have our cats actually turn their heads towards the screen instead of shoving their bootie into it and sending confusing mails to our bosses.

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    Cat - she accidentally paused the video 101-1-

    Okay, we're convinced, where is that YouTube video? We need it, we need our cats to watch it, we need our cats super confused and cat-musing. 8 hours? That's nothing. So long as our cat is watching, god knows we're spent longer periods watching our cats do nothing at all.  

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    Photograph - nothingweirdhere Follow so i tried this and
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    Font - heereandthere Follow Oh, my God! We used to put these on for my cat!! Whenever we would put it on a phone or tablet, she would try to tap the screen to catch the birds and, at some points, would continuously pause it. Once I put a string video on my phone and she got so excitable about it I had to take it away for fear of her scratching the screen. She loved the videos so much that she got to the point where, any time we had a handheld device, she would come up and stare at it with big ey
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    Font - cheriisplace Follow Human! How do I get in here!? showingOresultsforsanity Follow They'll hyperfocus on this but won't twitch an ear when I am DESPERATELY trying to get their attention by squiggling my fingers across the blankets ok fine then 123,366 notes

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