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Douglas Roche Dreams of World Peace

VIDEO: The Red Tory has lived a long and remarkable life. Here’s why he’s still holding out hope for the future.

Olamide Olaniyan 5 Jan

Olamide Olaniyan is associate editor at The Tyee. Follow him on Twitter @olapalooza.

What do Canada, the United Nations and the Vatican have in common? All three have recognized and honoured politician, diplomat and author Douglas Roche.

In a recent conversation with Canadian scholar and author Michael Byers at the Salt Spring Forum, the former member of Parliament, ambassador and senator talked about his new book Recovery: Peace Prospects in the Biden Era and explained why he’s optimistic about the Joe Biden administration and the next four years of global politics.

The 91-year-old Roche, who’s lived through the Second World War, the Cold War, the Gulf War and the Iraq War and still believes that peace is within reach, joined the forum virtually from Edmonton, Alberta.

The self-described “Bob Stanfield conservative” has spent a large part of his life devoted to the peace agenda and nuclear disarmament. Through the interview, he talked about why the prohibition of nuclear weapons is so important and voices his dismay at Canada’s refusal to lead on the topic and multilateralism more broadly.

Come for Roche’s thoughts on the triple emergencies facing humanity — climate change, nuclear weapons and COVID-19 — and stay for his call for curbing the military industrial complex and rethinking how we approach human security.  [Tyee]

Read more: Politics

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