Trump is ‘terrified’ of losing power because he’ll lose relevance in American culture: NYT’s Tom Friedman

Trump is ‘terrified’ of losing power because he’ll lose relevance in American culture: NYT’s Tom Friedman
Common Dreams
Experts: It’s possible — and necessary — to stop Trump from running in 2024

On CNN Monday, New York Times columnist Tom Friedman broke down the reason why outgoing President Donald Trump is "terrified" of losing his office.

"Clearly, President Trump is going to attempt to stay in the headline as much as possible, and whatever network he ends up and doing whatever he's going to do on," said anchor Anderson Cooper. "Obviously Twitter and things like that, and maybe he'll start merchandising stuff and make paid speeches to people who admire him. He's going to do everything he can. Do you think that he'll be able to maintain the sort of grip he has on so many people, or out of office, he'll be like so many people on talk radio?"

"We talked about this once before," said Friedman. "I pointed out that former Secretary of State Jim Baker joked that, how do you know you're out of power in Washington? It's when your limousine is yellow and your driver speaks Farsi. So what will Trump's grip on that be when he's out of power? Trump understands power. He's terrified that the phone calls won't be answered so quickly. Maybe the access to Fox News won't be so great."

"The real culprit here, and the truly shocking thing beyond his behavior, is that at this point in this election and at this point in this pandemic, there are not five or ten Republican senators who just said enough, sorry, this election is over, this pandemic has not even begun to crest, I am not participating in this any longer," added Friedman. "When you think of people who already go to prison to suffer the worst pain in defense of human rights, and these people won't give up their free parking place at National Airport to do the right thing? It is so shameful."

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