Tuesday, July 7, 2020

U.S. House Climate Action Plan

As the Devastating Consequences of Climate Change worsen across our Country and around the World, the need for a Bold Plan of Action to address the Climate Crisis and Avoid the Next Great Public Health Crisis has never been so Crucial.

The House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis spent the Last year Working with Leaders and Experts across the Country to Develop a Climate Crisis Action Plan that gives Congress a Blueprint for how to Build a Clean Energy Economy that Values Workers, Advances Economic and Environmental Justice, and is Prepared to Meet the Challenges of the Climate Crisis.

The Climate Crisis Action Plan lays out Hundreds of Recommendations for Comprehensive Congressional Action and Centers on 12 Key Pillars. These Recommendations offer an Array of Policy Solutions that can Benefit Communities across the Country, whether they are: Rural or Urban; Create Good, Local Jobs; and Reduce Pollution.

The most Relevant Chapters to Disaster Risk Reduction, are:

- Invest in Infrastructure to Build a Just, Equitable, and Resilient, Clean Energy Economy (p. 31).

- Improve Public Health and Manage Climate Risks to Health Infrastructure (p. 313).

- Invest in American Agriculture for Climate Solutions (p. 339).

- Make U.S. Communities more Resilient to the Impacts of Climate Change (p. 374).

- Protect and Restore America's Lands, Waters, Ocean, and Wildlife (p. 428).

- Confront Climate Risks to America's National Security (p. 503).

Congress must Address the Climate Crisis and make climate Action a Priority.

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