Sunday, June 14, 2020

How India Business Tracing Covid-19

HCL Technologies, Ltd., India's Third Largest IT Outsourcer, has started to bring back its 150,000 Workers, but its Not Business as Usual.

First traveling Workers, instead of a Packed Company Bus, now use Sanitized Company Cabs.

When you arrive at the Office Complex:

- At the Gates of the Complex, you're Thermally Scanned.

- Answers 14 Questions, on the Company's App on your Smart Phone, to determine if you recently come in Contact with an Infected Person.

- Waits to be greenlighted by yet another App, the Indian Government Mandated Tracking Program, called Aarogya Setu, which uses GPS and Bluetooth Data to determine whether you have been within 6 feet of someone known to have the Coronavirus.

- Finally, Items you brought, like Laptop, Briefcase or Bag, are Sanitized.

Now you are again take a Sanitized Ride on a Company Transportation, to One of Four Towers on the 46 acre Technology Park.

Here, Pandemic Minders watch Employees' every move. Elevators that used to ferry dozens now have markings for Four, with Toothpicks suppled to tap your floor. Large X Signs, which Forbid Sitting, are everywhere. Yellow Tape bar Entry to Closed areas.

Many India Companies say they may Never bring the Bulk of their Workers back to the Offices, now that they see they can work with Remote Workers.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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